Wednesday, February 14, 2018


We came to school dressed in red at Middle College High School to show our union pride today.

As we were taking our picture, I thought that if instead of this being a simple display of solidarity, what if it really were building to some kind of real action?

If we ever displayed our real muscle as teachers unified, we would be a powerful force. Let's build that movement for a real union. It can be done.


  1. Yeah, sure, as my school is being abused by a principal, as the CL stands there and laughs.

  2. There is an old military saying: "Armies with the fanciest uniforms usually loose the war".

  3. My school, which has under 400 students, is adding a 3rd AP. The city is broke? The city is rich? Proper use of funds?

  4. Those who work in the schools that are not under attack should take the lead in helping out here. I have been in tough situations with administrators. I understand how bad it is in certain hellhole schools. It does not get better until the day all of us say no more collectively.

  5. Thats the thing, many are untenured and others dont want to get targeted. Nobody will stand up. Like I said countless times, blah, blah, blah, the torture continues.

  6. Trump, Sessions and Christie should come out for gun control instead all the bs about pills and pot.

  7. You won't see the bigots commenting on the Tuesday school shooting in Florida. The kid was not black. We cannot get solidarity until people open their minds and realize color is not the big problem.

  8. Right, he was hispanic you fucking idiot. BUILD THE WALL.

    1. The kid is white and a member of a white supremest group. Last names aren’t accurate indicators of race - take it from someone who knows.

  9. Um, when 7% of the population is black male, and 46% of the prison population is black male, yes, its the problem of crime and disrespect in our schools.

  10. My last name is Cruz and my parents are from Spain- I’m not Hispanic. Just like the WASP with the last name Washington isn’t Black.

  11. Back to the students who make up 80%. As the system has gotten more minority, it has gotten worse. That is a statistical fact.

  12. Hispanic isn’t a race and someone from Spain; where the culture originated is Hispanic.

    1. Nope I’m 100% White not Hispanic. FariƱa is White too.

    2. Spanish, not Hispanic.

    3. And I don’t care what the US government says about it!

  13. How come when I check a student report card, every teacher writes...excessive absences, talkative, failing tests, no homework, not meeting standards, disruptive, distracts...then that kid passes every single class.

  14. 5:41 - The excuses stop in college if get attend college. This is why there is a low college completion rate. The report card comments signal what is going on in the classes, the grade what is going on in the DOE/within schools with respect to grade inflation.

  15. Copy and paste those report cards, send them to Susan Edelman, the supe, chancellor and the rest of the media, along with a sample of writing from a hs student who writes like a 5 year old.

    1. While on fraud, how come my lunch period is 45 minutes but all my instructional periods are 60 minutes?

  16. Be happy @11:12AM. Would you rather leave 15 minutes later?

  17. Spoken like a uft rep. Be happy im being screwed?


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