Monday, May 07, 2018


City Comptroller Scott Stringer made some interesting points criticising Mayor Bill de Blasio's budget on Sunday on the radio that were recorded by the NY Post. Here is part of what Stringer said on the city budget according to the Post:

“This budget is way, way high,” Comptroller Scott Stringer said on 970 AM radio’s “The Cats Roundtable.”
“We added $4 billion in spending this year, and that’s something I’m very concerned about,” Stringer said. “We can’t just spend wildly.”
“Right now, we need to take action while the economy is strong,” he told host John Catsimatidis. “We should be setting aside revenues and controlling our spending.

“But instead, future budget gaps are projected to grow by $1 billion a year. At the end of the day, part of the budget negotiation has to be about getting us to a higher savings level, not just a higher spending level.”
Later on Stringer takes on spending in the school system:

Stringer particularly took aim at questionable spending decisions at the Department of Education.
“The Department of Education is a spending boondoggle,” he said. “They spend 24 percent of the money on administrators instead of teachers instead of resources for the classrooms.”
The DOE is budgeted backwards as just about everyone knows. The classroom gets what is leftover after the fat cat administrators take care of themselves and their friends centrally and in the schools.


  1. Rampant corruption at the DOE.
    No oversight
    No Accountability
    Kids last, always!

  2. Nothing changes but at least someone who has some say can accurately tell us what is going on.

  3. Right James,
    Just about everyone knows, except Sawdust-for-Brains Michael Mulgrew.

  4. DOE Legal Dept. should be downsized.

  5. Mulgrew knows. He definitely knows.

    1. Mulgrew is part of the corruption.

  6. NYC spends 33 billion dollars a year on education but they do not know how to equip the schools with computers....among many other things....
    1. nyc school buildings have antiquated bathrooms always cold water and never staying on
    2. rare occurrence that you have soap to wash your hands
    3. old torn text books - are you kidding me
    4. no teacher cafeterias in NYC schools any longer....teachers must eat in closets now
    5. teacher work rooms are jammed with teachers, secretaries, counselors making copies, eating their brown bag smelly lunches and trying to make plans for their classes with minimal supplies
    6. simple paper seems to always be an issue with paper shortages monthly if not daily

  7. 10:07am, When I first started as chapter leader, an assistant principal tried to give me some sage advice by telling me how I don't understand that the school system is run by and for the people at the top who don't give a hoot about the kids and I have to understand the system for what it is. Sadly, he was right in many ways and it has gotten much worse under Bloomberg and de Blasio.

    1. There are supervisors and Leadership Proncipals causing chaos in our schools.

  8. How is it possible to waste so much money and have nothing to show for it? The scores and discipline are worse than ever. Corrupt and embarrassing!

  9. The only philosophy they have is to target veteran teachers, and spend a lot of money on ATRs when they should be teaching.


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