Monday, April 02, 2018


The Independent Democratic Conference renegade Democrats added a bill to the NYS budget agreement that will make it harder for members to leave public sector unions. This piece of legislation is a preemptive strike against the US Supreme Court's likely decision in the Janus case where five Justices will more than likely make union dues optional in the public sector later this spring.

From Politico NY on the budget areement:

— Includes language to pre-emptively respond to a looming Supreme Court decision that most observers expect will weaken public employee unions by letting state workers decline to pay dues even if they benefit from the union’s efforts.

A spokesman said the language will be similar to that in a bill backed by most of the state’s top labor organizations that makes it easier for workers to become full-fledged union members, and showed lawmakers were standing with labor. It would also create barriers to leaving a union, by creating limited windows in which public employees can opt out of paying dues.
You guys who want out of the UFT might get out but may have a difficult time creating a mass exodus.

As for education funding in the state budget:
The budget would provide an additional $995 million of aid to schools, including $618 million in foundation aid and $240 million in expense-based aids. The total increase includes $50 million in competitive grants and $81 million for charter schools.

In all, the state will spend $26.7 billion on aid in the coming school year, an increase of 3.9 percent.

My understanding is charter schools are getting a bigger percentage increase from the state as compared to public schools. Cynthia Nixon who is challenging Governor Cuomo in the Democratic Primary pounced on education funding in her reaction to the budget.


  1. I would expect nothing less from the corrupt political machine in NY. The UFT leadership being in bed and taking it up the ass for so long will now demand a reciprocal BJ by their buddies, at the expense of us little people, AKA membership.

    If the UFT offered such a great product why force people to pay?

  2. It is not a product. It is a union. And if you want to know what life looks like without one, check out all the stories about teachers in red states working four or five additional jobs to make ends meet. Check out their striking in hopes of making half what we do. Check out the charter teachers working for Moskowitz and KIPP.

    If you think sleepy UFT members, 3 of 4 of whom don't even vote in union elections, are gonna rise up overnight like they did in West Virginia, I have a bridge to sell you.

    And of course, it goes without saying it will be my great honor to pay your way.

  3. Not surprised at all. There will be no change in UFT policy. Most teachers aren't willing to strike and lose any money, the only reason the majority of teachers who would opt out of paying dues would be to get the extra money in their paychecks, not to send a message to the UFT. The young teachers who don't plan on staying in the system won't feel the need to pay dues. If there's a time limit on opting out, the UFT knows that the opt out rate will be really small, and there won't be any advertisements telling teachers how and when they can opt out. This blog and ones like it in no way represent the rank and file's willingness to fight for change. Watch for the garbage contract we get offered that will pass with 90% approval, from the small amount of teachers who can actually be bothered to vote on it. I happen to work in a great school and love my job, but I would support a move by the rank and file to improve their working conditions, as I know my situation isn't the norm. Teachers are among the most passive group of "professionals" out there, they won't stand up for themselves at all, and quite frankly a lot of them don't believe they could make it outside of the teaching profession, so they take things as they are and hold on, no matter how bad their situation gets.

  4. I was wondering why the Unity caucus was so adamant in its defense of the GOP-allied IDC in the DA the other day. But now I get it - the UFT hacks voted down the IDC resolution because this "deal" was in the works for the unions to not go after the IDC and the unions would get the Janus-limiting language bill.

    No wonder UFT leadership isn't worried about Janus - as many of us thought would happen, they've done some backroom deal to mitigate the effects of Janus and thus can keep going with the status quo (living high off our dues, ignoring/mocking member concerns/needs.)

    If they only worked half as hard to protect and defend members as they do to do protect/defend their own perks, privileges and power, we would have one helluva union.

  5. A few points: 1) The "barrier"of having a window of time to opt out of the union is not that big of a deal. Those of us who want to opt out will find out exactly when that window is and will take advantage of it. Those in the know will opt out as soon as the first window opens up in the first year. Word will spread and tons more people will most likely opt out in the second year as word get out. 2) There WILL be lawsuits to fight this "barrier" supported by right wing groups such as the ones who brought the Janus case to the supreme court. Having NYS create a "barrier" to free speech is an infringement to exercising that right. It is like saying you can only hold a political rally during a small window of time during the year. 3) I truly believe that the make or break subject in regard to paying or not paying dues will be the next contract. If our working conditions do not improve, (evaluations, etc), you will see a lot more people refusing to pay dues. The UFT has one chance to ensure that many folks will stay in the UFT, and that chance is getting us a good contract. The window time frame of being able to pull dues will only delay the mass exodus of teachers from leaving the UFT but it will happen once the word gets out. As posters above mentioned, there are a lot of angry veteran teachers and tons of young newbies who are foaming at the mouths to pull dues but for different reasons. The vets want to send a message to the UFT and the newbies just want the extra cash.

  6. Paying due to s corrupt incompetent Union sucks.

  7. UFT chapter leaders have a duty to inform all members of when the opt out window is. Any chapter leader who willingly does not inform members of when the opt our window time is are guilty of extorting money from fellow teachers. (My opinion)

  8. I wish more time here was spent on discussing where and how the union can improve and not how to get out of paying. You are feeding the anti-union trolls.

    I also wish this blog spent time repetitively - pointing out with schools getting more money and the city’s budget surplus the city (and union) can’t complain and state there is no money for teacher raises. I would have an article every other day pointing this out (and other blogs should, too) so it’s in the air. This is one of the things people have to learn from the right-wing. Repeat repeat repeat.

  9. Anno 11:09: We have been trying to make our union improve for years. I personally have written letters, got people to vote for caucus groups other than Unity, etc. However, since my career began in the 1990's, each year the UFT sells us out over and over again. There has to be a breaking point at some time. I would love nothing more than to be a proud, dues paying member of the UFT but only if they support us. After decades of not listening to the rank and file, many of us believe the only way that the UFT will heed to our needs is to hit them where it hurts and that is with our dues. As mentioned in posts above, if the UFT can get us a decent contract, many people will gladly stay as dues payers as we will see that we are getting something for our money.

  10. NYC Educator, I don't want anyone paying my way. I want a separate union that actually does something.

  11. I'm a chapter leader, and I will absolutely not tell anyone when the window for opting out is. I don't care. Sue me. Not my job to enable screwing over your brothers and sisters. Never, ever.

  12. NYC Educator-
    Yes it is not a product, I stand corrected. But it IS a service. And why pay for a service that does not deliver?
    You really think 1% raises and a continuous erosion of rights is good service?
    This job in NYC has only gotten worse over the past 15 years and it has EVERYTHING to do with the poor performance of this union that each of us pay $1000+ to every year. I rate this union INEFFECTIVE.

  13. Arthur, you won't have to tell anyone. The information will spread like wildfire. As for screwing over brothers and sisters the UFT has a long history of doing just that. The UFT is like a fancy car that has been going down the wrong muddy road. It's had the opportunity to turn around, but now it's stuck in the mud - many will now get out and walk back. The walk back may be to the point of having to start all over and fight for the rights that were sold off.

  14. You guys are insane if you think pulling your dues will help. The Janus case was a brilliant attack and you are falling for it. What a bunch of dopes. Watch. The E4E folks will start their own door knocking campaign. They will have their own union to sign you up in. They’ll probably have some kind of app, too. The millennial teachers who ride their scooters to work will love that part. They’ll say, “we’re going to fight for a 401K.” Millennials love the. crap, too. And, they’ll promise a slimmed down contract without so many words to read. Oh, and bean bag chairs that you can sit in while you tutor between your five different preps.

  15. How is that different that what we have now with the UFT? The teachers in my school teach 6 classes a day and don't get paid for it. They come in one Saturday a month for free. If they balk they are discontinued. The CL is best friends with the principal. They're are bean bag chairs every where and most teachers here do bike to work. No one contributes to the TDA because they don't plan on staying.

  16. Shit. I stand corrected. That’s freakin’ awful. I was being sarcastic. . . but, shit. That’s really bad. I can understand your frustration. And, the E4E crowd wants to make that the norm.

  17. Hey 1:28 Report your school to everyone. You don’t have to use your name. Name the school here so people can complain. Write the press. Do something. Use a public computer— go to an apple store and do this…. Don’t sit on your butt, do something besides complaining.

  18. Hey 242 You make a lot of assupmtions. The UFT is well aware. Go fuck yourself.

  19. Why don’t we in good schools demand that the UFT do a systemwide audit to find out how many schools have people teaching extra classes.1:28 is clearly in no position to fight this any further. It’s up to us to do it. He/she has done all that needs to be done by posting this online. We need to stick up for them. I know many schools where this happens. Also, very common when someone goes on medical leave.

  20. I don't think it will Bronx ATR. I think most people will stay, and I will work to get more people to stay. Your last prediction, as I recall, was our certain loss of the High School Executive Board seats. And by the way, without the UFT you would not be an ATR. You would be unemployed. UFT declined to sell out the ATR, and that's why our contract was so very, very late.

    1. Why are you beating up on an ATR? Are you getting drunk with power?

  21. Arthur, I never predicted you would lose Executive Board seats. I voted for you. The UFT did not save my job, LIFO did. The UFT would have sold us out if it could have and has in the numerous ways that it can.

  22. I also don't think most people will opt out - only ATRs and newbies.

  23. There are a shit ton of newbies at my school. I bet they will pull their dues in a heartbeat when they can and then they will go buy fixed gear bikes and sign up for more yoga classes. Old timers are gonna pull dues to spite the UFT for years of neglect. Gonna be interesting for sure. As for me, U am in the fence. Will have to see when the contract finally gets sent to us for ratification.

    1. All those bearded man buns and their giggly ironic girlfriends are about three years from driving Uber cars to pay for their live-in cubicles at We Work. But, they’ll tell you it’s no problem because fhe website their building for Common Core test prep is going to pay for little Jackson, Phoebe, and Miles go to college (riiiiight).

  24. I’m also on the fence. The UFT is a corrupt and complacent union. No one can deny this. While I am pro union, pulling dues may be a way to force the unions hand on members concerns. They are currently tone deaf. While I respect the work that Arthur has done against the UFT and for its membership, his browbeating, talking down to people and his my way of thinking or you’re a moron attitude, doesn’t help to convince people to stay.

    1. I doubt anyone is leaving because of Arthur’s rhetoric. Quite the opposite, I’d imagine. Still, if you’re upset because you feel Arthur thinks you’re a moron for pulling your dues, you should also know that I, too, think you’re a moron. Additionally, I’m pissed that my dues are going to pay for preserving your benefits. You suck, freeloader.

  25. The majority of my "benefits" have nothing to do with the UFT. Tenure, seniority, LIFO, are all laws that are in place for all New York State teachers. In fact, the UFT has done more to DECIMATE these rights than any other organization. The only benefit now to staying in the UFT is that they will provide a lawyer at a 3020a hearing. But here's a fact that I know: 3 teachers at my school were all brought up on 3020a charges in the past 5 years and they all chose to use a private lawyer since they did not trust the UFT lawyer. So, please, please, tell me why I or anybody else should support a union that not only does not care about us, but who rather is in fact active in degrading the teaching profession here in NYC?

    1. That is a tough question that you pose. I’m interested in what the situation looks like without the union. I’ve worked in another state, and I’d say working under the UFT in the last 6 years is like working without a union. The *only* benefit I see is our healthcare is good, but, that is because the cops and firefighters stand up for that. The long term outlook is worse here than elsewhere. We have less job security, and our current job protections get whisked away with each contract. What makes it worse are the charters, which some states have fought completely (there are no charter schools in West Virginia). Their presence drains resources from our classrooms and provides lobbying dollars in Albany to crush us. There was no movement here to fight them when they came in, and there is no movement to unionize their workforce. This makes me think the UFT is on board with them.

  26. Thanks Bronx ATR, and I apologize. I think I mixed you up with someone else.

  27. Disgraced Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver saved our jobs. The State Senate passed a bill ending LIFO seniority rules for NYC teachers exclusively but Silver would not bring it to the Assembly floor in 2010.

    Arthur is right in a way because had the UFT agreed to let that bill pass, we would have had a contract years ago and those who survived would not be waiting until 2020 to get money back from those years.

    My understanding is that other unions were pressuring the UFT at the time not to give in on LIFO because of the dangerous precedent it would have set. Whether or not Mulgrew gets the credit is certainly debatable.

    UFT agreeing to rotation of ATRs in 2011 and then the forced interviews and fast track 3020a hearings for ATRs in 2014 certainly takes away from any postive grade the UFT might get for saving LIFO. The lack of an ATR chapter just adds to the UFT's negative score on this issue.

  28. NYC Educator is just looking to one day replace one of those FATCATS that we are all supporting. Any fair- minded thinking person can see what a sham we have as a union. Except, of course, someone who has designs on joining the charade.

  29. 8:29:00 PM
    Arthur, AKA, NYC Educator, is an honorable man who is doing a fantastic job representing us on the UFT Executive Board. It was my pleasure to campaign for him in the 2016 UFT election. I don't regret that vote for a second.

    We would be much better off if Arthur was a UFT officer.

  30. Also, because UFT elections are essentially rigged, Arthur has virtually no chance of joining the charade that is the UFT leadership.

  31. Arthur is a great guy. I enjoy debating him and respect him. He's been a vocal supporter for ATRs and is indeed doing a terrific job on the Executive Board.

  32. Mulgrew and Unity UFT are running scared. This is evidenced by their faulty campaign to call and do home visits to support staying union strong. Administrators still get the 8.25% TDA fixed account amount. PSC CUNY with far less members has a superior drug plan. CUNY retirees have a drug plan comparable to inservice members. UFT retirees only get a $760 reimbursement
    check. The CSA and PSC-CUNY unions are members of NYSUT and have strength with smaller numbers. Mulgrew and Unity UFT are sleeping at the wheel. The mass exodus of union dues will be inevitable to Mulgrew and his goons at 52 Broadway. CSA principals and assistant principals don't have to wait 3 years to get paid for unused sick days. They get it upon retirement.
    Wake up UFT members.

  33. They certainly arent running scared, as nothing has improved. I posted the fact that im leaving, choosing to quit, not retire, at 30 something years old, this June. I listed all the things I would be losing be leaving this early. My reason, I just cant take it anymore. Somebody wrote "Godspeed." Using that word is an indication, thats a word you would use when somebody is about to die of AIDS. Yes, thats how critical the situation. Waking up every day sick to my stomach. Fearing a QR. Counting the days down till June 26. Its pathetic.

  34. You should email us. Maybe we can help.

  35. admins get the8.25% becausetheycome in before labor day-wedecided we didnt want that- remember?

  36. NYC city white collar workings get a second health insurance. It’s called management benefits. It pays after the insurance company pays. They want to cut us, others save money in their health. Talk about that.

  37. Health costs went up because of 9/11. Especially medications. There is a direct link. That needs to be talked about. Why should we be penalized because of working in a city that is a target.

  38. This bill looks like crumbs for labor leaders. A quirky timeline for opting-out is nothing. That will likely be rescinded in the next year’s assembly, anyway. Cuomo’s goal is to decimate labor unions, but, at a slow pace which won’t provoke work stoppages. Strikes and work stoppages would cause a resurgence in worker solidarity which would undo his project.

    We set the path for him by refusing to fight the small transgressions. Over his term in office, the small transgressions have turned into timed attacks. Sucker punches and body blows at intervals that keep us horrified and in constant fear. We never fight back. Thus, Cuomo has found a victim. But, whose fault is that? It is ours because we know this about him and we do nothing.


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