Thursday, June 21, 2018


From the Albany Times Union:

ALBANY - Many of the hopes and dreams for this year's legislative session were dashed on Wednesday night as state legislators prepared to make their scheduled exit from Albany for the year.

Further down:
It was clear where some of the issues went to die, as sports gambling, a package of transparency measures, an expansion of charter schools and requirements for reporting bullying were killed by the state Assembly and the state Senate pulled the plug on safe staffing at hospitals, the DREAM Act, an overhaul of the teacher evaluation system, election reforms and additional gun control.

Since nothing happened on the law to slightly tweak the teacher evaluation law, let's restart our push to get rid of the entire teacher evaluation law. End student test score based teacher evaluation and Danielson observations. We have a petition that almost 1,300 have signed.

It's a nice start but with more teachers over here at the ICEUFT blog because of the debate on who should pay for paid parental leave, us or the city, maybe some will become interested in really getting rid of a horrible evaluation system. This is really an issue I am passionate about.


  1. It is an issue that I am deeply concerned with as well. To me it is the most important aspect of my working conditions. I am actually glad that the new eval bill did not pass as it was shit and did not go far enough. We need a full court press on this now and in the near future!!!

  2. You will only get a full court press from NYSUT post Janus when you leave and make it clear that no action on APPR is the reason

  3. Totally agree. Happy that the bill did not pass.
    End Danielson Now!

    Lori Matta


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