Wednesday, June 27, 2018

UNIONS LOSE JANUS (Updated with MLC Chair Harry Nespoli Statement from Chief Leader and NYSUT President Pallotta Statement)

We followed the SCOTUS blog for the Janus decision. It has been issued.

It looks to these non lawyer eyes as a wide ranging ruling against unions. 5-4 decision. Agency fees are unconstitutional. Bad news for sure.

From SCOTUS blog:
Of practical importance, the Court also holds that employees must affirmatively consent before fees can be withheld from their paychecks —the system must be opt-in, not opt-out.

The Janus decision:

From the decision written by Samuel Alito:
States and public-sector unions may no longer extract agency fees from nonconsenting employees. The First Amendment is violated when money is taken from nonconsenting employees for a public-sector union; employees must choose to support the union before anything is taken from them. Accordingly, neither an agency fee nor any other form of payment to a public-sector union may be deducted from an employee, nor may any other attempt be made to collect such a payment, unless the employee affirmatively consents to pay. Pp. 48–49. 

My question is this: Are we all out now or is the card we filled in when we joined the UFT still valid?

From Justice Alito on the free rider problem:
In any event, whatever unwanted burden is imposed by the representation of nonmembers in disciplinary matters can be eliminated “through means significantly less restrictive of associational freedoms” than the imposition of agency fees. Harris, 573 U. S., at ___ (slip op., at 30) (internal quotation marks omitted).  Individual nonmembers could be required to pay for that service or could be denied union representation altogether. Thus, agency fees cannot be sustained on the ground that unions would otherwise be unwilling to represent nonmembers. 

From the Elena Kagan dissent:
So take your pick. Either the majority is exposing government entities across the country to increased First Amendment litigation and liability—and thus preventing them from regulating their workforces as private employers could.  Or else, when actual cases of this kind come around, we will discover that today’s majority has crafted a “unions only” carve-out to our employee-speech law. 

Later on:
There is no sugarcoating today’s opinion.  The majority overthrows a decision entrenched in this Nation’s law— and in its economic life—for over 40 years. As a result, it prevents the American people, acting through their state and local officials, from making important choices about workplace governance. And it does so by weaponizing the First Amendment, in a way that unleashes judges, now and in the future, to intervene in economic and regulatory policy.

The Chief Leader has an article that should be read. 
An excerpt:
Following the release of the 5-4 decision, Municipal Labor Committee Chair Harry Nespoli, speaking for all the municipal unions here, said in a statement, “We have learned from our colleagues in less union-friendly states how to overcome the obstacles placed in our path by right-wing ideologues.”
He continued, “Janus was a wake-up call that well-funded groups are always looking for ways to oppress working men and women. We have heard the call and we will emerge stronger than ever.”
NYSUT President Andy Pallotta reacted too:
We knew this moment was coming.

Wealthy special interests have been fighting for years to undercut unions and roll back the benefits earned by working families. Today’s Supreme Court decision in Janus vs. AFSCME shows how far they are willing to go to attack working families. Anti-union forces think they can seize this opportunity to convince our members to abandon our union in an effort to diminish their voice in the workplace and weaken their strength at the bargaining table.

We are going to prove them wrong.
NYSUT fights to protect the collective bargaining rights that help secure higher wages, quality health care and a secure retirement for our members and their families. They know that strong unions provide our members a voice in the workplace and in the halls of power. 

We have fought long and hard to protect our brothers and sisters in the labor movement, and we are not going to back down now. Our movement is stronger than ever. We are committed to working like never before to encourage every member to stick with our union.

If you haven’t already done so, contact your local president to sign your re-enrollment card.  And I hope you will take a minute to visit to help fight to preserve our voice, our values and our union. 

This is our moment.  I am confident that, together, we will rise to it.

In solidarity,
Andrew Pallotta

Re-enrollment card? Interesting. UFT President Michael Mulgrew put out something that says, "If you are a UFT member, you'll remain a member."

Still not sure what is correct. 


  1. UFT toilets just exploded from the overflow of vomit that just got spewed into them. Looks like we are all getting a raise this summer to the tune of $1,600 in dues money. (If indeed we have to "opt in")

  2. I'm staying with my union.

  3. Now I will have to give directly to Sharpton, BLM and Antifa.

  4. You want change opt out then you will get change and can opt in Otherwise the NYSUT/ UFT Cabal will continue . What happens if you only opt in to your local and not the state and national affiliates since you cannot pay dues unless you have affirmatively consented to join.??? Anybody ???

  5. I'm still reading the decision and am not a lawyer so I don't know.

  6. James: what about UFT welfare benefits? How are they defined for members and nonmembers?

  7. How to opt out?? I want out as of todays ruling. I WANT OUT NOW!!!

  8. Great news ! Now I can do to the Uft what they’ve been doing to me for the last decade.

  9. Now this is a real victory for all teachers. The arrogant UFT will have to get off its high horse and represent us. We want an ATR chapter and real representation. Say no, I dare you Mulgrew.

  10. $1500 will pay my therapy bills from the last school year. Thank you Supreme Court!

    1. You'll need more therapy when there is no union. You're just playing into the hands of the virulent antI union right wing. Think Koch brothers.

  11. hmm, do you think UFT merchandise might become a thing of the past - Maybe one day it can sell on EBAY as a relic.

  12. Read the decision and the dissent. I just finished. I do not believe this is a time for celebration. Short term, you may save some money in union dues, but can you show me one example where weaker unions lead to better employment conditions for workers?

    1. The UFT is not a union - this can be a catalyst for change.

  13. I have been highly critical of Michael Mulgrew, Randi Weingarten and Unity Caucus for over two decades, never hiding behind the cloak of anonymity. I've stood up at the DA and challenged them, and run on opposition slates against them. I agree with most of the criticism of them on this site (though not the disgusting racism and child hatred that sometimes accompanies it)

    That said, for those of you salivating over the big bux you'll be saving by not paying union dues, please consider the cost of a retaining a private lawyer if/when you are brought up on charges by the many psycho principals out there.

    Because union people won't be paying for your sorry, free-loading asses.

  14. I think we should continue paying our union due. But expected better service from it. Then If we do not receive it,
    we willl opt-out.

  15. From Justice Alito: "Individual nonmembers could be required to pay for that service or could be denied union representation altogether."

    1. James, I’m confused non members. They could be required to pay Alito claims as well as being denied union rep meaning just representation or all benefits?

  16. Opt out Save the money and if you don't need a lawyer your way ahead if you do you can pick a lawyer of your choice not be assigned one. NYSUT/UFT brought this on now suffer the consequences. This is what happens when you sell everyone out!!!

  17. Your retiring Mike - don’t claim superiority over the anonymity of those you disagree with. This has nothing to do with money, it’s about respect and a voice - especially for those of us that have been supporting the UFT for decades and find ourselves in the ATR pool. While I’m not celebrating this, I do see it as an opportunity for real representIon and change. These people are not ‘free-loading asses’, and that’s the type of arrogance I often hear from those that want all of us to continue to pay dues. Not the best thing to say today.

    1. If it wasn't for the ubion, there'd be no ATR pool. They all would have been terminated.

  18. This decision is a win win for all teachers in the trenches who can stop union dues until they have a union representing them. Mulgrew must earn his $299,000 salary. Unity UFT took in $193.8 million last year for what. How has this money spent on: 117,000 movie tickets, 66,601
    spent on Lincoln Center, MSG and Radio City and 13,610 spent on Yankee/Met tickets helped reduce class sizes, tighten discipline, increased classroom supplies??? $1,400 in union dues can be better spent in our pockets.

  19. The Koch bros are coming in their pants laughing at the goons who want out from their union. Remember to ask Scott Walker in Wisconsin if he thought the decision was a good one.

  20. Please tell me how not having a union helps any of us or how having a much weaker union helps us.
    It does not.

  21. This decision is not the end of unions. It doesn't even weaken strong unions. The strength of unions is not their bank accounts. but their willingness to fight and stand up for its members. The UFT's lack of democracy and its intentional creation of an apathetic rank and file has it rightfully concerned.

  22. Maybe now the UFT will think twice before supporting some leftist cause,stick to our issues.

    As for the person asking about welfare fund. It’s a city benefit run by the union, all should still get it whether member or not.

  23. On the contrary, this is a great day and a great victory for strong healthy unions.
    It is a disaster for sick dysfunctional unions like the UFT, for example

  24. I am pleased with the SCOTUS decision. Now, I will wait and see.

  25. I will gladly pay my dues IF THE UFT GETS US 2 OBSERVATIONS IN THE NEXT CONTRACT. I demand 2 observations like every other teacher union in New York State. Ball is in your court Mulgrew.

    1. All teachers staying back after school should be paid for their time to run off photo copies and prep for their 5 classes,doing 3 lesson plans,getting silly inputs from incompetent administrators who encourage young untenured teachers to cheat the grades with tenure as the prize and having to rewrite lesson ps to include trash because they don t know anything about the subject they are observing. All time spent in the building after school should be paid for.

    2. The proper number of observations should be zero because they are valueless.

      Albert Shanker knew this from discussions with school supervisors:

  26. This is not a great day. I ask again for any of you to show when salaries and working conditions have improved when unions are weak? No answer because you have none.

    1. I agree that while we may have our issues with the UFT it is better to have a union than none. The union is every one of us together in unity.Each chapter must get a CL who is committed and the uft must protect them.Identify those CLs who are free loaders working with principals and don t go to chapter meetings and abandon their members. Some even become principals and fight their teachers. I will stay a member and try to change these things from within and I encourage all of us to do the same.The 1400.00 you save now will not compensate for the horrible working conditions we may have later without a union.

  27. Simple questions...What do we lose by not paying dues?

  28. The fact is that the UFT is now shitting their pants. They have one chance to make things right and that is the next contract. The next contract will be catalyst in regard to teachers deciding if they are going to withhold dues. A shitty union is better than no union many say. Well, I say we should be paying for a good union. The UFT now has to start working for us rather than just trying to "get a seat at the table". It is time for hardline unionism if the UFT wants to remain viable in this post Janus world.

  29. Problem is, pattern already set...

  30. James,

    Working conditions are pretty bad in a lot of schools. I work, on average, 60 hours a week. The amount of paperwork is out of control: Differentiated lesson plans, unit plans, project plans, instructional adjustments, grade papers, parent communication logs, student improvement plans, etc. I have to have three sets of groups in the classroom depending on the lesson, suffer increasing verbal abuse from the students, deal with incompetent administrators, have to attend non-paid after school meetings, voluntold to attend PD 3 to 4 days in the summer, and so on. Working conditions have deteriorated in the last 15 years and I would gladly give up any salary increase to do away with all this unnecessary BS.

  31. We already know what the next contract is. DC 37 set the pattern yesterday. How do you intend to improve on those conditions without a union?

  32. Representation. That was rather specific. No separate contracts.

  33. Post has been updated with Chief Leader link and NYSUT President Andy Pallotta statement that I think says we all have to opt back in.

  34. My CL told me earlier that it is an opt-in, and they want it done before the September 16th check is cut.


  35. Withholding dues in the short run might weaken the UFT but in the long run will strengthen it.
    And as for Fiorillos " sorry,free-loading asses " comment, that is better applied to those union FATCATS bringing down $100,000+ yearly for doing NOTHING.


  36. James, not understanding, we lose what if we dont pay dues. Only lawyer?

  37. Anonymous 12:18,

    Yes, I am retiring: so what? My comment referred to my years as a publicly-identified opponent of so-called education reform and Unity Caucus, as Delegate, Chapter Leader and rank and file member, so that criticism is false and irrelevant.

    Yes, the union deserves a lot of blame for the position it's in, and yes today's ruling may force it do what it should have been doing for years, but I stand by my main point, which is that penny-wise, pound foolish egotists who look forward to going it alone won't have their sorry, selfish asses carried by real union men and women.

  38. In the short run, you don't lose salary or benefits but how can we ever possibly improve anything without a union? I hear the people who are saying the UFT does very little, if anything, to advocate for us. However, how does a bunch of people leaving improve the situation? It weakens us unless you have some kind of alternative union set up which I very much doubt a group of anonymous commenters are planning on organizing.

  39. How can we improve things with out a union. You can't but this Union, NYSUT/ Uft isn't the union to improve things. They measure their worth in the size of the defeat. We have all heard how it would be so much worse without them. They endorse terrible candidates who turn their back as soon as elected, if they can even get elected, see 2016. Local control has been destroyed. See tax cap and APPR. You want some more let's talk of evisceration of rights under the education transformation act So time to crush this Union or get them to change by withholding dues. What has been happening clearly isn't working. A new Union is necessary or a dramatically different one

  40. LIFE is organizing out on Long Island and hope to make NYSUT more responsive but if not there is an alternative plan. So yes people are organizing and NYSUT is well aware of it and actually sent some folks to try and disrupt it. So there are alternatives. By the way many Life member locals have significantly resigned up the vast majority if not 100 percent of their members I. Some cases only for the local

  41. QUESTION: Does anybody think we might get a contract signed very quickly now that Janus is done? If the UFT wants dues they have to show us that our dues are worth paying. If the UFT gets a shitty contract, many more may be tempted to opt out. Thoughts???

  42. When a business loses 20% of its customers, they either do some serious analysis as to why, or they may soon be finished. If members all just continue to pay, that is a clear signal to leadership that what they have been doing all along is acceptable. 1% raises, 11 years of retro, instituting parental leave without so much as asking membership, more observations,etc. Go ahead and stay, but I am out on protest, and if I see positive change, I will re join.

  43. We have asked before LIFE and will ask again for contact information. Anonymous comments are not enough.

  44. Contract will be about 2% a year, precedent set by dc37. Dont expect some amazing deal because of Janus. Plus, contract goes till mid Feb now, even if agreed to, wont see pay increase for 8 months. 7% for 3 and a half years minus medical givebacks.

  45. Hi James
    Life information was previously sent but will be sent again. Sorry for the cloak and dagger routine . We are real but a number of us have been attacked and the organization has been maligned simply because we gave a different point of view. While our member locals are not as large as UFT they feel they can survive without NYSUT in the way. The goal is to work with NYSUT and be patient but sooner or later we must see progress. A number of locals have beefed up their disaffiliation clauses. Hopefully it is unnecessary but we need to move in a direction and be ready because ultimately to our members we are the Union Thanks for providing a forum

  46. No more givebacks or I keep my dues.

  47. Went to the Janus rally today organized by the PSC. The larger unions including UFT, DC37, and AFSCME were conspicuously absent. There were a handful of UFT members, all dissidents from MORE, Solidarity, maybe NA. What was really odd was that Randi Weingarten showed up and led chants on a bull horn.

    Who needs mobilization when you've got a union boss as awesome as Randi?

  48. 7:52, I just checked Nothing there. Have not seen anything previously either.

  49. Right, already too late for contract.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Gandhi's salt march did partially work, because it brought attention to one injustice. Eventually the salt tax was repealed. ( My daughter just gave me a 20 minute lecture on Gandhi and Indian history.) An excellent idea, James. Perhaps all ATRs should withhold dues until we get some concessions for real representation from the UFT - a chapter, a fight against Fair Student Funding and public defense of our experience and character.

  52. 8:14, Please see this morning's post. Givebacks on healthcare already agreed to by MLC. Quinn, This is more proof that Randi's concessionary bargaining strategy is not worked.

  53. I am a staunch supporter of unionism. I do not like the way our union is run or controlled by only one group: Unity. I find nearly every answer I've ever gotten to a question or literature produced by them seemingly intentionally vague and/or unclear. They never provide a clear or straight forward answer and always seems to be trying to dissuade members from action. As a CL for the past 6+ years I have found every moment frustrating. Nearly every communication I ever received required me to follow up (often multiple times), because their answers were just as unclear and vague no matter how clear and precise I tried to be in my questions. More frustrating, was they (every UFT person in a position with the UFT) I ever dealt with were all so certain they were right about everything. I can go on and on. If you've never had the displeasure of experiencing it for yourself, you really just can't understand or appreciate it.

    I am uncertain what I will do. Will I poop or get off the pot? I will probably poop and opt in, but isn't it sad how fitting that phrase is. Poop is what we have gotten for so long and now I will choose to pay for it.

    Our union hemorrhages money. Members you would be shocked how much is wasted on mailings and postage. Every month I receive a letter to inform/remind me of where and when my districts next CL meeting is. A physical letter? All meeting dates are pre-scheduled at the first meeting in September. We are e-mailed reminders. So why the wasteful cost? Every month we are sent big huge costly envelopes $2-3 postage) with delegate assembly notes? Why? Why not just an e-mail? Just tip of the iceberg. There is no respect that their money comes from dues. They just spend and do what they want. Plastic water bottles, plastic salad containers, etc.. sent by postage in expensive envelopes by VP's just to curry favor around elections. Mailings in support of UNITY candidates with 100's of copies of fliers and requests to distribute. Again I could go on and on.

    Now tell me this, anyone believe they buy separate paper or use separate copiers paid for by cope funds? Think they are careful to distinguish between regular work or political and campaign work when paying salaries? To be clear this last part is just speculation, but really anyone think differently?

    I don't know how you get a union like ours to change? What is the message we need to send? How do you get through to a group who is so unchecked as UNITY? These are hard questions. I honestly get everyones view points.

    Should be interesting if nothing else.

    Oh, and one last thing, I super agree that 2 observations should absolutely be part of our next contract agreement with no givebacks what so ever. The $ might have been set by DC37, but if UNITY delivers the same poop they have historically, then I might just get off that proverbial pot.

  54. Wow, Unity must go. I cannot see getting off the pot unless you see something better organized. Not likely.

  55. Veterans and mid range people will opt in for sure!

    The newbies are different! They may or may not opt in!

    The UFT must now court members and take nothing for granted!

    UFT must now be accountable to members!

    The members will have more control because we control the money!


  56. This is a difficult decision. The only reason I will probably stay in is because many administrators have mental disorders.

  57. No union means a vindictive politician can dictate staffing levels. Remember when Bloomberg said 1/2 the teachers could teach all the students. Or when Giuliani wanted to get rid of the Board of Ed.
    There are sadly many examples of politicians who see public education as disposable (Booker, is another one).
    As a side, the left fight for a living wage, universal health care and job guarantee could effectively mean that we will all enjoy the protections that unions provide. This is in the future though. I am sticking with my union.

  58. A major problem is that the UFT has spent more than a decade either misinforming members or completely not informing them of their contractual rights. All of a sudden they want members to fight and "stick with the union"? Many members have felt like sitting ducks all of these years. Some had to hire private attorneys. If the UFT wants members to stay on, give them the tools to fight in their buildings especially against bad administrators.

    UFT seems to think members know who the TRUE enemies are - billionaires, Janus etc. The truth is the UFT has made sure members were kept in the dark about who and what was behind the reforms, giving the appearance they were in cahoots. Members see the enemy as the DOE, principals, consultants, politicians, etc. SO UFT wants members to fight - but fight WHO? Your boss? Carranza? The Koch brothers? Cuomo? HOW? UFT can't just keep expecting members to pay them $1,500 per year and not have any tools to fight the system that seems to want to push every last teacher out the door.

  59. Still waiting for a list of what I would lose if I opt out...

  60. What about union dues that are automatically taken out for the months of July and August?

  61. For a UFT blog you guys are greatly misinformed on the union. If you want to know what you would lose if you opt out, read the UFT website news sections or Cuomo's website. This is New York, very different in terms of labor relations than other states. If you opt out, you will lose significant individual resources. Maybe you don't care about those and are only here for the collective bargaining but a weaker union does not mean a higher salary. Just ask Arizona and West Virginia.

  62. The system really seems corrupt. Now with this decision it is my feeling that yes the mid level and senior teacher will definitely continue to pay their dues. However, a very interesting issue has arisen. With the rise of the newbies and the destruction of senior people, I believe the newbies will be the ones who want to opt out - and many will.

    The reason I believe is that most newbies are only here for a few years - this is their choice and the choice of the DOE wanting temporary people to come though the system for a few years and then leave with no pension ties. So the corrupt scam here is first they flooded the system with newbies and now the janus decision. If the system was filled with senior people Janus would have been a no brainer.

    The newbies will be the ones who will bight the ass of the union by not paying their dues. The newbie is thinking why should I pay the $100 plus per month if I can get the services for free? The newbie says I will be leaving the system soon anyway. So, the removal of senior people will ultimately cost the UFT as the newbies will never want to pay dues. Its amazing but is certainly seems like this was the plan and it is working like magic against us. ATRs have been screaming at the union to stop the DOE from hiring newbies while senior ATR people sat around but to deaf ears. Now the newbies will be the enemy of the union Im just sayin

  63. No it’s because of civil service laws. Even the UFT couldn’t screw that up.

  64. Only thing I saw you would lose is the union lawyer if brought up on charges.

  65. Im confused, if i was a member i remain a member. What does that mean? I thought we had to opt in.

    If you are a UFT member, you will remain a member. You’ll still receive all of the union benefits that you have paid for and enjoyed over the years.

    If you paid agency fees, that arrangement ended with the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the Janus case.

    Nonmembers will still be covered by the specific terms of the collective bargaining agreements, but you will no longer receive or have access to these services offered by the union:

    Certain free legal services
    Free counseling
    Free or discounted training or professional development
    An attorney during 3020-a employee discipline procedures
    Member discounts through the UFT, NYSUT and AFT
    And you will not be able to participate in union elections, contract ratification votes or votes about school-based options

  66. I'm doing a series of blogs on the potential impact of Janus in The WAVE -- this will be published tomorrow:

    The UFT and Janus – Would a More Democratic Union Keep People from Leaving? --

  67. Oh wow, im really gonna miss discounted PD and being unable to vote in rigged elections and those amazing UFT discounts.

  68. Does anyone know how much the UFT takes from its members every year?

  69. 100 million on dues alone

  70. Postal Workers can choose not to join a union if they choose and not pay an agency fee . NALC and APWU are very powerful unions with voluntary membership.

  71. I think most teachers will join the UFT, especially when faced with a 3020-a disciplinary case. Teachers will be able to join together and threaten the UFT with a dues strike at their schools if their cl fails to represent them

  72. I found an article in the NY Post that stated that the UFT, in September of 2017, had a $182,000,000 budget. For that much money, they just have to do a better job. We should be willing to give up $1400 if we felt what we received was worth it.

    1. I would suggest to begin by trying to improve how the UFT is perceived. The reputation of the UFT is not good and it is their own doing. The last three contracts have been disastrous.

    2. The UFT should be neutral on political agendas that are supported by some and offensive to others. For example, I don't care too much for pride parades or women's marches.

    3. Get more information out to the rank and file. What exactly does the UFT do for us? Present this in plain language that would make me think I was losing out if I did not join. Most teachers and many administrators don't know what it is the contract therefore there are many violations daily. Teachers need more information.

    4. Being a chapter leader is a full time job. Nobody at my school wants the job. Doesn't the UFT have people who can go to schools on a regular basis, not just drop in every now and then. I see my UFT boro rep in my building about twice a year and I don't even know when he is coming.

    5. Something has to be done about the ATR situation. These teachers are suffering and I don't feel they are being heard.

    6. Maybe the UFT can do some anonymous surveys. Find out what the rank and file is really thinking, what is going on in the schools.

    These are just some ideas. Please, can we add more suggestions instead of just complaints? Criticism is productive when followed by suggestions.

  73. January 4, 2018 NY Post reported the UFT took in $193.8 million in 2017. Mulgrew salary is $299,119 not including additional compensation, 2.3 million spent on food, $117,000 on movie tickets, $66,601 spent on Lincoln Center, MSG and Radio City, $13,610 on Yankees/Mets tickets, $189,763 spent on Ravioli Fair, (source: UFT annual report)

  74. Oh Lucy. Do you not understand the union thinks they are doing a good job. No not good great! They think every contract has been awesome. They would never survey because why do they need to. I do agree about needing more direct presence in the schools but don't hold your breath.

  75. 3:49,
    They're hiding the quail numbers! It's a favorite culinary delight of the UFT.

  76. So what does this mean for substitute teachers? We pay dues but do not get any benefits. I am not even sure we are entitled to this legal representation. I have only been told that subs must get their own attorney. So I am not sure what the UFT does for subs.

  77. Nothing for subs. Not much for the rest of us either.

  78. Things to ponder

    1) I believe ATR’s will now be given their own chapter, because union scared they won’t join.

    2) if this was in effect when UF made DR’s appt. instead of elected by chapter chairs that wouldn’t have happened

    The union will now be more responsive.

  79. 5:59 (Subs):

    Just like full-time members, substitute members are represented at all disciplinary conference and investigations.

    The UFT also negotiated the increases in the daily rate which just went up significantly. UFT Substitutes are among the highest paid substitutes in the country.

    The UFT will counsel Member Substitutes on how to become fully certified and move into a regular position.

    1. Really? And who should I contact to discuss moving into a regular position? After subbing for nine years, this kind of help has never been offered to me. The only meeting I was ever invited to was the how to collect unemployment meeting . Additionally, I would like to mention that this year was the first year the UFT made an effort to find my email and emailed me a weekly newsletter with updates from the uft high school team in my district. This is also the year that I recieved the newspaper in the mail. I am not sure where the UFT was the past nine years. They never communicated with me and when I called them, the first line was always, you are a sub so we really can't help you or you are not entitled to this and that. This has been my experience and I am sure I am not alone.

  80. 9:08:

    You contact a Principal. The Principals have the jobs not the UFT. I am sure with your nine years of superior service you will be an asset to many Principals. Obviously, substitutes have a difficult job with classroom management and all the difficult personalities working in various schools. If you have been doing it all this time you know what you are doing. Speak to the Principals at your favorite school, if you keep on returning to a particular school you are on there radar.

    Then the UFT can help with certification questions,

  81. There is hope, if we stick together. This is exactly what the Koch brothers et al do not want us to do. There is strength in numbers and we outnumber them.

  82. Q

  83. Sub,
    I was a sub too. I remember, years ago, going to a mass meeting for subs just before a contract vote-which we were allowed to vote on. I don't know what the rules are now.
    I spoke to a long time sub, also years ago and she said that you could put together sub days and retire. She did it for access to the medical, but she kept subbing.
    Keep track of where you work. If you get another city or state job, you can buy back your time and apply it to retirement. The DOE is supposed to have the info, but it's good to have your own records.
    Don't forget there are other teaching jobs out there-read "The Chief", occasionally they have listings.
    Best of Luck!
    P.S. Maybe the subs should have their own representative!

  84. You can be pro union but be anti U F T. We can send a message to this union by withholding dues until we see positive change. I`m not buying the scare tactics. Unity already thinks members are dummies and will use that to strongarm the ignorant.

    Janis is an OPPORTUNITY to change this union for the better.


  85. Is there a way to opt out of the NEA and AFT but stay in the UFT? I want to stay in the UFT so I can have my dental insurance and access to a lawyer. However, the NEA and the AFT are not important and do nothing for me personally.

  86. Anonymous 9:46 You can opt out of the UFT and even keep your dental. NYC pays for all health benefits. Many educators who have had legal issues have found lawyers outside of the union to be far superior and effective,


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