Friday, July 06, 2018


Sometimes I think someone should keep the NY Teacher away from me because I become so agitated by what is in there as well as what is not published.

I just looked over the July 5, 2018 issue and saw an article on the Municipal Labor Committee's healthcare concessions that will be used in part to fund the less than stellar raises for the next UFT contract. City employees will be saving the city another $1.1 billion in part by putting all new city employees on HIP for their first year on the job. This precedent changes the UFT contract in a significant way. Article 3G1 says in part:

Choice of Health Plans
  The Board agrees to arrange for, and make available to each day school teacher, a choice of health and hospital insurance coverage from among designated plans and the Board agrees to pay the full cost of such coverage.

The choice was down to HIP and GHI for no cost plans but now that is even gone for new employees in year one. They are now forced into managed care. Forget about having an option to keep your own doctor.

In addition, according to the New York Teacher, "The savings over the next three years will come, in part, from increased use of services outside of hospitals, such as in health centers and doctors' office, for procedures including arthroscopy, colonoscopy, radiology, ambulatory surgery and cataract removal." Less choice for us is a major concession on the part of the municipal unions.

According to UFT President Michael Mulgrew, this is another major union victory. He says in the NY Teacher, "Working with the city and other municipal unions, we managed to come up with a health care deal that will provide excellent services while reducing overall costs." He goes on to say, "All of the health savings will be ploughed back into the next round of municipal contracts to benefit our members." Translation, we are paying for much of our own raises.

Our President thinks it's real fine that we will be paying for salary increases with healthcare concessions when the City of New York has an $8 billion surplus. The city's economy has never been better but we will have to pay with givebacks for raises that won't beat inflation now running at 2.8% annually and expected to be around 2.6% for the year. Is Mulgrew guilty of incompetence or being in bed with management? Does it even matter at this point?

We already know pretty much what those raises will be because DC 37 set a pattern contract for city civilian workers of 7.25% raises over 44 months. It may be a little higher because there is .6% added in for other needs but our next contract for all intents and purposes is done in terms of the financial parts because of pattern bargaining. One municipal union settles on a contract for a round of collective bargaining and it establishes a pattern that all of the other unions are stuck with. Pattern bargaining has been upheld by numerous arbitration panels over the years. Do we need a strong union for this? My 4 year old son could go in and say to the city, "Me too" and get the DC 37 pattern in about three seconds.

 Look on the UFT news page and you won't find information on the DC 37 contract anywhere. UFT likes to keep you in the dark about this. They only will admit contract talks have begun.

I gather some comments will probably respond here by saying that we should all protest by leaving the UFT and withholding dues. I have read so many insightful comments lately. I understand where everyone is coming from. The best line among many powerful ones to me is from Bronx ATR who said:

I don't want to leave the union, I want to belong to one.

I concur; I want to be in a union too. The current version of the UFT in many ways is a union in name only. However, getting in bed with the Koch brothers and other right wing groups who are funding the drive to kill the unions is not the answer. They would take away everything we have left if they could.

That said, I fully understand that NY is not like traditional right to work states. The government here is not trying to kill the unions. Why should they? We don't fight the government. The reality is in NY the government and unions are cozy with each other. Under these circumstances I believe the status quo Unity dominated union is still better than nothing in that it is structured in such a way that it could be a real tiger, not just a paper tiger (I won't even say a toothless one) if it wanted to be. Weakening a feeble,yet ironically bloated, bureaucratic union doesn't help unless you can replace it with something better.

If people who are unwilling to accept our plight are ready to come out of the shadows to start some alternate version of a union or challenge the leadership, then you might have something. Just withholding dues to save $1500 per year and stick it to Mulgrew is as big a dead end as any. Talk about what you are willing to organize if you are serious because the power of a union comes from people collectively standing up for ourselves.


  1. I have bigger fish to fry other than healthcare givebacks. My number one concern is getting 2 observations in the next contract. The thing that really sucks is that we are facing yet another 10 month school year with 4 observations due to our contract now being extended into Feb. I am pissed at this more than anything. I really wish someone with an inside lead could let us know if the the UFT is pushing for 2 observations in the next contract.

  2. Two would be a minimum as it is around the state. Hostile administrators would still be able to terrorize anyone with the threat of more and would only let up on people who suck up. Two observations would only help if you have a decent administrator. I know for a fact that some good administrators aren't doing four now for many teachers. They just input numbers into system.

  3. Some procedures cannot be done in a hospital which could be a problem.
    I'm in the midst of cataract surgery on both eyes 2 weeks apart at the Manhattan Hospital for eye, ear, and throat. From what I read a UFT member would not be able to go to a hospital for this surgery. I'm covered under medicare so it is not relevant. This procedure is usually done when in your 60s or later so it may not affect most working people but anyone under 65 even if retired may be affected. There were other things listed but I don't remember them.

  4. Anonymous 10:55- if they continue with 4 observations, we're all going to need good healthcare plans, because many are already suffering from a host of physical ailments as a result of the stress.

    Mulgrew is making it REALLY difficult for me NOT to withhold my dues when he touts crap like this. Maybe this is the collusion that we should all be talking about- between the DOE and UFT to destroy the union.

    I'll stick with it for now and pray that the members wake up and demand change.

  5. Thank you for talking about inflation! 2% raises don’t even keep us at parity.

    Also I am still waiting for $36,000 from the 2009 contract, which if invested would’ve doubled by now!

    I can’t pay dues for this! Giving myself a 1.5% raise or so is far better than paying the UFT to stick it to me!

  6. I too am suffering from the ridiculous 4 observations. The stress is overwhelming. If I am going to be tortured, I would much rather be tortured 2 times a year instead of 4. UFT better get on this!

  7. It's crystal clear that the UFT is corrupt from the head down.
    So I'm not withholding dues merely to stick it to Mulgrew, I will do so out of protest for such corrupt leadership.

  8. How do we opt out, it sayy if you are a uft member you still pay.

  9. Another amazing victory from the UFT. We had better not get sick or old. I read the monthly UFT rag yesterday. I believe it uses The Enquirer as its ideal. Unfortunately, it has missed the mark by a mile. My cats are always the first to peruse it and even they found it unworthy of their special attention. They should really think about saving the monthly publication and mailing expense, and putting that money to good use with a Negotiation 101 PD.

  10. My bird loves the NY Teacher to shit on. It does great as liner. Try it. Works better than the Post.

    1. Yes, cats and birds may or may not like, The NY Teacher, because it is written for only one group - sheep.

  11. Here’s is an idea for everyone who hates teaching and the UFT....,LEAVE. Please find another job. I am so sick of people on this blog just complaining. If you don’t want to do anything constructive please stop complaining. Stop paying dues and also stop complaining. You don’t do our union and our movement any good. I sometimes think you just like complaining. I have friends in the private sector who are in worst shape than we are. A friend of mine has to pay the first $5,000 out of pocket before their healthcare insurance kicks in. I don’t think our union is perfect or our system but I am grateful for what I have and will continue to fight to make it better. If you are not willing to do the same, please do us a favor and shut the fuck up. Im sorry for the vulgarity but enough us enough. DO SOMETHING OR SHUT THE FUCK UP! There are forces looking to destroy unions and what the middle class has built and some of you are playing right into their hand. STOP. Commit yourself to making things better or get out of the way. I’m sorry if I offended anyone but this is how I feel.

    1. You’re a big problem why we have a union like we do. I will not ‘shut the fuckup’. The UFT has been trying to that to all of us for years and yes they would be happy if James, Chaz, Bronx ATR, and all their critics left the union. I’ll complain as much as I want. Why does it bother you? The truth is always uncomfortable to those that lie to others and themselves. I am working to make things better. What are you doing other than making excuses and rationalizing the completely incompetent UFT?

    2. Yes, let all shut the fuck up. If we don’t we should quit. I guess some of the comments must have hit a nerve. You must work for the UFT!

  12. I have been on the fence about paying dues or not. I thought to myself, oh my complaining and then when I got a chance to stop paying I keep doing it? No! My change comes in the form of pulling my dues. I won’t compl I have been on the fence about paying dues or not. I thought to myself, oh my complaining and then when I got a chance to stop pain I keep doing it? No! My change comes in the form of pulling my dues.

    I promise you I will no longer complain about paying too much for union that I feel does too little.

    I’ve began to taken action now. Every action has an opposite and equal reaction. Let us see how the UFT responds.

  13. Re my comment: Friday, July 06, 2018 9:08:00 PM

    Sorry comrades, I forgot to sign my name.

    Yours in solidarity,
    Michael Mulgrew

  14. 10:16 if you and others are willing to speak up and be s part of the solution I am with you. I don’t agree with just complaining and saying I’m pulling my dues. If you want to pull your dues that’s your right, do it but stop complaining.

    10:25 I dont work for the UFT. Why do you think that? Because I want to save what we have? Because I have friends in the private section and know what they have to pay? I attend union meetings, I do phone banking, I write to politicians, I call out our union when I think it’s moving in the wrong direction. I just don’t complain on a blog. I try to participate and hope you and others will do the same. Change comes from the membership who are willing to stand up. The folks on these blogs keep saying the same thing. WE ARE THE UNION!

    1. I think you work for the union because you want us to shut the fuck up or quit. Why do you assume that the people who complain are anti-union and aren’t doing anything. That’s an incorrect assumption and one in which you judge others with very little information on their circumstances. Do you know how much the disgusting UFT has fucked me over? Do you know of how many lives they’ve ruined with their indifference and incompetence? You’re the one that should shut the fuck up.

  15. Every ATR understands your point 10:54. Yes we are conflicted.

    1. Yes, cats and birds may or may not like. THE N.Y. Teacher, because it is written for only one group- sheep.

  16. NYC Teacher here: baa!

  17. Are you sure that members will have to contribute to healthcare? It wasn't so clear to me. Anyway, I'm in a different union and I pay about $450.00 each month for family health insurance. I also have a lot less stress than when I worked for the DOE.

    And for Friday, July 06, 2018 9:08:00 PM- If your friend is looking for a civil service job- to get out of the horror of private industry- they should pick up a copy of "The Chief". That's how I got my job!

  18. Good advice to read Chief Leader. We still don't pay premiums but everything else is rising.

  19. Thank you UFT for negotiating a great healthcare plan. I am enrolled in Emblem GHI and Empire Blue Cross. Last year, I was diagnosed with a benign brain tumour that was growing on my pituitary stalk and optic nerves. On May 9 I was successfully operated on at NY Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Hospital and spent 6 days in the ICU. The total bill for the hospitalization was $195,000 and about $ 30,000 for the doctors charges. The final bill that I received from NYP was a $300 copay which will be covered by SHIP. My only expenses so far have been about $300 in doctor and lab copays.

    1. 7:34:00 AM
      Glad you are feeling better Caprice. Wishing you the best if heath for many, many years.

  20. I took my kid to the ER and was billed $1136 which I was told would not be covered by my Emblem Health plan.

  21. make sure to ask ER doctor if he participates in your health insurance plan. Go to a hospital that participates in your plan.

  22. Fight that 9:45. You can win that with your health insurance company if it was an emergency. That happened to us when our daughter was a baby.

  23. Thank you James for the well wishes. BP

  24. That should say best of health Caprice.


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