Thursday, April 05, 2018


Teachers in Kentucky and Oklahoma are striking for survival of public schools. Here is a story from Wednesday's Democracy Now.

A snippet:
MICKEY McCOY: Well, I’m most concerned with, and most of my brothers and sisters who have come down, to 12,000 to 15,000 the other day, are concerned about this war that is on education. There’s a war on public education. And it seems that the teachers didn’t need to be drafted. They volunteered. And they will continue to volunteer until we can straighten out the things that need to be straightened out.

It’s not just about pensions. It’s not just about our medical insurance. Do you understand that we have like youth service centers that are being cut? And these youth service centers help the kids, both in urban areas and in rural areas, where I’m from, with things that they need, not only just school supplies, but a shirt on their back, shoes on their feet. They give them extra food to take home.

And this Legislature—well, this governor, Governor Matt Bevin, is sort of like a general in this war on education, public education, and wants to replace public education with charter schools, charter schools that will pick and choose who they’re going to teach, charter schools who will not care for—who will not take the underprivileged kids. They seem to—are able to build their little school the way they want to. And if this is allowed to be funded in Kentucky or any state, we’re going to change this nation into a place of the haves and have-nots. And we ain’t gonna let that happen. No, not in Kentucky.

In NY we need to rebel before it gets to this point. We are a different front in the war on public education but we need to battle for our pofessional dignity too.

I read this entire story and saw plenty about a lack of funding for education but nothing about teachers being abused by a bogus evaluation system. Yes we are paid more in NYC but we are every bit a part of the struggle to save public education.


  1. There has been a propaganda war against teachers, public education and the middle class for a long time now. Middle class workers have been pitted against each other as a divide and conquer tactic. Our union has been on the sideline must of the time while we get ambushed. We nèed to unite and fight back. One way is to sign that petition on repealing the evaluation system by junking the law to get the race to the top money from DC.

  2. Race to the Top is dead. We can go on offense now. Agree 100%. Please sign the petition. Let's repeal a horrible law

  3. Do not let the union dictate and control your career! Any union that defers compensation for 11 years without interest and think the evaluation system is the best thing since the invention of the wheel shoula not get dues check off. What you can do is sign that petition on repealing that evaluation law.

  4. When will all you guys realize the joke is on us. You say letting a principal abuse us without speaking up is allowing it. Paying $60 per check to fatcats who never set foit in a classroom while we get tortured, abused, ridiculed and made to feel uncomfortable is allowing it.

  5. The people in Kentucky are very different than New Yorkers. I traveled all over the state about two years. The people I met were very religious, came together to help one another, were hard working and I never heard any of them complain about anything. It's also a very beautiful place to live. Lots of great music and guns. Everyone carries one and I didn't see any altercations - I've seen 4 fist fights this month on the trains. I want to move down there when I retire, unfortunately both are pipe dreams. The UFT and the rank and file will continue to do nothing - we all make too much money to rock the boat. That of course includes me. Janus is a slap in the face to the UFT, but I doubt it will wake anyone up. If Bloomberg didn't get the UFT moving, nothing will.

    1. @11:52am I second your opinion. It's nice and I guess comforting to voice frustrations i am impressed by the courage of the folks who take a stand by STANDING UP for themselves because nobody else would. It's impressive. When I have stood up to protest my colleagues turned away out of "fear" of being targeted.Instead of sticking together,they selfishly looked out for themselves. Lol the union and DOE knows this and it's one reason why they treat us the way they do. Obviously this is happening all over the city based on what is written on blogs. At least Kentukians are courageous and stick together. Good luck to them!

  6. Which is why we opt out of paying until things improve.

  7. How will things improve if you not Out? Union will be even weaker with fewer members. Do you think we Video I will take pitty on us?

  8. How will it improve if i pay?

  9. If you stay, then we organize and of course stick together, things will get much better. I saw the potential of this job in 3.5 years working at Middle College. Every teacher should work in a professional environment like that. It is possible if we demand it and fight for it. It is not possible without a union.

  10. Many teachers are afraid to speak up in their school because it takes courage to stand alone. And standalone they will because folks don't want to be targeted. Stand up people. Stand up

  11. Hypothetical question. What would happen if a chapter leader at a school gets re-elected and then decides to stop paying union dues? Since the chapter leader is no longer a union member would they lose their position?
    Would the UFT immediately hold a new chapter election? Would they have a union staffer step in to represent members? Anything in the UFT by-laws on this? New territory but maybe it's covered as even pre-Janus members were always entitled to quit the union although they would have had to continue to pay agency fees.

  12. CL has to be union member. Agency fee payers are not allowed to run or vote in union elections. If someone leaves the UFT, they are out of Chapter Leader job as they should be.


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