Sunday, January 07, 2018


Many of our students have more sense than me as NY 1 reported that only 53% of the NYC public school students attended school on Friday.

The Eterno family took a vote late Thursday and split 2-2 on whether to go in on Friday (we take democracy seriously in my house). My daughter is a very dedicated student and my wife is a devoted teacher. They both wanted to go to school. My son and I voted to stay home. I went along with the ladies and went to school but our littlest one spent the day sleeping at his grandmother's. Clearly, he was the smartest in the family at three years of age. That day at pre-school that he missed will more than likely not hinder his development.

My daughter went to school at PS 191Q but her teacher and much of her class were absent. My wife had a difficult journey on the icy subway platforms, stairs and streets but made it to her job at the Academy of American Studies at Lehman College in the Bronx where administration was happy to see her and most of her students in that specialized high school were actually present. I trudged on over across Queens to Middle College and had a fairly easy day.

In case you are interested in the thinking that goes on at City Hall on whether or not to close schools, check out this story from NY 1. The "beautiful day" line from Carmen Farina back in 2014 was something we should all remember maybe as something positive as the public heat the Mayor and Chancellor took after that rather thoughtless remark seems to have had the effect of changing de Blasio's thinking on closing schools during snowstorms.

In the past, we probably would not have had Thursday off. If we had Friday off too, it would have really been a remarkable change from City Hall.


  1. Ten students is the most I had in one class. My lowest was four. Ironically, I made the ten mile trip from my home in Nassau County to Northeast Queens in 25 minutes. I'm fortunate it was a relatively easy trip in and an even easier day at work.

  2. I’d have gone in also if I worked in a school like your’s or your wife’s. Unfortunately I work in the 7th level of hell for a leadership academy principal.

  3. I checked my school's attendance. 35%- most of the kids are walkers. I didn't go in, but about half of staff was absent. If I knew for sure I could have gotten Uber, I probably would have gone in- but didn't want to say I was coming and have to call out last minute.

  4. I had on average, about 80%, and I taught all my classes the lesson I had planned for Thursday. I teach HS. Many of my students travel so my morning classes had fewer kids because of their commute.

  5. We are now starting the surveys, you know, the one where students who are 20 years old with 30 arrests tell me Im bad, so the principal can review it...Of course this is only to make me a better teacher. The nerve of everyone involved to allow this.

  6. If we had Friday off, it would have meant we had no more snow days. It would have also meant that any future snow days would have to be made up. So while I didn't make it in on Friday, along with 89 other teachers from my building, we may be grateful in April when we have a spring break.

  7. NYC educator, Last year we only worked 183 school days. This year we are working 185. How do we have the same number of only 2 snow days in the calendar? Please explain this to me. I don't get it.

  8. That is 183 last year before the two snow days.

  9. I don't know, James. I just remember Mulgrew saying at the DA that we had to snow days this year before we had to make up days. I could be wrong. It's happened once or twice before.

  10. Mulgrew told us we had only 2 snow days.

  11. Every day is a snow day for Mulgrew and his bunch of bananas.

  12. Why do the Nyc schools never do weather delayed openings?

  13. Good question, particularly with so many subway delays.

  14. I’ll be honest. As a commuter who drives, I would be more apt to go in on bad weather days if there were delayed openings.

    This way, I could have more time to drive more cautiously and have more time to park.

    However, delayed openings would make sense. The doe does not.

    Also, I feel it all goes back to us being a babysitting service.


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