Tuesday, October 10, 2017


The UFT sent out a text saying that some members have incorrect deductions on our October 16 checks. Consequently, the Department of Education has shut down the payroll portal.

Many of us can do some math but can we seriously tell if the DOE is paying us the right amount in these interest free loan repayment checks?

The UFT article is below:

Incorrect deduction information on DOE's payroll portal

Some UFT members who have viewed their lump-sum checks on the DOE's payroll portal have noticed that their deductions appear to have been doubled. This information is incorrect.
The DOE verified to the UFT that the deductions shown on the pay stub in the portal are incorrect, but that the check displaying in the portal does reflect the correct amount.

The portal has been shut down while corrections are being made, which should take about a day or so. Please wait until the portal is back up and running before making an inquiry about your payment.


  1. Par for the course, it keeps getting worse.

  2. They must be using the same useless SESIS contactors to run the retro pay...

  3. NYC DOE technology is equivalent to something from mid 90's Wyoming. Where do they get such horrible technology? I'm sure they pay 100's of times what it's worth. Best city in the world, right? And this is the crap we get.

  4. I never knew it was even possible to downgrade browser sessions to use web sites until I started at the DOE.

  5. The least we can get for our dues is a union that will make sure its members are paid correctly. Can't the dozens and dozens of UFT bureaucrats sitting around collecting six-figure salaries actually do something productive? Cant wait to see Janus put these fat cats on a diet.

  6. It would be great to see the fat cats on a diet, but the fat cats will punish all UFT members. They will make us pay in some way for the benefits we get from them. Full time UFT members get prescription coverage, but once you retire you have to pay for an optional rider to get prescriptions. Right now a single person with GHI pays 125.00 per month out of their pension for
    prescriptions. As of last year the UFT would reimburse 62.50 per month once a year, but if they lose Janus, retirees won't see a penny back. The UFT deserves to pay, but they will make each and every member suffer if they stop paying dues.

  7. The retirees need to look out for the active people who are treated horribly in the schools.

  8. Anonymous 9:57: Many retirees will abandon the union if the perks disappear. Didn't the UFT recently tip the scale so retirees have more pull with UFT elections? If the cash refunds go away so will the retiree mmembership.

  9. Reatirees join because they get something. What about active people?

  10. Why are the union dues more in this paycheck? Anybody have an answer why they are taking more money from us for dues?

  11. They collected the dues the first time when these checks were paid in those years. They don't need to take them again. Before 2015, they never did this on retro payments. I guess they can make the argument that these dues are only for the extra money but it is rather weak and before 2015 it was not taken on retro.

  12. My uft does were over $200. How much did they take from top salary teachers?

  13. Dues are based on the percentage of the 8B salary. They should be identical for everyone who worked since November of 2009. They are not. This is bogus.


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