Sunday, January 21, 2018


Sue Edelman from the NY Post has risen to the occasion by exposing much of the corruption and downright horror stories in the New York City school system again and again. She really does some excellent reporting.

Edelman has done three news stories in the last two weeks on yet another principal from hell: Emmanuel Polanco from JHSMS 80 in the Bronx. Her article earlier this month exposing Polanco convinced  more people to speak up so students and families of mistreated students have come forward.

This is how the school was described by insiders in Edelman's original January 6, 2018 piece:

Despite receiving millions in extra dollars and services, the 655-student Norwood school suffers from out-of-control students, filthy, unsafe conditions and thuggish administrators who try to keep the horrors under wraps, insiders have told authorities.

Further down we read:

Several teachers have begged for help from union, city, state and federal officials, calling Polanco — who starred in a seedy 2014 rap video as “El Siki” — a bully who boasts of friendship with Chancellor Carmen Fariña and instills fear in his faculty.

Now something from Edelman's January 13 article on Polanco inflicting corporal punishment on a student:

The Principal of a troubled Bronx middle school shoved a 14-year-old boy against a stairway wall, repeatedly jabbed his fingers into the teen's chest and screamed in his face, "I know you wanna hit me--hit me!," the youth says in an explosive claim.

Emmanuel Polanco of JHS/MS 80 in Norwood assaulted and humiliated 8th grader Jeremie Francis last April because he was "on the wrong floor" --even after the boy told the principal he was headed to a music teacher's room for a guitar lesson, according to the claim.

Another Sunday and today there is a new story on  the wrath of  Principal Polanco as Edelman keeps up the pressure on the Department of Education:

A Bronx principal accused of being a bully yanked an 8th-grader from an advanced class and confined him to a room without a desk for the rest of the school year — because he wasn’t wearing the school uniform shirt, the teen’s family says.
JHS/MS 80 Principal Emmanuel Polanco isolated 13-year-old Wilfred Maisonet last April because he “wanted to make an example of him,” his parents told The Post. 

I read all three articles and then searched Google looking for a UFT reaction. Only blogger Chaz has touched this one in detail. He pointed out quite correctly that any teacher accused of corporal punishment would have been out of that school in about about half a second while Polanco stays on as principal.

We actually did find something in the January 8, 2018 Norwood News where the UFT does comment.
Meantime, officials with the United Federation of Teachers (UFT), the union representing public school teachers, also met with staffers. A UFT rep held an open forum, gauging teachers on how they felt about the news story. In a statement, Richard Mantell, UFT vice president for middle schools, said the union “alerted the Department of Education to a slew of bad decisions by this particular principal.”
“Some changes have been made but the bulk of our complaints are still outstanding. So we will continue to advocate,” said Mantell.
 Is that enough to "continue to advocate"?

Where is the outrage from the UFT concerning this principal from hell? Small wonder we are so weak and teachers are so easily pushed around by an uncaring school system.


  1. Mulgrew is in bed with these corrupt Principals. The UFT Queens office even stopped a rallye against Dwarka. Easy credits, corruption and age discrimination. Thank you Mulgrew for helping destroy our schools.

  2. The UFT needs to advocate and fight for its members, like the principal's union does theirs.

  3. At least teachers want to do the right thing. Administrators want rates. They don't care. They will lie, cheat, harass, intimidate, 3020a teachers and other staff to get the RATE. It is truly sad.

  4. And? Just like every other article, nothing improves or changes.

  5. How has Kayode been stopped?

  6. Kayode Ayetiwa has not been stopped. Besides here, there has been no publicity on his misdeeds at Humanities and the Arts.

  7. The UFT does not even enforce the contract anymore. Many grievances and APPRs complaints are denied.

  8. There are 400 such principals according to Fariña.

    1. And the UFT hasn’t gotten rid of even one.

    2. Fariña and Mulgrew like Principals targeting senior teachers.

  9. Precisely. Keep telling us to pay dues. Get me the fuck out of this disgusting, poor excuse for a job.

  10. NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Police were searching Sunday night for a suspect who punched a man in the face and knocked him out inside a Brooklyn supermarket.

    The incident happened around 6:55 p.m. Saturday in the Ideal Food Basket store at 1410 St. John’s Pl. in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, police said.

    The suspect punched a 32-year-old man in the face following a quarrel and caused the victim to lose consciousness and fall to the floor, police said.

    The victim suffered a fractured shoulder and cuts to his face, police said.

    The assailant was described as a black male in his 30s, standing 6 feet 1 inch tall, with glasses and his hair in dreadlocks. He was last seen wearing a dark colored coat, beige pants and brown shoes.

  11. Are ATRs rotating next week ?

  12. about tottenville h.s. and its' abusive principal. UFT leadership is aware and even met with Cahncellor's reps about him. yet nothing.... and it seems it is not even discussed in executive board anymore or brought up to see where it stands

  13. What an awful story. Part of me wants to say we are not getting the full picture here. Why anyone would treat an honors student like that is crazy. But given that I have worked with crazies in the past, sad as it is, I believe it.

    Of course it will continue, because it's all the teacher's fault.

  14. Since we are on the topic of the depraved individuals who are running the DOE NYC, let me tell you my story. I truly cannot wrap my head around this. I am a substitute teacher who was a NYCDOE teacher for a good number of years. I took a substitute high school job off of subcentral and the start time for the job on the subcentral system was 8:20AM. I was there on time and covered the math program. My last class was at the end of the school day which was the end time on the subcentral listing of 2:40PM. I punched out and was not told anything by anyone in charge. I said goodbye and that was it. Four weeks later, I received my check. I was docked for 30 minutes for not staying the required time of 6 hours and 50 minutes. Of course, as an employee, I assumed that the start and end times of the schedule listed in subcentral are correct and that I would not have to verify these start and end times since they came from the DOE. Additionally, this is the first time I had been to this building, so I had so many things to learn about the school without having to worry if the teacher's program is short on time. The only good outcome is that it forced me to figure out how much I make a minute. A substitute makes 43 cents a minute and being docked 30 minutes comes out to $12.89. So I lost $12.89 from that day's work. I just can't see the reasoning behind this pettiness. There was nothing for me to do except stand by the clock for 30 minutes. This is just an illustration of how incredibly dysfunctional the NYCDOE has become.

  15. Always was a bit dysfunctional. Now it is also quite mean in many places and teachers have received less than enthusiastic support from the UFT when asking for help in too many schools.

    1. The UFT is corrupt and useless. Age discrimination, abuse, and nonsense is supported by the UFT.

  16. This is my alma mater. I live streamed the CEC held at this school it was a dog and pony show and pep rally. It was a hijacked meeting, a spectacle complete with a marching band, parents in tsgirts, kids with speeches peppered with adult language attended by a cadre of the upper level CSA members.

    The CEC had to make clear their mtg was scheduled in august and was not about the scandals facing the school.

    This did not matter, the school hijacked the meeting on their turn had parents fill the sign up sheet. No one spoke on the School construction Authority expenditures, nor questioned the expenditures on consultants admitted by the CEC during their truncated mtg. The conduct of jhs 80 derailed the purpose of the CEC mtg to have a video and still pictures to defend this embattled principal, a member of csa and ADASA.
    They circled the wagons. Principals gave speeches, kids called their peers "troubled" while adults called whistleblowers "disgruntled" they never adressed the accusations, and cannot refute them. They went on a fake news rant against the media. Called it a witch hunt.

    The principal is on the list at


    1. You see howCSA defends its members.The mighty UFT does nothing.

  17. Anon 4:10

    That's awful but I am not surprised. It's so odd, to be honest. I am an ATR and have been in some schools where they say "You must stay the full time." I've been other places where they don't seem to care.

    I worked at a school last year where I didn't go to any of the afterschool meetings. No one ever said anything about attending them. That was my reasoning. No one found out or called me out for not going either. The dysfunction works both ways, as in, it can harm you but it can also hurt you. I don't advise doing that by the way, I guess I was just testing to see what I can get away with.

    Every school is different though and these past two years have filled me with hope, knowing there are good schools out there. Not every school is run by crazy know nothings who will dock you evaluation points because they didn't like the font you used for your rubric.


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