Tuesday, May 09, 2017


This post is dedicated to the guy we call "Two Observations and a Parking Permit." You may be winning one from what I can tell based on this email from Mulgrew that came today.

Dear James,
I have news that many UFT members will welcome: Parking procedures for school employees are about to change. Every school employee who has a car will receive a Department of Education-issued parking permit, and effective May 18 the school’s on-street parking spots will become available on a first-come, first-served basis. There will not be a special on-street parking permit for the principal, the custodian or any other employee. (Off-street parking is not affected.)
Your DOE-issued permit will indicate your school and the specific on-street parking locations you may use. Your permit will not be valid outside any other school.
The number of parking slots allotted for each school and the times when they are reserved for school employees will not change. The DOE is issuing the permits, but the city Department of Transportation will continue to oversee where school employees can park on the street.
Itinerate employees (those who travel from school to school) and district-based employees represented by the UFT will receive a special permit that will allow them to park outside any school if a spot should be available. School employees who visit the same specific schools each week will get permits for each school to which they are assigned.
Principals are being notified of this change in the May 9 Principal’s Weekly, but I wanted you to know first.
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your chapter leader or your district rep at your UFT borough office.

Michael Mulgrew
UFT President


  1. Probably because ATRs will be force placed in any borough the DOE wishes. Get something, Give something

  2. While the passes are nice...It only affects some, and it costs the city zero. Some dont drive, some have parking lots...

  3. Parking Permit Guy here and I am friggin' sooooooooooooo excited about this that I can hardly contain myself! This is the biggest and best news the UFT has done for us in years. I honestly think that the UFT reads these blogs and they know how pissed teachers have been over this parking debacle. It was all done due to Bloomberg. DeBlasio just got a guarantee vote from tons of NYC teachers. Happy and proud of the UFT today!!!

    (I am the Parking Permit Guy and I approve this message)

  4. Ya know what the sad thing is, as said above this costs the city nothing, its something we should have had all along, the uft will tout this as a victory, and we will continue to get screwed 50 other ways...

  5. Yes, it costs the city nothing but Bloomberg took them away from us due to his "green" campaign. There was NO WAY that Bloomberg would give us our parking permits back. The UFT must have finally brought this up to DeBlasio due to the rank and file being so angry and DeBlasio listened. I am not fooling myself into thinking that this was done for any other reason but to get teachers to not quit the UFT once we become a right to work state or that this is an easy ploy to get DeBlasio re-election votes. But guess what? I don't care. Haters gonna hate but this is a victory for us. We might get screwed in other ways but tonight is a big victory. i hope Bloomberg is pissed right now about all of this. Bey Bloomberg: Bite me!

  6. The other great thing about this, is that I do not see any future mayor wanting to try and take these permits away again in the future. Precedent has been set due to the fact that we had parking permits for dozens of years with no problems, then a fanatic mayor took them away thinking that it would reduced traffic. (taking away the permits in fact did not reduce traffic) Now we are getting them back and a future mayor would be pretty hard pressed to try and take the permits away in the future. Let's see which other NYC municipal workers are going to get their permits back. Bloomberg reduced permits by 60% across all municipal workforces in the city. However, in the long haul, I see us getting to keep our permits this time around. Time to crack some beers to celebrate!

  7. Gee thanks Mike! Maybe I won't dump the union in the future after all....... NOT!

  8. Bloomberg really took them away to reduce traffic? It just causes tens of thousands of teachers to drive around polluting the air and wasting gas for 45 minutes every morning. If they don't find a spot then it adds to the thousands of double parked cars blocking everyone in during parking rule hours. Next step would be making street cleaning once a week per side. Notice how when rules are canceled there's no more garbage than usual in the streets?

  9. 6:28. You have got to be freaking kidding me. Some have parking lots so screw the rest of you? I have been to schools where they wouldn't let me park in their precious parking lots. This is a big win for teachers try having some solidarity for your fellow teachers that do drive.


  11. I'm concerned because I don't see anything about it on uft website. Am I missing something?

  12. Some people are always looking around the corner instead of what's directly in front of their face

  13. Who cares when so many teachers are being attacked.

  14. UFT should go for the full court press and get us 2 observations as mandated by NYS law. The UFT could get us 2 observations just as easily by simply holding one meeting with DOE and send a letter to NYSED asking for 2 observations. This change would effect literally every single teacher in NYC instead of just the teachers who drive and want parking permits. You can do it UFT!!!

  15. If I read Mulgrew correctly, this only affects on street parking which many schools, including mine, do not have. Schools with lots not impacted.

  16. Actually this is the only positive change from the Bloomberg admin since deBlasio came in; and it's the only 'Victory' the UFT can honestly claim. "Feed them with a spoon and collect with a shovel." The UFT's true motto.

  17. This sounds a little like getting a compliment instead of a raise.

  18. Big deal. We never should have had permits revoked

    We all know how uft works

    Just bc thy day it's happening doesn't mean anythibg

  19. Yes James, thats what i wrote above, while its good, it doesnt affect everyone, so many get nothing out of this. It costs the city nothing. We should have never lost this. Im happy if i need a pass, but we have far bigger fish to fry...

  20. I read the blogs regularly but I've decided that I'm going to stop. It's the same old story with the same people commenting. It's always complain, complain, complain. There is no action just people complaining. I wish you all the best.

  21. I think it's great and real VICTORY for us poor saps.

  22. Are ATRs considered itinerant? Did not Mulgrew say ATRs would get passes for each school they are assigned to? Which can be confusing! We should just get one pass for all the NYC schools!

    1. There are no more ATRs, the only thing is the UFT didn't bother to tell the ATRs.

  23. My point. We will see nothing but things which put us in a worse situation...but, the city threw us a bone, which cost them nothing, and the uft claims victory.

  24. Are substitute teaches considered itinerant employees? After 40 days of employement, a substitute whether you like it or not is considered an employee of the Nycdoe. So I would think substitute teachers would be able to request a parking permit. What do you think?

  25. I believe that a sub would indeed be able to get a permit IF they have 40 days of continuous employment. However, in my many years of teaching in NYC I have seen very few principals who keep someone the full 40 days as it costs more. I have seen tons get let go after day 39. Best of luck though!

    1. Actually according to Confl ict of interest board attorney you need 40 days or more of employment. This makes you an employee of the doenyc. It need not be continuous. The bump in pay from or diem to z status is on the 30th day in the same position which is why principals make you be absent on day 30.

  26. The parking placards will do nothing for anyone. In schools that do have on street parking the spaces are still limited. In all of District 22 in Brooklyn there are only 2 schools that have on street parking which consists of a total of 12 parking spaces. First come first served will still enable the custodial, kitchen, and school safety agents the coveted spaces. The truth is the permits aren't worth the paper they are printed on. Count on plenty of parking tickets being issued for having a permit in your windshield in a spot that is not designated.

  27. Parking permits were "taken" away by Bloomberg in 2008. They were NEVER capable of being used in spots other than designated DOE parking spots in front of schools. This is a big win for us getting them back as the system since 2008 has been rotating permits. A school might have 40 spots out front but only 40 teachers will have the permits at a time for a few weeks. Everyone else must find parking elsewhere of pay for a parking lot. Point is that any parking should always be first come first serve and that is what we are returning to and I am very glad that this is the way it is. I was around before 2008 and the system worked fine. Rotating permits was a logistical nightmare and screwed teachers who are actually willing to get up early to get a parking spot in front of a school.

  28. Major concern for itinerants is the fact that these are DOE parking permits. Does this mean only designated for "DOE" spots and not applicable for alternate side parking, no parking zones, free meters, etc? (DOT parking passes allow for these). Itinerants are never the first to a school as our job is to travel constantly between up to 5 schools a day. I, for one, am not celebrating just yet until the details are really given on what the rules are related to these permits. It potentially can make our lives a whole lot harder.

  29. Been teaching in NYC over 2 decades, When we all had parking permits there were for use for parking spots right in front of schools in designated DOE spots and the signs are still there for use for the few permits we have today. You can NOT use them in front of meeters, fire zones, etc. I am surprised that some people think that is the case.

  30. Next step is less observations and if they want CTLE hours then they should be provided in school during school hours and for free. This is a big deal that nobody is talking about.

  31. My school has tons of parking right in front of the building and behind.... guess what..... they are not DoE spots... the one down hill street that we took turns parking in during the parking pass lottery is all we have..... so this.... solved nothing for our school.... admins use the mini lot and give their cronies spots In there ....

    How about we free up those sports and make them designated DoE spots hmmm ?? McKee on SI needs some love....

  32. They sent an email recently saying in school pd doesn't count unless it's from an approved outside provider.

  33. Next step: 2 observations! C'mon Mikey, you can do it!!!

  34. Correct me if I am way off but all the schools I have worked in have an off street spot on school grounds reserved for the principal and one for the custodian. These spots won't be impacted by this ruling.

    Why do people think de Blasio gave us this? He has given us nothing except a lousy contract and a teacher bashing chancellor in four years. Why would he suddenly give in on this issue? At least right now it is looking like he is going to cruise to reelection simply because there isn't anyone viable running against him. He doesn't need us.

    Mulgrew is not exactly the most transparent union leader but I very much doubt he makes up an arbitration decision and thanks the union's lawyer on the case too.

  35. Are ATRs going to be force placed in the borough in which they work or can they be placed in any borough?
    Oh...thanx for the permit

  36. Should be in district if they follow contract.

  37. Thank you...Miguel sends a letter about permits but silencio on ATR deal.
    Oh, thanks for the permit.

  38. Thank you...Miguel sends a letter about permits but silencio on ATR deal.
    Oh, thanks for the permit.

  39. I KNEW IT! Mulgrew did nothing to get us our parking permits back. We did not win them due to the UFT going to arbitration. The CSA (principals union) won their arbitration case to get their permits back. However, DeBlasio decided to give them to teachers as well. Check the front page of the NY Post for the full story. DeBlasio gave the teachers permits as a gift with the goal of securing reelection votes. Do not believe for one second that the UFT had anything to do with this. Mulgrew can't claim victory on his part since he did not even have the balls to take the DOE to arbitration like the CSA did. Of course we are all excited for getting our permits back but we should be thanking DeBlasio and not the UFT on this.

  40. We have posted a new piece on the parking.

  41. There will be many unhappy UFT members tomorrow when you see that not all teachers are going to receive placards as stated. The permits are only being issued to those schools where there is DOT approved parking spaces around schools. For those of you without DOT approved parking, you won't be getting any permit. So not only did UFT do nothing to secure the permits on any members behalf as stated in the NY Post but they also gave out false information stating all UFT members will get a parking permit.

  42. What do we have to do to get our passes today?


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