Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Mike Fiorillo sent out this piece from In These Times on the Trump nominees for the National Labor Relations Board. One of the reasons I vote Democratic, even though the Democrats have pretty much neglected labor, is because when Democrats control the federal bureaucracy working people tend to have a little less difficulty organizing into unions. Here is what the In These Times article says about Trump's NLRB:

It might not get as much press coverage as other Donald Trump administration calamities, but the U.S. president is set to appoint a known union buster to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), push the body to a Republican majority and reverse Obama-era protections that rankle Big Business.

And further down In These Times makes some frightening NLRB projections:

Trump is putting the NLRB in the position to undo a number of important Obama-era labor decisions. His NLRB could potentially reverse rulings that made it easier for small groups of workers to unionize, established grad students as employees, put charter school employees under NLRB jurisdiction, and held parent companies jointly liable for with franchise operators who break labor laws. Writing about the imminent anti-union crackdown on this website in May, Shaun Richman wrote, “Unions and their allies should be convening research teams to plot out a campaign of regulatory and judicial activism. That work should begin now.”

Darker days are here for unions and it will probably get worse before it gets better.


  1. We deserve it...Nobody cares.

  2. Don't be dramatic 12:55AM. We do care and every other union member in other jobs outside the DOE. Don't speak for everybody. Whether or not there are reservations with our union, we do care. This is a very important topic so speak for yourself.

  3. Yeah sure, we have taken the beating from our union, students and admin for so long and have done nothing...We dont even stand up and force the discipline code to be enforced when a student says they will beat the shit out of us.

  4. The way studets have been allowed to basically run these buildings and make a sham out of the system, we've lost control and its pretty clear we arent getting it back.

  5. Not gonna go blow by blow...Agree with 1035, look at the 2014 contract, the way we got taken to the cleaners, IN EVERY SINGLE ASPECT, and 77% voted yes, couple that with the daily abuse, yes, its over, we have given up, we get our salary, get whipped, go home, then come back...And we get punished if we tell a student to stop blasting music? Or if we fail a student who deserves to fail...

  6. I am still battling against DOE and UFT as are many others. We just need a bigger movement.

  7. Different approaches and methods get imposed on school staff. It's called Restorative Justice. Restorative Justice alone is not going to do it. Society needs to address the socio-economic conditions and the young need to respect authority and elders. A lot of that has been lost. Remember when allowing students to call a teacher by their first name? That began many, many years ago and look where it has led. I think that union members do care 12:55, but James is right. There needs to be a movement. Divide and conquer has been implemented by the powers and it is up to the people to fight back. Obviously the approach the DOE is not working. Something is missing.

  8. Yes... We do deserve it because we keep allowing state wide union leaders to play their games and get away with it. More and more Long Island locals are talking disaffiliation and when the mother ship in Latham collapses post Janus suburban locals who have not disaffiliated will need to look at other options. I am not a UFT member but if I were I would be circulating forms for members to sign directing that post Janus I am withdrawing my authorization to deduct dues. It is only then will our so called leaders realize they must listen to the rank and file. The time to start is now

    1. They have fertile charter fields to unionize.

      Abigail Shure


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