Monday, June 05, 2017


Our correspondent Mike Schirtzer is sending us information from tonight's Executive Board.

President Michael Mulgrew reported that Teacher's Choice would be going up next year.

Arthur Goldstein asked a question on why there won't be a vote on the new ATR Agreement. Secretary Howie Schoor answered that there is no obligation for the Union to take a vote on the agreement.

Amy Arundell said that ATR's who take the severance package will get the lump sum payments through 2020 if they retire but will not get them if they resign.

One of the teacher members of the retirement board says the UFT pension people are ready for individual consultations.

Here is the MORE-New Action resolution in support of the elected bodies of the UFT and ATRs themselves voting on the new ATR agreement:

 Whereas the UFT Constitution states in ARTICLE V EXECUTIVE BOARD-SECTION 6.  that "The Executive Board shall direct the affairs of this organization"

Whereas ARTICE VII DELEGATE ASSEMBLY- SECTION 6 states "The Delegate Assembly shall have the power to legislate all matters"  and has repeatedly been referred to as "the highest decision making body of our union" by President Michael Mulgrew

Whereas UFT members under the title "ATR" do not have a chapter of their own, nor a chapter leader or delegate 

Whereas an agreement regarding  the status of ATRs was bargained and signed by representatives from the UFT and City of New York without the formation of a committee to do so, nor a vote by this executive board or the DA

Resolved that there will be meetings in the five  boroughs for ATRS to discuss and vote on any agreement regarding their status

Be it further resolved that the UFT DA and Executive Board will discuss and vote on any agreement in accordance with the UFT Constitution  and consistent with our union's democratic process 

Mike Schirtzer from MORE motivated this resolution. He said it was about process more than anything and the Movement of Rank and File Educators stands for democratizing the UFT. Mike said process is important and one of the ways to engage members when our union is under threat with the Janus Supreme Court case possibly ending automatic dues checkoff is to have people vote. This may be a good deal and it isn't really about the deal, it is about having something that impacts ATR's being voted on by the people impacted. ATRs need to be consulted.Democratic process is crucial to saving our union.

Mike also noted that the Unity majority voted against every resolution that came from the MORE caucus all year. Every one of them. If MORE said the sky is blue, Unity would say it is green!

The Unity response to Mike boils down to the fact that they talk to the ATRs all the time and they are excited by this deal because it gives them opportunity to make their own decisions.

The Unity majority overwhelmingly rejected democracy and voted down the resolution. The MORE-NEW ACTION High School Reps all voted to support the resolution. Unfortunately, our reps were outnumbered about 90-5 at the meeting.

For more details on the meeting, please see NYC Educator.

Also see Ed Notes.


  1. Its not a matter of retire or resigning, its a matter of how old you are, I cant legally retire, because Im too young, therefore, this buyout deal would destroy me, I get penalized. I get a 50k check, which is 25k after taxes, lose ALL the retro, which is as much as the buyout, so its like im just getting the retro, you choose buyout or retro, either way I lose, then my salary, my medical, my tda contributions are gone, i will collect no pension for 20 years, then a tiny one...There should have been something if you are too young to retire, either buyout and retro, or start paying the tiny pension now...something.

    1. And you cannot sue them for discrimination.

  2. Our Union is useless.

  3. So what's the big deal. The DoE has reason to believe there will be a significant number of people who will take the buyout, so they offered it. If it's not for you, don't take it. But, this lockstep condemnation of the UFT is really idiotic. If they really wanted to get rid of ATR's, they'd just force place them. Half of them would retire immediately, and half the remaining ones wouldn't make it to Christmas. But, the DoE refuses to do it, and they offer half baked measures like this. Why should the UFT say no? It benefits a few and leaves the rest at status quo, which most of them prefer.

    1. @8:15 writes "if they really wanted to get rid of ATRs,they'd just force place them..."??? It's idiotic to condemn the UFT??? I must be missing something

  4. Anon 8:15

    Most people have far commutes as is. Why would the uft make this commute worse?

  5. They are force placing us. And they never talked to me, I don't support this, I don't have a choice. They buyout is useless, I have only 15 years so far, and I don't have a choice to be placed where I want to mbe...

  6. How about a vote on it if it is so good? Not a big deal and not hard to do.

  7. We know the answer. There are several simple things that could have been done to make it a better deal to us lowly teachers. Just like the 2014 deal, why was retro delayed till 2020, why none in 2016, and no interest, and the 8% raises given 2% at a time, why 0 in raises 2011 2012, why such tiny raises 1.5% per year from 2013 till 2018? Any of those things could have been better but none were, and the jackass teachers all voted for it. So here we are again, forced placements, no choice, no list to submit, people like me who live in Staten Island and work in brooklyn stll cant get a change, the hardship travel clause is still ignored, the buyout is garbage, I cant retire, too young

  8. They're not force placing anyone in a permanent position. The principals don't want us because of 1. Cost 2. Seniority 3. Knowing our rights.They always forced placed provisionally and will continue to do so. This is about showing the saving of $187,000,000 on the NYC budget for Deblasio. If you really want to bust balls call the comptroller's office and explain this ruse. Or Sue Edleman. Mulgrew is part of it. This wasn't voted on and done secretly with DeBlasio and Mulgrew to avoid scrutiny. This is unethical accounting which attempts to deceive the taxpayers of NYC, Everything is exactly the same except maybe now we won't be rotated. So instead of babysitting in 9 schools for the year, you stay in one.

  9. Being in 1 building can produce plenty of problems, like having conflict with a principal and being rated poorly, etc...Easier to butt heads if you are in place for 10 months.

  10. You're missing the point this is unethical at best, illegal at worse - and it implicates Mulgrew.

  11. Ok, wanna guess if anything will ever happen to him?

  12. They say they negotiate for all, but anybody who is not retirement eligible, unless they are gonna quit anyway, will not take this buyout.

  13. Bottom line, same old story, lucky to have a job, take your pay, medical, get abused, wait for the retro, the raise next spring and see what happens with the December 2018 contract.

    1. The UFT has been in cahoots with the DOE for a long time. They are very dishonest.

  14. Mulgrew has sold out to the Pluto's!

  15. Double talk, lies, and total bullshit. A couple of ATR lackeys were asked their opinions and this is their statistical population and input from ATRs. Same number Randi used when she polled the AFT for Hillary's endorsement over Sanders. This is a union in name only.

    1. Remember, the DOE's real mission is to get rid of senior teachers at all costs and if the students are collateral damage, so be it. It is consistent with Tweed's "education on the cheap" and "children last" programs. Unfortunately, our Union seems quite happy to ignore the DOE's abuse of their senior teachers. The field supervisors come with an agenda to rate ATRs in a capricious, and arbitrary way. These policies have not changed under the current mayor.

  16. The buyout shows that everything that these ATR field supervisors told us it was a lie. They told us they are here to help us find a job when their main purpose was to rate us U, or to harass us. Once more our UFT agreed to have ATRs observed in classes out of license, and with students they met for the first time. The observation process is set up in a an arbitrary and capricious way to target ATRs. This is how they pay you back after many years of service while they continue to hire young teachers, and some of them uncertified or less qualified. Does it sound like systemic age discrimination or not?

  17. At least the UFT got rid of the "unprofessional conduct" clause, no expedited 3020a hearings, and no automatic resignation if you miss an assignment or mandatory interview!

    1. That expired in June of 2016. You give credit for that?

  18. The old rules for excessing were permanent forced placements or "bumping". At the end of the year there was a senior transfer list that you could apply to and if you had enough seniority you might get the job. These temporary placements keep ATRS in limbo.

  19. The UFT cannot continue to support that a group of teachers are treated differently than others. The whole thing can lead to a discrimination lawsuit

    1. The DOE will still be allowed to have two lists of ATRs. The first list for ATRs who came from closing schools or programs and the other for ATRs who survived their 3020-a discipline hearings. Based on past placements, the DOE only recommends hiring from the first list and only when there are no ATRs left on the first list will ATRs who won their 3020-a termination hearings be offered a vacancy. To ensure that ATRs who won their 3020-a hearings are not offered a position, the Scarlet Letter (red flag) remains on their file for principals to see, even when the ATR was found not to have committed the charge. The average age of an ATR is around 53, so this qualifies as age discrimination. Many fellow teachers that are being hired have not completed their masters, or are completely inexperienced. There are rumors that Tweed had encouraged Principals to target their more senior staff.

  20. @4:53 does this mean 3020a survivors will Not be placed?

  21. Most of them are too old, and they were made incompetent.

  22. ATR field supervisors are getting ready to deliver many unsatisfactory ratings for the year (between 25 to 30 percent). They have gathered proof that many veteran teachers cannot teach anymore. They have observed ATRs in classes of students the ATRs never met before, they have chosen classes for the ATRs of students that are not well behaved, or they have observed ATRs out of license. They know they have a lot of power, and they know that Mulgrew is happy to have ATRs observed. They now that experienced teachers become incompetent overnight, and this is an opportunity for them to shine.

  23. If there are no more ATRs there should be no more ATR supervisors. That'll save money. Where is the information on any of this in the current agreement. If you are an ATR do not take the crapola buyout. Let Dumb and Dumber, the two excited ATRs mentioned at the UFT executive meeting take it.

    1. Who will make ATRs miserable? Who will harass ATRs?

  24. Article 78 should be filed for any ATR who came from a 3020-a and isn't placed. The ed law specifically states the hearing process is three only way to discipline and if the DOE adds additional penalty, a member can file an grievance or Article 78.

    1. The grievances are getting automatically rejected.

    2. Article 78 grievances? By the time they are heard, the school year will be over. 3020a survivors will really feel the heat of the supervisors

  25. Mulgrew shows up at the EB for eight minutes (sometimes he doesn't show at all) and blithely announces that we'll be a right-to-work (for less)country and state at this time next year, and has no plan for dealing with the consequences of that.

    But Teacher's Choice is going up next year, so I guess it all works out.

    1. He should be rated U, and harassed by ATR field supervisor. That way he would get another perspective.

  26. Was Mulgrew observed and harassed when he was a substitute because ATRs are being harassed by field supervisors.


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