Saturday, July 15, 2017


The latest Quinnipiac poll has Governor Andrew Cuomo down to a 46% approval rating. Since his disapproval is at 38%, it isn't so bad. However, Cuomo was at 52% approval in March so he is going in the wrong direction.

The real positive news in the poll is that a majority of New Yorkers don't think Cuomo would be a good president.

From the poll:

11. Do you think Andrew Cuomo would make a good President or not?
                                                               COLLEGE DEG
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    No
Yes                  34%    17%    49%    29%    32%    36%    32%    30%
No                   56     83     38     60     59     53     59     61
DK/NA                10      -     12     11      9     12      9      9
                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....           Non-
                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Wht
Yes                  34%    32%    39%    33%    27%    34%    31%    43%
No                   53     60     53     57     65     57     60     46
DK/NA                13      8      8     10      8     10      9     12
                     UpStat NYC    Sub
Yes                  27%    40%    36%
No                   66     48     52
DK/NA                 7     12     12

That 56% no number is encouraging.

As for former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, his corruption conviction was overturned on Thursday. This is not a surprise as the United States Supreme Court made corruption convictions for public officials very difficult in a rather awful 9-0 decision we reported on in June of 2016. Under these rules, I don't think it will be easy to convict Silver in a new trial.


  1. Can Silver go back to his position? He was a true friend, not like that reptile Cuomo - who makes Trump look good.

  2. You can't be that smart if you think a disgraced politician who escapes on a technicality is going to get back in the assembly and get the speaker's job back.

  3. I used to live in Washington DC and knew Marion Barry. How smart are you, asshole?

  4. C'mon man or is it maam. Silver gotta be close to 80. He's out of the assembly and isn't the speaker. I am sorry if I insulted your intelligence. You got one on me if you knew DC's crack smoking mayor.

  5. Maybe lend Cuomo and the current leaders Barry's crack pipe and then they might then have an excuse for passing so many stupid laws.

  6. Barry was convicted and then served six months in prison. His conviction was not in any way overturned. He later came out of prison and ran and won. His constituency saw him as a mistreated hero and a victim of racial discrimination (crack smoking notwithstanding).

  7. He had much more character than Cuomo. I liked him very much.

  8. Nobody did more coke than good old boy W. I would have voted for Marion as president.

  9. This is why I enjoy writing here. We have Marion Barry supporters and Trump followers coexisting. Not too many bloggers can say that. Thanks all.

  10. Cuomo is propped up by his NYC numbers - has been for years now. If the morons who live in NYC ever realized how much he's fucked them (esp. w/ the MTA), he'd be well under water overall. But people are stupid - especially registered Democrats - and they appear not to know what a scumbag Cuomo is. He leads a charmed life and he's pretty good at making it look like he knows what he's doing even though he doesn't (see all those NY ads they run that act as Cuomo commercials.) Plus the tabloids basically leave him alone, so he doesn't get the kind of drubbing de Blasio gets daily by the NY Post. That said, there is the Percoco and Howe trials coming up, and if people are paying any attention at all, they will see what a criminal enterprise Cuomo has been running up there in Albany. Alas, I suspect people will not be paying attention...

    Shelly's conviction getting overturned was not a surprise given the SCOTUS ruling on McDonnell. I have read that the Skelos convictions are vulnerable to it as well, though the Skelos case, with Adam's wiretaps, would make you think it's a classic quid pro quo. Alas, we live in a corrupt country that is rotten to the core and rigged for the elites, so I would not be surprised to see Dean and Adam get out of jail free too. As for a Shelly retrial, SDNY says they will, but who knows - wasn't a slam dunk conviction the first time around, will be even harder a second time.

  11. Always glad to hear from Reality Based Educator.

    I do not think Skelos gets overturned but I would not be surprised if it is. Shelly will win retrial after McDonnell where Supreme Court pretty much sanctioned corruption. The rule now is the wink and nod are legal.

    We live in a corrupt country for sure and work in a corrupt school system with a union leadership that is not accountable defending us. Troubled times for sure.

  12. Yes and the corruption will continue when next year at this timeSCOTUS overturns Janus and the hedge fund set completes their total destruction of public Ed. Local leadership and membership shares in the blame for allowing the charade of NYSUT up in Latham to continue unchecked. Disaffiliate now and worry about your local members if you want to survive


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