Monday, March 19, 2018


This came to me from UFT materials that were taken up to Albany for Lobby Day today.

While statewide umbrella union NYSUT is at least talking a good game about repealing the NYS teacher evaluation law and sending teacher evaluation back to districts free from state mandates, the UFT is telling state lawmakers the teacher evaluation system in NYC could be a "model statewide."

Who is Michael Mulgrew kidding?

We have a petition to repeal the evaluation system we will be posting later. It is time to tell the Legislature, Governor and President Mulgrew how we feel about the teacher evaluation system.

Please don't tell me how the student growth scores saved your annual rating. The NYC DOE is discontinuing probationary teachers with effective ratings and bringing dismissal charges against tenured people who were never rated ineffective.


  1. Hey UFT two words for ya': FUCK YOOOOOOUUUUUUUUU!!!! I have had enough of this crap from the UFT. I will be pulling dues asap. I want a fair evaluation system. I want and end to Danielson. I want 2 observations, or better yet ONE OBSERVATION. For the love of me, why oh why is the UFT still going down this path? They are suicidal at this point.

  2. I want to believe that is a joke.....we are in twilight zone (or black mirror for you youngin's) territory. Makes me want to punch Mulgrew in the face!

  3. I am very aware that the DOE is trying to terminate teachers rated "developing". However, the DOE would have a very hard case to bring up a teacher on 3020a charges for incompotence if he or she got an "effective" rating due to test scores that caused his or her rating to rise from "developing". However, the whole evaluation system is a mess. What tenured teachers need is CHOICE. As a tenured teacher I should have the professional courtesy to choose if I want 1,2, 3, or 4 observations. Further, if I want to choose to have tests used for part of my evaluation, I am fine with that. However, nothing should be forced on all of us. The bottom line is Danielson needs to go, and we need to have the choice to have less observations as tenured teachers.

  4. What the mother-fing fuck?! I’ve been posting about the need to kee paying dues, but, this! This is a bridge too mitherfucking far. Why in the name of god is Mulgrew trying to shore up his disaster that’s Cuomo created. . . Oh. . . Oh, I see. Mulgrew thinks he’ll throw Cuomo a bone, and in return Cuomo will help Mulgrew keep collecting dues after Janus.

    1. Yes I’ve been saying the fix is in after janus. We will still pay dues. It may be called something else but we will continue to pay

    2. Mulgrew already made a deal with Cuomo for UFT endorsement. We’ll still be paying for nothing.

  5. I am going on the record right now that if we do not get a change here in NYC to our evaluation debacle, I am going to withhold my dues after the Janus case gets decided. I have been a dues paying teacher in the UFT for over 20 years. Since 2005, our wording conditions have declined. The joy of teaching has been sucked away. Veteran teachers are hanging on just to get to our pensions while many more are actually thinking of leaving sooner than that. Our poor lot in life is 100% due to the UFT and it's lack of good will trying to gain us decent working conditions. I have had all I can take. Time is up. Mulgrew will not be getting one, red cent from me in the very near future.

  6. Chaz, it is really, really, time to get that petition our and circulated. We need to get word to the UFT that they need to stop this insanity.

  7. This is not Chaz' Blog. However, I am sure he would support the petition!

  8. Pull your dues. The dysfunctionality of the UFT is a consequence of their malfeasance.
    Paying their dues is unethical and it enables their corrupt management.

  9. You have got to be kidding! Danielson must go and 4 observations! How about a principal who informs 4 observations for every teacher regardless of their conferenced selection choice to have three with class visits and HE ratings! Says, it does not matter what any teacher's individual conferenced observation selection was. That my friends wipes away any thread of trust and capacity building! Works against DOE capacity building framework for great schools and insults our integrity and professionalism.

  10. Hey kids, stop all the whining.The fact that you all despise the Danielson drive- by's is the very reason they exist. I worked closely with Joel Klein to put together something that would make your lives miserable, and it's working! Hahahahahaha!
    - Mike Mulgrew

  11. If Mulgrew fights to keep this evaluation as is, that will be the nail in the coffin for the United Federation of Teachers.

  12. Tell Michael Mulgrew, President how you feel:
    Tell your chapter leader how you feel.
    Tell the other teachers at your school!
    SPED tell Carmen: Carmen Alvarez,
    Call the UFT - let them know: 212-598-6800
    Go on UFT Facebook page and shout it out!!
    We must revolt against the UFT!
    NO Dues for UFT!!!

  13. Uhmmmmm, what shall I do with the extra $116+ a month I will have after Janus..... I know save it for the private labor attorney I may need someday to hire.... or maybe we can all pool our dues money to fight the UFT via PERB! #enough


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