Monday, July 09, 2018


Below is an excerpt from an article in Education Week. This was  from the National Education Association (NEA) Representative Assembly last week.

 Parkland Survivor David Hogg: Nothing More Powerful Than a 'Pissed-Off Teacher'
By Madeline Will on July 2, 2018 12:43 PM


On the first day of the National Education Association's representative assembly, activist David Hogg urged thousands of teachers to make sure their students were registered to vote.

NEA President Lily Eskelsen GarcĂ­a yielded much of her own speech time to Hogg, a survivor of the Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla.

From the stage, Hogg called on the nearly 8,000 educators in attendance to get involved in civic action. The first protest he ever went to, he said, was an NEA protest over low teacher pay at age 3—Hogg's mother has been a teacher...

Teachers who read the ICEUFT blog all seem to be angry about the state of education in the New York schools and the UFT. How do we take that energy and use it to build a better school system with a stronger union?

I wish I knew the answer to that question. Maybe some of you have a few fresh ideas.


  1. Looks like this article is more about indoctrination then education.

  2. Picket de Blasio's Gracie Mansion and Brooklyn home, UFT or not. No way teachers can win through the main stream media, but if backdoor poltics can produce...

    de Blasio: Mike, you gotta do something about these teacher protests.

    Mulgrew: What do you want me to do?

    de Blasio; What do they want? What will stop them?

    And, it goes from there. Pressure on de Blasio, pressure on Mulgrew. It is a message to de Blasio and UFT Leadership that they are not paying attention.

    I remember the non-UFT picketing in front of Bloomberg's 79th street townhouse years ago. Don't know how much it did, but the participants were into it.

    With a "friendly" mayor now, it may have more strength.

  3. David Hogg speaking at an NEA function is exactly why so many teachers want to "opt out" of paying union dues. A ton of teachers DO NOT agree with his anti gun rights stances yet our dues are paying for his agenda. Our dues should be used for getting us decent contracts and for supporting teachers in need against vindictive administrators. Not a single penny should be used for political purposes or agendas unless it benefits us such as getting the word out to vote against the NY Constitutional Convention.

  4. Is Mulgrew the right person to lead the UFT post-Janus? The union needs to separate its cushy relationship with the city and CSA. If Mulgrew takes head on the micromanagement of teachers and fight for their way of instruction without the petty controlling that would be a very good start. However it appears to me Mulgrew will try to keep things as close to business as usual as he can.

  5. Agree we should concentrate on teachers first but having people speak at an NEA convention is no big deal. We also should protest and get a new UFT President.

  6. Tepid Mike is not the man for the job. Send him back to showing videos on wood working. He’ll be promptly turned into an ATR. I can’t think of anything better.

  7. How do we opt out of dues?

  8. Wrong place to ask. This is a pro union site.

  9. 1:49, very well said. Stunts like this, having that moron Hogg addressing the NEA convention, make me want to leave and pull my dues today. I almost did it pre-Janus the day Mulgrew showed up at my school with Randi and Andrew Cuomo to pull the kids out of school for their gun control photo ops. Sometimes I ask myself "What am I waiting for"? At this point all that's left is for Mulgrew to show up at my doorstep, lift his leg, and piss on me. He already pisses on our rights.
    I'm a 4th generation Union member, I don't take it lightly, but when it comes down to brass tacks I'd rather have my rights, and save up for a lifetime NRA membership, than support the UFT. If I lose my job I can find another. If we lose our rights...

  10. Re :Pogue said...

    Yawn..... What else ya got?

    Yours truly,
    Michael Mulgrew

  11. July 09, 2018 1:49:00 PM:

    Your union dues does NOT go for political action. Hasn't for YEARS. Not allowed to use union funds for political purposes. That arm of the union is VOTE-COPE, which IS voluntary and has been for YEARS. If you have a problem with the union supporting political candidates then don't contribute to VOTE-COPE (and the son of a good friend of mine goes to Stoneman Douglas and knows Hogg quite well from the theater group they are both in - no funds from the UFT or even AFT are being given to the students. These trips are being paid for by the kids themselves, their parents, and private donations).


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