Sunday, May 27, 2018


These three stories came to me in the last two days.

The first is a reply to a comment I made at NYC Educator from Arthur Goldstein:

This is a comment I made on a story where the chancellor spoke and answered questions at the UFT Executive Board in a closed session:

James Eterno • 20 hours ago
I have written about the DOE grievance game. It is rather obvious that the broken grievance process came up with Chancellor Carranza. This is clearly a strategy from DOE to tie up the process that the UFT has gone along with by basically playing the game and treating the process as if it is legitimate. The union could easily take the DOE to PERB or court multiple times for tying up the grievance process to make it basically meaningless which is what is going on when the DOE denies obvious cases as was documented in this post and I have witnessed too. When Chancellor Carranza goes back to his people and tells them how upset the teachers union is about the broken grievance process, he will hear from his corrupt managerial class. Will he side with his teachers? I hope so however it's been sixteen years of Klein, Black, Walcott, Farina. Turning that DOE anti-teacher culture around without a real fight may not be so easy but I will remain hopeful. If Carranza's Office of Labor Relations turns down some obvious Step II's, will the UFT publicize it and take him to PERB/Court or simply continue to declare more union victories since they can win open and shut cases in arbitration?

Now Arthur's reply:

NYC Educator Mod  James Eterno • 18 hours ago
I've got five obvious step twos about to go to arbitration. Probably six, actually. I have an APPR complaint hanging for a while now. Members are being made miserable through this wasteful and plainly disingenuous process. I would love to see it changed.

Grievance process totally broken as we have said. No fix in site.

Now this comment from a prior posting here in the ICEUFTblog. This is kind of wishful thinking about life as an ATR:

The ATR position is different in every school. I know it sucks in other schools but in my school it really is not so bad. The only con is that they have to cover different classes everyday. Which some people might see as a pro. They do get treated very poorly by the students. But then again, so do the teachers who are not ATRs. So, I count this as a neutral.

The pros are that they do not have any paperwork to do. They do not have to: project plan, unit plan, lesson plan, write student goals, write instructional adjustments for lessons, write out student improvement plans, communicate with parents, grade papers, use Skedula, keep student portfolios, write feedback, or do bulletin boards. They do not have any work to take home. They have no observations. They are in the building for 6 hours and 50 minutes and they are done for the day. They do not have a circular 6 assignment. Although they have to be in the school building, they do not have to attend meetings. They are not on grade teams, department teams, curriculum teams, inquiry teams, data teams, book study teams, leadership teams, discipline teams, safety committees, instructional leads, AP for All teams, Sp. Ed teams, or professional development teams.

I currently put in about 60 - 70 hours a week to get all my work done. I am tired. Making $100,000 for being a body in a school for 25 - 30 hours a week and having weekend and vacations with no school work, doesn't sound so bad to me.

My response:
James Eterno said...
If your union followed the contract, you would not be doing much of that stuff either 8:30. I don't know that project plan, student goals, student portfolios, instructional adjustments for students or any of those teams are contractually required. If administration tried to impose any of that in the schools I worked at, there would have been an immediate teacher rebellion.

You said ATRs do not get observed. Most have a field supervisor who observes them in classes where  ATR might not even know kids or subject. It can be impossible to be satisfactory. Try that.

Do people in the schools just keep their heads down and take the abuse? When told to do something that fairly obviously is not contractual, do they just bow their heads and say, "Yes Ma'am," to the principal. "Just please make my Danielson score high?" I can't imagine myself or my wife or our friends ever, ever acting like that.

Now for something that came in my email yesterday morning:
I’m in a decent school in NYC. Principal and AP’s actually work with the teachers. Low turnover school.

I know of an award winning teacher in another school who is on principal’s shit list because she dared to go to union about something. She wants to leave. This teacher has 16 years in.

The school I’m in has two vacancies (common branch) on Open Market. I mentioned the teacher to my principal. Told her this teacher has won awards. Principal says, “She’s too expensive for me.”  This is getting ridiculous.

The mistake this teacher made was contacting DR through the school’s gmail account. The principal at her current school monitors the emails sent and received.

If she can’t find another position the only way to leave is being brought up on charges, pray she doesn’t get terminated, and be placed in ATR pool. From what I’ve been told (a very reliable source) legal does not make any deals. All 3020-a’s are going to hearings. What’s the fucking point anymore? 

Oh God it's worse than I thought in the schools. Are these just isolated examples?

Is our view accurate that your life at work depends on who your supervisor is?

I have a possible response for all of the places considered to be hellholes:

How about organizing into a union? Oh wait, we already have one. It is called the United Federation of Teachers. Nothing will change until the rank and file forces the union to be a real union.

We have the power to do that if we only organize and take it.

Even if everyone leaves the UFT after Janus, what will you do to fight back then? Bow your head even lower but be thankful that you can keep your dues?

Please tell us what is out there and how widespread the abuse is.


  1. Is this a serious question? Do you read the comments on your own site? Of course these schools are "That bad." It's torture. DR Duncan of Brooklyn visited my school last week, was notified of a serious violation, and said "Had I known blah, blah, blah..." Well now you know. The contract, the retro, the discipline code, the observations, the no recourse, the grade scams, the forced jupiter grades, the forced 3 page lesson plans, the very young staff in my school with no tenure, the atr game, the good teachers with great records unable to get interview scam, the blocked travel hardship transfer scam, students blasting cell phones in class, no suspensions, need i say more?

    1. How bad is the abuse? Review the complaints made by teachers to the DOE's discrimination unit. Read the comments on this post. Meet with ATRs.

  2. James, this is the job going forward, quit or retire or take the abuse. No other options exist. If you need the salary and medical, expect the worst. No change in sight. Half the teachers in my school are looking to either transfer or quit.

  3. Written yesterday...Who can do this job for 30 years? 1% a year raises we got means we are making less vs inflation. The retro has eroded since inflation has been eating away at that as well. Daily job is nothing but stress. Hitman principals. Abusive and disrespectful students. Fraud grades. Do the math on the previous post. If a student cant get below a 45% on a test, even if they get a zero...And tests are worth 20% of the final grade...All they need to do is get roughly a 65% on the other work, four 65s and a 45 equals a 60 which goes to a 65. If they had a zero average plus four 65s, they would fail. Nice job restorative justice and liberalism. Everybody passes. Cant read, cant write, too dumb to get one question correct on a test, but they did 65% of the work...

  4. I've been a teacher in NYC for over 20 years. The stress level is horrible and morale is in the toilet. I live in fear everyday due to the Danielson hit squads and 4 observations. Tons of jobs on open market but nobody will consider taking me as I am too high up on the salary schedule. Only thing keeping me here is 25/55. I am praying to God that the UFT can at least get us 2 observations by September or whenever the new contract kicks in. If they don't, it shows that they are truly not on our side.

  5. We work now in the liberal paradise most NYC teachers have actively created/supported for many years.
    Why is anyone surprised at the unintended, yet oh so predictable, results?

  6. That’s an interesting question, especially when read by those who are fortunate enough to find themselves in good school environments and view their loyalty to the UFT as tantamount to religious fervor. They would like to burn us at the stake for even contemplating not paying dues. For many of us, we take our cue from the Uft. The Uft is afraid of everything and everyone. If you know that the organization you pay to protect your rights will not do so, it markedly changes your perspective. You shut the fuck up and do what you’re told. If you don’t you will find yourself discontinued, brought up on charges or excessed into the ATR pool for life. I agree that if many of us opt out of ‘pain’ dues then we need to start a real viable union – not one in which a union president and his sycophants bring forth a Discount card and customer hotline.

  7. Moot point now. The ship has sailed. Trash students, trash admin, abuse all around, its a free for all.

  8. And before Danielson and her grand notions entered the picture...

    COMPLAINING TEACHER: My principal just doesn’t like me. No matter what I do, he rates my lessons as “unsatisfactory.” My AP told me that he (the AP) likes me, and that he’s spoken to the principal many times, but that the principal has already made up his mind. The AP told me that he doesn’t know what I can do to make the principal like me, but maybe I should buy the principal a gift. Your secretary told me that she types the Chancellor’s Committee reports. 90% of the appeals which cross her desk are not truly cases about “unsatisfactory” teachers. They’re cases about teachers who’ve had personality conflicts with supervisors, but the U-ratings are all being upheld by the Chancellor’s Office.

    DIRECTOR OF OAR: I want to tell you something. Any good supervisor should be able to observe a perfectly adequate lesson and come up with at least one hundred fifty reasons why that lesson and teacher are “unsatisfactory,” all of which would be supportable by my office! Do you know what the best type of lesson is?

    COMPLAINING TEACHER: A developmental lesson?

    DIRECTOR OF OAR: Absolutely not! It’s a lecture! A lecture is so fast and efficient. A developmental lesson is so slow and plodding. I’ve listened to enough of these teacher cases in the past to know supervisory bullshit when I hear it!

  9. Yes, it is that bad.

    I have gone to my CL several times about the paperwork, the committees, all the extra hours. He is the one who tells us to just put up with it because it is worse in other schools. He thinks we should be flattered that we are asked for our expertise on these committees. Those of us who speak up have the classes with the more difficult students, have our grades on Skedula closely observed, asked to hand in our parent communication log, are made the head of numerous committees, we get more administrator visits, and on several occasions been yelled at in front of our students by one of the assistant principals. Those teachers who do not rock the boat are rarely asked to do anything extra or if they are, they are provided per session for the extra work. As you can probably surmise, my school as a hugely divided staff with little trust in each other, no trust in the union, no trust in the CL and certainly no trust in the administration. Our CL knows all about this. We don't have our heads in the sand. This is our reality. This is just the tip of the iceberg! I think I am just writing to the choir. I don't think anyone with any power or authority really cares.

    Who loses in all of this? The tax payers, the students, teachers, and soon to be the UFT. Who wins? the corrupt and incompetent administrators from the schools on up to the Mayor.

  10. Jessica, I try to read the comments but sometimes get a little behind. I don't know if it is the same ten or fifteen people writing most of the anonymous comments or if it is widespread abuse. I am leaning to thinking it is more widespread than even I thought when two people put their names to forms of abuse in two days and then a third comments on the blog. I kind of have a feeling that there are hundreds of schools where teachers have no rights but even that may be a low estimate. Hence, the question. Again, I would like to know if it is different schools.

    I worked in a good school at Middle College for 3.5 years with a very good principal and the last 2.5 years at Jamaica we had a decent guy at the helm. My wife worked this year in a very good school with a wonderful principal. These schools exist. I know it firsthand.

    In prior years, the principals who I worked for knew there was a price to pay when they crossed the line. The teachers would get information to the press or they would bombard the principal with grievances. We even showed up at the Superintendent's office en masse. We never sat and took it.

    Now, it seems that people just keep their heads low and maybe pray that they won't get attacked. That is not acceptable. We need a union.

  11. 11:40, I understand what you are saying but I can't agree that "I don't think anyone with any power or authority really cares." To quote Patti Smith, "People have the power." Yeah it's cliche but the whole point of a union is that people collectively can make gains that individuals cannot on their own. If you are a divided staff and you are a large minority, you have to speak up or at least quietly get the information out there to the press.

    1. James,
      You are retired now. You can't be retaliated against. I can. I spoke up and out and NOTHING happened except my administrators retaliated against me and the DOE lawyers came for me and the UFT did nothing but talk. My so'called colleagues ran into a hole and buried their heads. It's bad at many schools with unscrupulous people. Must I name the school?

  12. Re Grievance Process:
    Retired CL was never paid for participation at SLT. Rona Frieser, former head of Queens UFT, filed the grievance without CL requesting it. At grievance hearing arbitrator, S. Mandel, stated to CL and UFT representative that she works for DOE and is there to side with management. No determination was ever rendered. Rona was contacted, said she would look into it.

    Rona ever got back to retired CL.

    How could it be put in writing that payment for time worked is not owed?

    Vile system, morally depraved players.

  13. Sorry, re: above comment - Rona NEVER got back to CL.

  14. I have nearly 20 years, all Satisfactory and Effective, for the record. Been an ATR for nearly half my career, due to being in 2 different closing schools. I have visited dozens of schools in Brooklyn in rotation, been Provisional, and of course my regular assignments. Yes, it is widespread. Maybe 1 or 2 out of 50 I would consider staying in longterm. Its everywhere, contract violations, out of control students with no consequences, cell phones in use for phone calls, music, porn, texting, snapchat, recording teachers and humiliating, oversized classes all year long, students stealing teacher passes and holding them all year, hundreds of students in halls during instructional times, students deaf to the bells, students intruding in the gym all day.

  15. Thanks, James for all you do. I am the anonymous from 11:40. I admit that I am scared and intimidated. I feel that I have tried to speak up and I am punished. My current principal has only been in the position for a few years; never taught a class, came in with friends in high places. The principal before was wonderful. We were all happy for him when he retired.

    I feel a little more encouraged! Thank you, again.

  16. Next Panel for Educational Policy meeting: Everyone gets 2 minutes. Come and read these comments - get 10 or 20 people to hammer them one after another. Keep doing this at every meeting.
    You may think it a waste of time -- and maybe it is - but this is the only public meeting they hold once a month and the video is on line.
    If you don't want to speak publicly show up and sit in the audience and give one of us your statement to read.
    Being isolated increases sense of intimidation.
    Wednesday, June 20, 2018
    Prospect Heights High School
    883 Classon Ave
    , Brooklyn, NY 11225
    Monday, June 18, 2018

  17. Back in the day(20-25 yrs), prior to centralization, the admins tended to have a more cordial relationship with staff. And the district office viewed tenured teachers in its districts as assets that ought to be respected and cared for.
    If you were in a rough school, the administration and teachers were tighter, working together to battle the forces of chaos. I remember many times admins would sit in the teachers lunchroom ( whatever happened to those?)and have lunch with staff, often talking about the crazies in the building.
    All of this hostility was born out of centralization and Mayoral control. Soon after that started, I remember hearing the word "insubordination" thrown about on a regular basis and thinking "What are we in the army now?"
    If you're in a rough school these days its unbearable because you are up against both psycho students and supervisors who blame you for their craziness.
    We might have had a chance if we had an honest union who were truly working on our behalf, not this corrupt, self-serving, dues sucking trash we have now.
    The job has only gotten worse the past 15 years and I am glad I will soon be out of here.

  18. Headaches, heart pounding, uncomfortable going to work, great way to spend my 30s.

  19. People who have fought back and I mean really fought back, tend to get out of their situations unscathed or only slightly bruised providing they are intelligent about it and yes a little lucky. I include myself in that category.

    We can get together if you like, electronically or in person, even if we just become a support group. You can't just sit and take it, please. The PEP is one way we can go. Norm is right. We have to try something folks.

  20. Norm and James, thank you a million times over.

  21. and it doesnt matter, 5 years from now, those who are not dead will be having the same conversation, abuse, kids running wild, erc.

  22. Wait a minute...Did you call the parents? Did you differentiate? You mean by differentiate, I should pass kids who cant read and write, and make it so ridiculous that they all pass? They get work, they cant do it, they fail...

  23. 20 days to go...I made 33 years in this system. There will not be many teachers to reach such milestone such as this in the future.
    I am so glad I am leaving this hell hole. I always wanted to be a teacher. I used to love being a teacher. The DOE and UFT drained every drop of love of teaching out of my heart.

  24. we die to get to June 26, then on September 4 we start counting down from 182, what a pathetic thing to go thru.

  25. James is right. When the admins realize you're not going to type 3 page lessons (hell, I'm not typing, period), you're not submitting a weekly parent log with X required phone calls, and you're not doing grades on Jupiter, they eventually give up and move on to the more low hanging fruit.

    He's also right that you do have to be smart. For every kid who's failing, you do want to have the dates you sent letters home or called. If you're not doing Jupiter you should have your real grade book and/or Delaney book. You have to cover your you-know-what.

    1. They don’t make Delaney books anymore or cards. I showed a new teacher how to use it. I have three books and a thousand cards. The teacher offered me $200 for one book and 300 cards. I gave them to her for free. They want these new teachers to do every thing in the most inefficient, time consuming way possible. Many of the admins don’t know what a Delaney book is and those that do have barred teachers from using them. -Atlas

    2. Ohh they still make delaney books and cards.. Just find some sites on the internet that still sell them

  26. Anybody hear of Ms. henry at Wingate? Any opinion?

  27. I am retired for 16 years now and so glad I am. But I still go to the PEP meetings when I can or when something is brewing. I don't like to walk away from a fight. When there were local school boards esp in the 70s we (I was part of a local group of teachers) went every month and spoke up. The district and the principals hated us but we felt empowered - not by our union which was in cahoots with these people - but from each other. WE made it clear if they messed with us they would have a battle - and we had allies in the community -- teaching is a political game as much as an educational endeavor. Sometimes just doing something - anything - as long as it is thought out and with others backing you -- is better than doing nothing.
    If anyone wants to go to a PEP and I can make it I will go - and video tape - these people are like roaches - they hide from the light. Shine the light on them and their bullying suffers.

  28. 11:14, surely you jest, BUT:

    The Barclay teacher supply store in Brooklyn (the one near 65 Court St., I think on Livingston) still has them (the cards), at least this past September they did. They are a rip off, but I put it on teacher's choice - indeed gone are the days we would get them handed to us at the beginning of each term from our AP.
    The books, I have 2, one of them I keep together with duct tape, I inherited one from the guy I replaced when he retired, it must be from the late 60's/early 70's, he was a tier I guy.

    1. I have a green one from 1992, and had two new red ones I bought at a garage sale. I couldn’t part with the green one even though I haven’t used it in years, since becoming an ATR. I’ll let her know about the cards, thx. I miss teaching. -Atlas

  29. Im under 40 years old and will quit as of September 1. Not worth the heartache. Sad state of affairs.

  30. When one hears leftists bemoan the situation they themselves created, it may be time to stop taking them seriously.

  31. Sadly,

    And I am guilty of this, we all have to become ‘yes men’ to survive.

    If the kids show up, pass them. If admin asks for stupid stuff, nod and smile and say everything is great.

    Go to the PDs and say they are useful.

    I am a 13 year teacher and am now a horrible teacher, yet I am a good employee

    I have traded what I know is right for what I know is easy.

    And you know what? The cost of caring is too much.

    Let me get to 30 years and collect a pension.

    I’ll pass every moron for the tradeoff

  32. I’ve mostly been an atr. I have tenure

    However, before I was excessed, I was in a shit box of a school in Brooklyn. The principal was a racist in my mind against white men. We feuded constantly.

    Becoming an atr saved my doe career. I went to a new school for a year and was treated w respect.

    Also, not being in a small school helps.

    Honestly, going back in a classroom scares me.

  33. what school in bklyn?

    1. In bushwick. A jhs

    2. I’m reluctant to name the school and principal bc of the vindictive nature he has

  34. So its a lost cause...

  35. Yeah, nothing is changing, only getting worse. Its a life of hate and fear and abuse. Its like being a battered girlfriend. Who would encourage anyone to stay in that type of relationship?

  36. Hate to say it, not trying to stir up trouble, but white people dont belong in these schools anymore. Too easy to be targeted, too dangerous, just uncomfortable...

  37. So true! As a white person(especially a male), you have to be so very careful.

    Plus, you really can’t be too hard on the kids. I learned this the hard way by seeing what some of the female Latino or black teachers could do or say and the kids wouldn’t bat an eye. I’m not hating or anything. Yes. It’s a double standard but the kids are not used to having white males in their lives except for cops and for the most part, cops are hated in inner city areas.

    Also, I have accepted this as fact bc of experience.

    A Jewish colleague who is a liberal politically told me he learned not to let the kids know that he is Jewish. He tried explaining the differences of sects(orthodox, Hasidic, reform etc), but the kids and even some adults still treated him poorly and used such awful slurs regarding Jewish people. Oh, best part, the principal told him,’welcome to teaching. Get used to being called names.’ Uft did nothing to help.

    So, once he was excessed illegally, he found a new school and doesn’t let anyone know he is Jewish.

    This is modern day DOE!

  38. How bad is it you say? Well:
    1.The inmates are running the asylum
    2. Principals are running a muck - most are clueless and evil
    3. APs are usually neophyte clown with big ego who screw things up daily
    4. paras are deans
    5. school aides are deans
    6. secretaries are guidance counselors
    7. Kids come and go as they please
    8. kids now share teacher room with teachers leaving food and other personal items in teacher lounge but hey they can do anything
    9. Neophyte people from all kinds of organizations in our schools claiming they are all "non profit"
    10. corrupt security guards talking with kids playing counselor advising kids in the hallway
    11. dirty filthy bathrooms for teachers and students
    12. no air conditioning in hot months of school, may june sept
    13. neophyte teachers not listening to atr teachers who have been in the classrooms longer than they are alive but hey they know better
    14. atrs lured into applying on the "open market" for a position but not one offer in thousands of applicants applying
    15. corrupt business managers now handling finances for principals and stealing more money

    Any questions?

  39. Do you really need to ask?

  40. 11:22 are you on the Stevenson campus?....sounds awfully familiar......

  41. Waiting for Support, I retired a month ago and was speaking up right until I left here on this blog and at school since the mid nineties. I understand why people hide but I don't want to ever live like that nor does my wife who is still in the system as are many of our dearest friends.

    I get the frustration here but the answer is not to just sit and take the battering. It will only get worse if that is what we do.

    Yeah, Joel Klein closed Jamaica HS but while we were there, almost everyone was safe and the kids learned. I fought like crazy but still was able to get a provisional job in another school and last out my final years in the system where I was quite happy much of the time. Even at Middle College when I had to speak out, I did. My wife and I have seen and helped many people fight back and survive. The alternative is not in our nature so it is something I can't even consider. I want to be part of making sure there is a viable teachers union in NY.

  42. I,too, do not and did not stay silent. I even stood up and by my colleague to no avail. The AP bullied kids and tried to bully me. The principal isolated me and the colleague who i stood up for. The principal, AP and weak teachers who acted as spies (just as long as they weren't "targeted) had no problem trying to take our licenses. Major fail. I have been an ATR for 3 years and each principal wants to keep me. I am requested each year by principals. However I cost too much to hire and I am retiring soon. My point is despite my speaking up/out, my voice was silenced--for now. Some big things happened

  43. Oops.i come from a long line of educators and folks who "don't take any tea for the fever"...However the system is rigged. I do believe part of the reason why you were not continuously harassed is due to your blog and union connection. Just my opinion

  44. 11:22, sounds awfully familiar to me, too, and I am not at Stevo.

  45. Our Union by not negotiating in good faith has impacted that a group of teachers called ATRs are treated in a different way under rules that were not voted, and are denied a fair chance to find permanent jobs because they are in disvantage with respect to new teachers (fair student funding). The ATR pool was never created to be a dumping ground for the most experienced teachers. Many Leadership Principals are using the observation process to push veteran teachers that are outspoken out of schools, and making them ATRs. Therefore we require a new agreement with the input, and vote of ATRs in compliance with the Roberts Laws. We also require a new agreement that prevents any targeting, harassment, or abuse from any type of supervisor with the sole purpose of terminating ATRs. Observations should not be used in a arbitrary, and capricious way to penalize or to terminate an ATR. Article 2a of Ed. Law should not be bypassed by the UFT, or NYSUT. A teacher can only be served with termination papers if an Executive Session of the PEP votes on it, anything else constitutes a violation of the due process. Our Union cannot make any secret deals with the DOE regarding ATRs unless the D.A. approves it, and it is voted by its members. All this nonsense needs to stop.

  46. By refusing to enforce the contract. By refusing to file grievances that are legally legitimate. By creating the ATR pool. By agreeing to field supervisors that are only there to go after veteran teachers. By not allowing a chapter for ATR's. By making us third class citizens. Which per diem subs are being observed by field assassins? By eliminating seniority. By agreeing to fair student funding. By destroying thousands of teachers careers. By agreeing to rotation in a vocation that is built on relationships. By refusing to respond when we are vilified in the press. By telling us that we are lucky to have a job and benefits. By refusing representation in any situation that they should be helping. By theft and denial of services. I can also mention racketeering. They colluded with the DOE to not only create the ATR pool but to assist in the psychological warfare that they the Human Resources enforcement arm of the DOE.
    The UFT had sold us out at every turn. The truth is that because of NYS civil service laws they can't have us fired . So all you can possibly say about the UFT is that they pupport to represent our interests and take our money for it. They just hurt us terribly. There is a special place in hell for these sociopathic parasites. I eagerly wait for JANUS. I'm going to keep my money. They need to be starved.

  47. My school still gets Delaney books and cards, well mostly cards. Many teachers (even some young ones) still use them at our school (even though some younger admins were horrified at the thought).

  48. Hip hip hooray @ 6:28 and 6:31. Im leaving more to leaving than staying. If the UFT wants me to stay--give me a reason to stay. Fight for me the way i had to fight for my license.

  49. I'm leaning more towards leaving than staying is what I meant to say...

  50. My horrible inept assistant principal wh retired is back doing drive by walkthrough observations. For real .

    The new AP was out yesterday .She's even worse .

    Not only is this sneaky, its intimidation to those teachers who didn't get along with her.

    Another slap in the face by doe.

    I'm counting down. 200 days in the classroom left. Pension clinic sign in.

    Its the day of the living dead .

  51. 6 instructional days left this year, then its resignation for me...

  52. The response here has been off the charts. If only we could harness it into some sort of action on behalf of all of us. I keep trying.

    1. Try to get the chancellor to sit down with ATRs and/or teachers who are harassed daily. Name the date,place and time.

  53. The only way is to stop paying dues. Everything else is useless. The uft will never ever ever ever change until it’s own financial well being is threatened. They are very comfortable taking our dues with little accountability or threat to its existence. They love the way things are making millions and giving us the appearance of a union. We are fools and they have us over a barrel. We are screwed if we opt out and screwed if we stay. What a mess. I hope I make the last 2 yrs until 25/55. 7 yrs as an atr rotating to the worst schools in queens. Campus magnet, beach channel, van buren and all the rest. Traveling the far reaches of queens. One rotation your in Long Island city trying forever to find parking the next your in beach channel paying a toll and being told fuck u whitey and suck a body part. Thank you for my job uft

  54. As Norm says, come to the PEP. You can speak to the chancellor there.


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