Sunday, December 31, 2017


Mike Schirtzer reached out last night hoping that the UFT would join in helping the clothing drive in the Bronx for the survivors of Thursday's deadly fire. No need to wait for a UFT answer, we are asking people to do what they can for these people. If you are in the Bronx or can get there today, please donate a coat or some clothing.

Church of Saint Martin of Tours
2239 Crotona Avenue (E. 182nd St/Garden Street)

Sunday 12/31, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Mike's email to UFT officials:

Hello friends,

I know you all are as saddened and disturbed as we are by the tragic fire in the Bronx. Would it be possible for UFT to send out a message via text and email to our members about this clothing drive in The Bronx which is being sponsored by the Mayor's office, FDNY, NYPD and several other city agencies? 

I know it is late notice and other drives may come, but this seems like something that is urgent.

If there is anything you all would suggest we can do on our end please let us know.

Thank you folks and sorry to have to reach out under these circumstances

Mike Schirtzer


  1. I helped by subsidizing the city with a $54000 loan! I helped by paying city tax, state tax and federal tax! I don’t understand why you’re asking for money from us.

    1. Asking for coats and clothes. Keep your money.

  2. Unfortunately no answer, though I'm sure UFT will plan a donation drive soon.

  3. Parental supervision? Sounds familiar...

  4. I watch their children 7 hours a day, so they don’t burn down the school. That’s enough, leave them with the parents and this is what happens.

  5. Farina just said on ABC that her proudest achievements are grad rate, which is a fraud, college ready rate, which is 33%, and teacher respect, which is in the toilet.

    1. She will be remembered for sealing the Bloomberg Klein legacy.


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