Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Donald Trump's election looked like a disaster for the public schools but we're through the majority of year one of the Trump administration, and public schools are still standing and the charter sector is on the run.

Democrats who want to privatize education can no longer hide behind President Barack Obama and former Education Secretary Arne Duncan when they want to defend awful policy to promote charters and de-fund public education. Now they're stuck with Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos as their standard bearers.

Read this from Politico:

Democrats for Education Reform president Shavar Jeffries resigned from the Success Academy board of directors earlier this summer, POLITICO has learned, the latest sign of how Donald Trump’s presidency is dividing the national school choice movement.

Jeffries, one of the charter school sector's most prominent black leaders, has emerged as its most vocal critic of Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. That's put him on a collision course with Success CEO Eva Moskowitz, who has made a point of defending both the president and DeVos. 

Mind you, I am not regretting my vote against Trump as he is attempting to fill the federal judiciary with extreme right wing judges who are not going to be labor or public employee union friendly. I don't think it helps workers either when the Republicans control the federal bureaucracy.  Throw in the war mongering, incompetence and just plain insanity and these are not great days but on education reform, Trump and DeVos may be the best weapon to divide the anti-public school movement and slow it down.

Charters may no longer be cool. They are worried that the truth is catching up to them that they are not public schools trying to provide opportunities for minority children. They are union busters pure and simple looking to make a fortune from education money.


  1. Yes, the words out about charter greed.

  2. I worked for a KIPP charter school in the early 2000's and it was nightmare. They treated the students and staff in a horrible manner and there was no public oversight at all. My exact thoughts back then were that someday "word will get out" on how truly disgusting charter schools really are. I am beyond delighted that due to the efforts of bloggers and unions word is finally getting out about what charter schools are really like. Charter schools can't hide how they run things anymore. To all the bloggers out there: KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT!

  3. Charter schools are like cults.

  4. Good to hear from you KIPP worker from the early 2000s.

  5. Know someone that worked in a charter school and told me it's not a good work environment and the charter school tried to stiff this person of their last check.

  6. As much as I hate the UFT, I am at least happy that we still have some rights left such as due process and set school hours/calendar. Charter school teachers can be fired at any time for any reason and are forced to work tons of hours for little pay.


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