Sunday, May 20, 2018


I saw the Tweet below from Reality Based Educator:

Crickets about APPR from .@UFT. Janus is coming, company union heads. Membership is restless and sick of your sellouts. Don't think you can quell it forever with propaganda and patronage. 

I am not betting against Michael Mulgrew and Randi Weingarten's Unity machine to basically scare people into paying UFT dues after Janus but you never know. We will soon find out for sure.

As I have said before, we need a union and I am very pro-union. I would rather fix our union from within. That said, if the fed up UFT members bolt from the UFT in droves, I hope they have a plan to organize themselves into a new labor union. Otherwise, I believe we will have lost the fight and we will have little left.


  1. They dont give a fuck, obviously.

  2. How do you collect dues from teachers who don't want to pay? You turn Chapter Leaders into bill collectors and split the chapter up into pieces. Don't think that administrators won't learn quickly how to deal with this division. It's no wonder no one wants to be a Chapter Leader. Elections are coming up with no one running.

  3. Everything the U F T has done so far as Janis gets closer is all to save their own asses. Nothing to improve the quality of life for NYC teachers, just BULLSHIT like the stupid union card and an app with a customer service phone number. Either this union is clueless as to what their members want or they really think we are the morons and have nothing but contempt for us. I personally think it's the latter.

  4. Hey UFT - time to step up!! Start making some changes or I think your members will hold on to that $1,300 a year.

  5. The recent 2% salary increase that finally put money from 2009-2011 into UFT member pay and the 3% increase coming in late June should put union dues at well over $1,400 per year.

  6. its not that the union is clueless-its that they really are powerless- and are afraid to show it.

  7. Anonymous 6:50 AM,

    Yes, a company union, which is what Unity Caucus decided the UFT should be under Bloomberg and ever since, is always powerless, since its purpose is to co-manage/control the workforce.

  8. Michael, Then why should we pay dues to a company union?

  9. Anonymous 9:36,

    Because even a bad union is better than no union at all, and because if teachers ever woke up and decided to take their union back, it could be a tremendous force for good.

    1. You’re joking, right? That’s like proposing to that Italians change the Mafia into a good organization to help Italians. Actually, that’d be easier. You’re a smart guy, Michael and you’re using a Clichéd line that is rote, simple and impossible.

  10. You cannot take over the mob. Teachers could take back the UFT if they just woke up and pulled together.

  11. How? Explain your plan and how you're proposing to win on that rigged slot machine. The UFT is a racket.

  12. It's a racket because its members allow it to be.

  13. The Chancellor just retweeted a tweet from Dwarka. He’s not too bright.

  14. An old colleague of mine used to say, "A sh-- Union is better than no Union".

    Ultimately the UFT has to prove it is of value. When I was working in Catholic school, we voted to bring in the Union (FCT), and it had its own problems but one way it was vastly superior to the UFT was that it responded to its membership. This was because in my, and other schools that joined since the '90's, they were not guaranteed membership or an agency fee. So, they had to WORK to get people to stay in the Union and pay dues. Most of us did because we saw the value in being in the Union.

  15. Anonymous 12:31,

    All dictatorships are invincible until the day they're not.

    Everyone thought the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union would be with us forever. Instead, they disappeared almost overnight.

    I will no longer be working in the system, but the same thing is certain to happen to Unity, perhaps sooner than anyone thinks possible.

    1. Prayer and the media get the credit for the Berlin Wall and SU falling. I won’t be praying for the UFT and blog’s like this one are rightfully waking members up.

  16. I agree 6:50

    I believe the UFT has lost its leverage/clout and its leaders don't want members to know to keep the gravy train going.


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