Monday, June 26, 2017


One of the rewards for messing up the public schools in NYC is that new opportunities are always available.

This came from Jeff Kaufman this morning.


The America-Israel Friendship League announced on Sunday that Joel Klein will serve as its new president.

Klein replaces Kenneth J. Bialkin, who has served as both chairman and president of the organization since 2013. Bialkin will remain as AIFL chairman of the board, a position he has held since 1995. Klein is currently the chief policy and strategy officer at Oscar Health, and he previously served as chancellor of the New York City Department of Education, where he oversaw more than 1,600 schools, with 1.1 million students, 136,000 employees and a $22-billion budget.

“I am honored to join AIFL, an organization that does so much to broaden public knowledge of, and support for, Israel,” Klein said.


  1. He will turn any peace movement into a war. Good thing North Korea didn't hire him. He makes Trump look like the Dali Lama.

  2. Klein was the mastermind of the age discrimination going on in NYC schools, a.k.a. the ATR pool. It was a very slick plan,entering through the back door by creating individualized school budgets. This brilliant scheme succeeded in turning the senior teacher into a financial burden. But the most sickening part of it is our union, the UFT signed off on it.

  3. What on earth does Klein know about friendship? I mean, there's Eva Moskowitz, but beyond that I don't see it.

  4. Did the UFT support fair student funding? I know the union endorsed the creation of the ATR pool in the horrific 2005 contract. This started the war on seniority. However, I am not as certain that we ever endorsed fair student funding. What is the evidence 9:02?

    I recall an age discrimination suit that didn't go anywhere based on this but does the union have control over how management wants to fund schools?

    Could the UFT have demanded impact bargaining because this is a change in the working conditions? Not sure. Have to research this.


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