Friday, July 27, 2018


This is from the latest NYSUT Leader Update. NYSUT is fighting back against the attempts to bust our union. This is an encouraging development.

Tell Bob and his anti-union buddies to bug off

By now, you've seen or heard about the emails from Betsy Devos and her elite friends trying to convince people to leave our union. The latest comes from Bob Bellafiore and the billionaires backing his front group, New Choice NY. While Bellafiore won't disclose who the group's donors are, we know who they are and what they want. Take action on the MAC and send Bob and his deep-pocketed buddies a message. In just a couple days, we sent more than 3,000 emails saying buh bye, Bob. Meanwhile, in an op ed this week, NYSUT President Andy Pallotta says members are sticking with their union and the Janus case is only making us stronger.


  1. Andy Pallotta can not make a statement that union members are sticking with paying dues. The Janus decision was just decided within the last month. Already people have contacted Human Resources at the DOE to stop dues. Hopefully the Union will begin to support teachers with lower class sizes, protections for ATR's, tightened discipline, increased teacher resources, returning of the NYC TRS TDA to 8.25% like administrators enjoy, etc. Other unions had their retro pay made whole years ago. Teachers have to wait till October 2020 and our contract is nearly up for renewal in a few months. UNITY has much to do to retain union dues.

  2. Quitting the union will not help.

  3. Nothing will, thats why i am...

  4. The problem is Michael Mulgrew. Here is a man who does not teach. Has no idea what is happening in the classroom. Does nothing for the membership. And is laughing all the way to the bank. Stop this . vote for someone else.


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