Wednesday, January 17, 2018


David Bloomield is a CUNY Education Professor. The NY Post asked him to do an op-ed on who the next NYC schools chancellor should be. Bloomfield writes a rational piece and proposes some real candidates who are not against teachers to be the chancellor.

It is the Post so a few of the teacher bashers like John King are raised just like they were in the almost completely anti-teacher candidates put forward by a NY Times editorial. However, Bloomfield in the Post puts forward qualified candidates, for example Josh Starr, who certainly are not known for blaming teachers for the problems in education.

If Bill de Blasio were bold and really wanted to show off his progressive credentials, he would take on the charters and stand up for public education as a signature issue. It might make a few donors unhappy but he would win politically. I don't see that happening but you never know.

More likely, we can expect more of the same of Bloomberg lite, featuring closing schools, testing, testing and more testing, continued pressure on teachers to pass students who do not deserve to in order to make statistics look good and lawyers everywhere to attack us.


  1. Whoever it is Mulgrew and gang will grovel at his feet. Then the UFT cheerleaders will commence in an extravagance seen only in ancient times.

  2. Then Janus will hit and reality will bite for them.

  3. De Blasio deserves all the blame he gets for allowing Psycho Principals to run wild, but I wouldn't be as harsh on him about charters. After all, he tried to do the right thing early in his first term and had his ass handed to him. And where was the UFT when he tried to stand up to Moskowitz? Where was MORE, for that matter?

    Oh, I remember now: the UFT was solidifying its role as a company union, and MORE was debating how many Oppressed Peoples can dance on the head of a pin...

    1. Yes, Michael. You’re about to get attacked by the MORE king Norm.

  4. Chancellor has always been more or less a figurehead when it comes to our day to day working conditions. He or she really does not mess with what teachers are actually doing in the classroom. However, the City and the UFT are 100% responsible for our horrible working conditions ever since the 2005 contract. Since then, it has all been downhill. Don't blame the chancellor, blame the city bargaining lawyers and the UFT honchoes who deal behind closed doors when contract time comes around. (Like right now!)

  5. The denotes guy should be the next chancellor. The DOE needs a fighter and he knows the system.

  6. Janus will bite the UFT in its ass,
    Your relationship with the UFT is similar to very bad marriage.
    Divorce them. Don't become the enablers of a horrible relationship.

  7. 75% of teachers don't know what Janus is and 99% don't care, me included.

  8. The right wing will spend a lot of money on advertising trying to convince people to quit UFT and other unions to leave unions after we lose Janus. Expect it. Everyone will be informed.

  9. 5:22 is promoting EdNotes, aka Norm Scott for chancellor. Great idea.

  10. Anonymous said...Yes, Michael. You’re about to get attacked by the MORE king Norm. Wednesday, January 17, 2018 1:46:00 PM

    Your ignorance shows up with every comment. --- that Norm ednotes guy.

    1. Lol. It must be killing you not to rip into Michael.

  11. Michael Mulgrew has failed us big time.


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