Sunday, March 04, 2018


We all expect the public sector unions to lose the Janus Supreme Court case by a vote of 5-4. If union dues become optional in the public sector, how will the Union leaders respond?

Most people expect the same old arrogance and disregard for the membership from the UFT hierarchy, especially in the high schools that often don't vote for Mulgrew's Unity Caucus. The officers probably figure they can bamboozle the rank and file as they have regularly done in the past (see 2005, 2014 contracts and 2013, 2017 evaluation systems for examples). There might be some show of militancy to soothe people like those that read this blog but it probably will not be too strong nor will it last. This will more than likely lead to many defections from the Union. However, maybe the leaders of the UFT can learn from history. I'm skeptical but I like to remain hopeful. Or, maybe the rank and file will force the center of gravity in the UFT to move in an activist direction.

From the Supreme Court oral argument in Janus we have our future pretty much laid out in front of us based on what has happened historically when unions have lost automatic dues collection from non-members. David Franklin is the the solicitor general of Illinois arguing for the unions and the justices ask him questions.

JUSTICE KAGAN: Mr. -- Mr. Franklin,

Mr. Messenger has suggested, and -- and -- and General Francisco, that if we overruled Abood (end agency fees for non union members), things would in a few years get back to normal. The state would pass a new statute, and these municipal contracts would all be renegotiated and it wouldn't be any real issue. So could you -- what do you think about that? What would the difficulties be, if any, if the state -- if -- if the Court were to overrule Abood?

MR. FRANKLIN: I'm happy to speak to that, Justice Kagan. Here's what we know, and, obviously, we're on a motion to dismiss, but more broadly, what we know is that tangibly, when these kinds of obligations of financial support become voluntary, union membership goes down, union density rates go down, union resources go down. We've seen it again and again. Mancur Olson spoke about it in the foundational text of behavioral economics. We also know that, intangibly, there are plenty of studies that show that when unions are deprived of agency fees, they tend to become more militant, more confrontational, they go out in search of short-term gains that they can bring back to their members and say stick with us.

That sounds positive but if we read on, the Franklin lays out a more pessimistic future.

CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: Well, the argument on the other side, of course, is that the need to attract voluntary payments will make the unions more efficient, more effective, more attractive to a broader group of their employees. What's wrong with that?

MR. FRANKLIN: Well, two things that -- that I would say about that. First, the studies that I've read indicate that, yes, there can be an initial first flush of mobilization and organizing when something like this gets taken away, but that over the long term, human nature and basic economics dictate that the free-rider problem will become endemic and, not only that, but contagious, because if I'm an employee and I stick with a union and others over time decide not to, my fees and my dues are going to go up and up and up and the pressure on me to make the same choice will increase as well.
David Franklin has seen the future. The UFT will emerge from Janus and will probably at least try to fake militancy to get members to stay in the union. However, right wing advertisements will try to convince us to leave the UFT and as people see their wages and benefits won't be cut right away if they are not in the union, many will leave to save their dues money and tell others to do the same. The UFT will then be even weaker than it already is so the chances of getting a decent contract will be less than zero. That will lead to even more defections.

A smart union would say all hands on deck; we must stick together to save ourselves even if we all must make sacrifices, including the leadership who should reform by forming a coalition with many groups within the union. It is hard to see the UFT leadership going in this direction. They have been far too pompous for far too long. They have no accountability because we in the opposition have no way to reach the almost 200,000 members of the UFT. Therefore, we could never compete in an election except in the high schools where members know us and we often win on a platform of a more militant union.

Maybe Janus will sober Mulgrew and Unity Caucus up, but a better way to do that would be for us to start a grassroots movement from below to ensure real militancy. It is happening in West Virginia, a right to work state. It can happen in union friendly, progressive NY. We need to lead from the ground.


  1. I want Unity and Mulgrew gone but not at the expense of the whole union. Ill pay My dues and vote against them until theyre gone.

    1. Why would they ever go? Mulgrew gets $250k plus, his wife’s got a gig there too and his sister is a millionaire from DOE contracts.
      Screw the UFT, I’m out.

  2. You want to sleep in the same bed as these bastards. I say start a new union; one that really represents us.

  3. Question...How dare you say "If Janus, then bad contract." Look at the 2005 and 2014, with a friendly mayor, who we supported. And please dont give me the "Well, it will be worse" bullshit. We have fallen for that too many times. This is the deal, if Janus, we dont pay dues until we see positive change, in several ways. If the uft side somehow wins, and there is no positive change, we need to walk out. Period.

  4. 11:52, they will never be voted out, as bad as things are, Mulgrew got almost 80% of the vote. Pulling dues or walking out are the only options. My principal takes advantage of us all the time, young staff, etc. Rampant grade fraud everywhere. CL does nothing. Boro Rep does nothing. That goes on in many schools. Need a drastic statement to be made.

  5. 12% over 3 years, fair transfer system, 8.25% TDA, Retro paid in full this fall, enforced discipline code, no more grade fraud, no more of this SBO garbage, 1 observation if tenured with good record...tons of ways UFT can assist before we walk out...

  6. Dream on. And when you all quit the UFT, how is there going to be a better contract then?

  7. Nobody is saying quit the UFT. We’re saying stop listening to them. Wildcat strike, and let our union “leaders” follow us as the teachers in West Virginia did.

    Let’s set up an online document where people can add demands for our contract. We’ll let people up vote and down vote these demands. Then, we write a formal list of these demands and set a deadline, and hand deliver it to de Blasio (without Mulgrew present, cut his dumbass out of the picture).

    Back in the day it was understood that union leaders worked for *us*, and when they stopped doing that we just go right past them.

  8. There he goes again. Dont quit because...That has passed, we had the UFT, who delivered us the worst contract in history and the longest which makes it even worse. Not falling for that scam. If we are gonna get screwed, let it all burn to the ground.

    1. It burns to the ground., then what? You didn’t mention what next because you don’t really care. You’re so obsessed with saving a buck, or, venting your spleen, that you’d like to see us have no union.

      Why don’t you advocate for something constructive? There’s a multitude of options, but, you just want to complain. Mulgrew has been relying on apathetic grumps like you for the last 8 years.

  9. Yeah, this wait and see hasnt worked., We keep getting destroyed. When will we learn? At firing? At retirement? Action is needed. No dues is first, strike is next. Decide. We have 3 months left this school year. Contract should be negotiated now so we know what direction to go in...

  10. I still strongly believe and see that neither the UFT, nor the membership, understand that Alberto Carvalho was not a shot across the bow, he was a nuclear weapon's attack! De Blasio declared war against teachers and the UFT and we don't seem to have even noticed!!!!

    Janus is a national issue and right on the front burner of our minds, but that is a slow moving train wreck. Many of us will be retired before the full effects of Janus are felt. However, putting in a radical Chancellor with the pzazz, swag, "cultural protections", etc. to get things like merit pay, a multi-tiered pay system based on ratings, the firing of hundreds of principals who are NOT abusive to their staff, the ability to force through contractual changes we will not like, etc. is her now and will affect us immediately!

    Wake the F up!

    1. I see it too.

      We just got a sneak preview of what they have planned for us.

    2. Very true. The UFT only cares about our dues.

  11. Wrong 337, i will stop paying, many wont, which welcomes the same to continue. Its torture as is, and its not about saving 1400...Its about paying mulgrew 300k while nothing gets better, only way to change that is to stop paying since they cant lose an election.

  12. Contract ends in November. YOu demand the city negotiate now. You are officially delusional.

  13. Pull the plug on dues and DRAIN THE SWAMP.

    Lets get rid of all those career union FATCATS that are feeding off membership like LEECHES.

    Put them back into the classroom and let them experience first hand what we on the front lines are up against.

  14. 3:39 nailed it! Carvalho was a sneak attack. Lucky for us it blew up and now we know. Time to go on offense, now! Before de Blasio staggers to his feet. He just knocked himself out, and we need to make sure he stays down.

  15. Mulgrew has been uncharacteristically quiet. What gives?

  16. Anonymous March 4 4:21pm I am a born and raised union diehard. Marched with the NYTimes rank and file as a child during the NY newspaper strikes. I admit that I agree with you. We have had a big fat f.... you from the UFT for more than the past 25 years. They are feeding off the member’s hard work like leeches. Some of them were decent and backed up into offering nothing to members in need. UFT needs to recognize that it’s now or never. They’ve already lost the support of the majority of members.....

  17. 408, not delusional.
    1. Contracts have been agreed upon early
    2. Janus is upon us
    3. New Chancellor maybe incoming
    4. Contract needs to be agreed upon, announced, read, voted on, ratified, etc, so either now or right at start of school year...Its not that early.
    5. UFT wants us to keep paying in, what better way then to get us a good deal?

  18. Dont forget changes to observations...and if they want to get some higher salaries out, a fair ATR buyout.

  19. Only a fool will continue to enable the corrupt dysfunctional UFT by paying them their dues.

  20. Right. Its not about whats next. Its about making a change because our begging hasnt worked. Actually, things have gotten way worse.

  21. Funny stuff. We have liberals arguing that by allowing members not to pay due we will create a free-rider epidemic. Duh!!!! We’ve been creating that in this country for over a half century. Now your worried about it you fool. Where’s my free stuff, which will shortly include free union protection. You can’t make this shit up.

  22. Welfare for everyone. All you blacks and dems want it, i want it too.

    1. You’re an angry troll. You make no sense. Go away, please.

    2. Not angry my confused liberal friend just pointing out the absurdity of the liberal mind. It’s a scary place. Got go back to my safe place now enjoy the last few hours of sanity before school starts.

    3. Fine. Go to your safe space and rage about snowflakes while knitting patches for your Klan robe. Whatever makes you happy. Just go away.

    4. The old kkk argument, you are so creative. God bless!

  23. Read what 5:38 said!

  24. Typical double standard. Back on topic, unity has had enough chances and were proven worthless, ill take my chances with janus or resignation.

  25. I understand what you are saying, but for the life of me I just can't make the leap. I can afford the dues easily. I'm an older teacher and my family is in a very secure financial position; The money is not the issue at all, however I do not value the UFT and feel an overwhelming desire to hurt it.

    Our last couple contracts have been horrible, but each gets more deranged. I'm still waiting for over forty-thousand-dollars in 2009 dollars. It's been nearly 10 years I've waited. That's absolutely ridiculous! Find me another example in all of NYC contract history or for the matter in our nation where employees are left waiting over a decade(not fully paid out until at least 2020) for their money-without interest!

    I watched as a dear friend and colleague was diagnosed with cancer. She died in less than a year after diagnosis, leaving behind three young children. Her "retro" was lost forever!!!!! She paid dues to the UFT, she worked those years, and she was absolutely sold out by her union! I've watched dozens and dozens of teachers at my building leave for other jobs over the last 10 years, and the UFT sold each of them out!

    I've been though a couple principals in the last decades and they have grown progressively abusive! THE UFT HAS NOT HELPED AT ALL! I was very sick for a couple years and filed intermittent FMLA. I still received letters in my file. I asked for help from the UFT and got little to none. Each time I spent 10-20k and loads of stress on the issue. I sued with a private lawyer and each time I eventually settled for my legal fees, some money for stress, and signed a confidentiality agreement. I've watched many colleagues with no resources simply quit, go to 3020a's, or accept the abuse. The UFT CHOOSES to impotent! I often can't believe they work for us and not the city!

    I'm sorry, the UFT paying for Mulgrew's new wife to get a salary. This is the woman he was allegedly having sex with in the school, while they were both married. Now we pay her salary? As well as the fact his sister gets 10's of millions of dollars in contracts from the NYC DOE? No, no, no, I can't support this!

    The passage of Tier 6, which leaves the majority of teachers worse off for having a pension. If the newer teachers had a 403b match they would be far better off.

    Our pay. We all know inflation is 2% plus! and our last raise was 11% over 7 years. With a "hidden" year of 0%. Also, NYPD, NYSD, NYFD, NYCD, all received their "retro" and 8% raises immediately, then received 11% raises, no year of 0%, and 1% more than us! Those are unions!

    I could go on and on...the loss of our 8.25%, back to C6, the constant abuse we have from the principal at our building, the inflated salaries at the UFT(many get DOE salaries and pensions and UFT salaries and pensions), etc., nope, can't do it!

    I work in a building with no A/C, bathrooms last updated in 1935 when the building was built, no parking, we have ONE refrigerator for 160 staff members

  26. Yup, said it all, its not the 1400, its the need to say No More.

  27. I agree. It is not about the money. It is about the fact that the UFT has hung us out to dry for far to long. They only way they are going to work for us is if we hit them where it hurts and that is with our dues. One more shitty contract and I am pulling my dues. I have less than 10 years till retirement and I will take my chances solo and watch the UFT burn to the ground unless they start to get things right for us.

  28. After today's SJW/RJ/BLM/Antifa/Nation of Islam-inspired PD, I am out. Been a "union gal" for 20 years--but this crap? I'm out.


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