Wednesday, November 08, 2017


No need for mourning today. 83% voted against a constitutional convention for NYS.

Labor's mobilization was excellent. What a difference compared to 2016 election night, however anyone who floats with Janus looming is not being realistic.

Mulgrew's email
Dear James,
We did it — together!
The proposal on a state constitutional convention was soundly defeated.
The Vote NO campaign was a case study in how engaged and informed union members can mobilize to protect their rights and benefits. We are stronger when we stand united.
Six months ago, polls looked bleak but UFT members like you helped turned it around with good old-fashioned organizing work: chapter meetings on the constitutional convention; staffing phone banks; pledging to contact friends and family members; leafleting outside schools and door-knocking; sharing Vote NO graphics and videos on social media; wearing Vote NO buttons on coats; displaying Vote NO magnets on cars; and putting Vote NO signs on our lawns and in our windows.
The same forces we just defeated in the Vote NO campaign will be coming right back at public employees in the anti-union Janus vs. AFSCME lawsuit that is before the U.S. Supreme Court.
We can stop our enemies in their tracks even if the court rules in their favor, just like we did in the Vote NO campaign. But we must stick together. Paying union dues and contributing to COPE are how we keep our union strong — and protect our hard-won rights and benefits.
Again, thanks for helping to defeat a constitutional convention.

Michael Mulgrew
UFT President


  1. Con Con is a totally different animal than Janus. Pretty much everyone knew there would not be a Con Con. On the same token, pretty much everyone knows that Janus will win.

  2. The fact that the Unity Machine is going to go door to door about Janus but did not go door to door about Con Con shows that the UFT is indeed fearful of the reality of a post-Janus world.

  3. Mulgrew is beginning to sound like Cuomo. I guess to UFT's imaginary TV ad against Con-Con persuaded the average voter.

  4. Is it too soon to start the campaign against a 2037 constitutional convention. Seems like it's the only political victory the UFT is capable of


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