Sunday, July 15, 2018


This tweet came from AFT's Leo Casey:

UFT President Michael Mulgrew @ #2018: UFT is at highest membership rate of NYC educators in its history, well over 99%. AFT is at highest # of members ever. Janus be damned.

That looks good but the downside of this news is that it provides the UFT leadership with yet another reason, as if they need one, to be even more arrogant than they already are and to stick to doing business as usual.

Here is something from NYSUT President Andy Pallotta:
Andy Pallotta is president of the New York State United Teachers, which set goals of having one-to-one conversations and “recommitment” cards from every member by this fall. “I am happy to report that as of today, 85 percent of our members have re-signed a card,” Pallotta told delegates. “To give you a sense of scale, that’s over 200,000 members.”
The union also has spearheaded a NYSUT Member Organizing Institute, which prepares members for door-knocking and the art of one-on-one conversations. The institute has trained more than 500 members to visit with members in their homes and talk to them about the value of unions.
“Everyone is an organizer,” Pallotta said. “We’ve knocked on over 100,000 doors, and this summer we’ll be out in full force all around the state speaking to every member, warning them about union busters.”
Since our opponents’ post-Janus, anti-union campaigns have begun, he said, only nine members have dropped their membership, while 9,000 members have re-committed to NYSUT. “This Janus decision is going to be a good thing for us,” he added. “We’re getting back to our roots. [Former AFT President] Albert Shanker sat down with members at their kitchen tables. If we don’t talk with members, we won’t have a union.”
Pallotta had a parting shot for union busters. “If I could look them in the eye right now, I’d tell them one thing: Bring it on!”
This sounds great but the news out of Pittsburgh shows leadership is not getting back to any roots.
Lois Weiner is our correspondent from the AFT Convention in Pittsburgh. It looks like the same old top-down "leadership knows best" union to me. For example, the AFT is amending the Constitution so that the President and 2/3 of the executive committee can vote to change the terms of our affiliation with the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). Let's put more power into President Randi Weingarten's hands without any involvement or debate among the membership. Possibly disaffiliating from AFL-CIO is a huge step. 
Here is  the part of the AFT Constitution that was being amended yesterday with the word permanently deleted and replaced with language to give Weingarten more power.

Article XI--Affiliation (page 15)
Section 1. This organization shall immediately affiliate with the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations and shall permanently  maintain that affiliation. The president, however, with two-thirds approval of the executive committee may adjust the terms of such affiliation.

We know the executive committee is kind of a rubber stamp just like the convention with the 800 Unity loyalty oath signing members from the UFT doing what the leadership tells them to do.

More from Lois:
Interesting example of how the UFT controls the national convention by sending its full delegate strength, always, no matter what the cost. In the educational affairs committee an amendment just failed to call on Betsy DeVos to resign. It was close enough that there had to be a count. It was 132/164. Each delegate had one vote although since UTLA hadn't sent all of its delegates, the individuals here were actually representing more people than the UFT, which voted as a block. 

800 people from the UFT's Unity Caucus do whatever Mulgrew orders.

Norm comments:
Norm Scott Calculate the cost of sending 800 unity to the convention to vote as a block. Send one person with 800 proxies. But we know the reason. To pack these committees and control them. Democracy uft/unity style in the age of Janus. Without reforms calls to stay in the union will have less impact. Will the right wing attack unions on this basis - dues are taxation without representation. Watch for bales of tea floating down the river.

And even more from Lois:
So Randi Weingarten has come to the AROS meeting. She's opened up with us and is asking us to "deconstruct" the reasons RedforEd has brought so many people out. She's commenting now on how the UFT has succeeded in opening up its bargaining committee, opening up the process to the entire union, across caucuses. She says the union is "going down the road" of involving community. Really? This sounds so heartfelt, and perhaps it is. Power is a quite a narcotic.

Having served on the UFT Contract Negotiating Committee twice, I can tell you we did no negotiating and it was just another leadership rubber stamp.

This is depressing to see the UFT held up as a model of democratic unionism when it is anything but that in reality. I read every day the comments here. There is real frustration and anger in many schools that could explode at some point in the not too distant future. Union leadership is deaf to many member concerns.

Union is stronger than ever if I listen to the reports coming from the leadership in Pittsburgh. Reality is different in our schools.

As I read it the leadership isn't really worried about a few isolated members leaving. Norm Scott on Facebook thought a challenge to the unions may come from the right.

 Norm Scott UFT is the sole bargaining agent which requires it to rep everyone. They won an election in 1962 over two other groups. If a group can get enough signatures it could challenge the uft and force an election. Theoretically say the teamsters came in. But that would roil the labor waters. More likely a Koch bros front group very well funded might try it. Something (like) e4e (Educators for Excellence) could fit that bill. Randi recently did a joint op ed with Evan Stone (E4E) which is her typical way of trying to co-opt potential opponents by offering a seat at her table. Which I believe she has done with ctu (Chicago Teachers Union) and Utla (United Teachers of Los Angeles) her biggest internal aft threats which she has managed to neutralize in terms of opposing her though they feel they can get a few things done from working with her. At 2016 convention it was a love fest with bats (Bad Ass Teachers) included. Even peace and justice caucus disbanded. Randi’s genius is doing this as with new action (opposition caucus in NYC) in 2003 . That is main reason I didn’t bother going this time though I could have reported on what was really going on. But what’s the use when even the social justice caucuses have given up fighting the unity machine?

This blog has said over and over again that the only answer is an organized opposition waging a real battle for teacher rights on the job. Otherwise, leadership is right and this will be as good as it gets. The alternative proposed in numerous comments to just individually stop paying dues to send Unity a message might save a few people a few bucks but it is ultimately a road to nowhere that will just weaken our already not too robust unions.


  1. From previous posting...James, with all due respect, the UFT is already gloating that they have 99.2% still in..With that 99.2, you know as well as I that nothing will change. Wait till you see the next contract, none of the hundreds of teacher complaints will be addressed, we will continue to get backloaded, below cost of living raises, we will still be waiting for almost 80% of our retro as we walk in the door in September...The disrespect from students and admin will continue. Whether you agree with that paid parental deal we got, they added another 3 months onto an already disastrous deal.

  2. Notice the uft never even told us how to opt out, they know we are too stupid to figure it out.

  3. Still waiting for ability to fill a vacancy and not cross boroughs and bridges every day.

  4. Hardship travel clause? Its already in the contract. Nobody gives a fuck. Summer school is just like regular year, people show up half the time and pass anyway.

  5. Your article today was spot on, business as usual, for unity, for aft/NYSUT/uft and as I watch the left they are doing the same old same old, which is saying a lot and doing very little. They've spent the last month tooting their own horn on winning parental leave when in reality they nothing to do with it. Even Lois continues to see everything through the lens of 2012 CTU strike and social justice unionism. She refuses to be flexible and doubles down on her way, social movement unionism, is the only was even as the red state rebellions and the absolute destruction of CTU continues. I think your one missing piece is what John g keeps on saying. Things won't change immediately, it will be a slow death. New members will not sign up. In 10 years the numbers will dwindle. The union, like the Democrats now, will be reactive, and slow to respond. We are in full agreement that there will be no proactive steps to change now so attrition doesn't happen later.

  6. Im dropping out, sorry. Been fucked too often. I hate going to work.

  7. Now we are waiting till at least mid Feb for another lousy raise. I never thought it could get this bad.

  8. Many are waiting for September to make the ultimate decision concerning the UFT. As the school year unfolds like a corpse flower to its usual abysmal rotten meat stench, and if the UFT remains our indifferent, that 99% will drop considerably. Leo Casey reminds me of Bush when he made his infamous 'Mission Accomplished' speech. Leo stick to what you know best - English league football - nothing wrong with that, but don't bullshit the entire rank and file.

  9. The rank and file is too dumb to know any better. They still think we have won things and have a great deal.

  10. Why wait? We know nothing is changing.

  11. Right on anon 9:58AM.
    There is more than a little irony in Lois' reports who dismissed my critique of the UCORE social justice caucuses showing no presence at the AFT -- in previous years, Gloria, Lisa and I went from MORE to the AFT to try to hand out something about how Unity operates. Recent turmoil and rigid controls in MORE has soured me on going to challenge Randi in the name of MORE. Either at the AFT or at the DA.
    The CTU was our main hope when elected in 2010 but they need Randi and she made full use of her power- the 2012 strike took precedence over fighting Randi - as she did with UTLA when they got elected. UTLA does talk a militant game with a potential strike coming so I do get that they don't need to engage with Randi as their priority is to keeping her support. With each convention their ability to challenge Unity diminishes. This year they are pushing for more militancy by the AFT in Puerto Rico. Are they challenging Randi to be militant - in deed not just words -- in the rest of the USA?
    Because of their ties to Randi they won't allow even discussions in UCORE to talk about challenging Randi. They come up with reasons like UCORE is about building local union power. Go to a UFT DA - the main place where Unity exercises its power every month. MORE, a major UCORE caucus has little presence or willingness to challenge Unity except on one faction's pet projects. Some of MORE's most prominent people even though chapter leaders don't bother to even show up to most DAs. I have always believed you cannot build a real alternative to Unity by ignoring fundamental union functions. We've seen this act before from the UCORE/Labor Notes people when we wanted to run against Unity in NYSUT and they all opposed doing that because they feel we weren't ready to take power - as if the act of challenge isn't a step in that direction. That is why I am not giving up on even bothering to run against Unity in the 2019 elections. What't the point in doing that every 3 years if you don't challenge them every day, week, month and year?

  12. The 99% number is PR bullshit. Janus just rolled through. AFT/UFT leadership are taking a victory lap less than a month after the decision was announced, but long before there could really be any tangible fallout from the SCOTUS decision.

    See where the numbers are in a year. Then see where they are in five years. As current members leave teaching and/or retire, do new hires continue to sign up and pay dues? When the escape period comes in NY State, how many current members flee? The card signing numbers - are those accurate? Were they skewed with public pressure? People react differently when confronted publicly then they do when they can make a private decision.

    I say, don't be fooled by the AFT/UFT propaganda. Their need to crow about 99% sticking in a period when few could/would drop suggests weakness and fear from the leadership, not strength.

    And that's assuming they're not lying about the "I'm sticking w/ the union" card-signing numbers.

    Given their track record on telling the truth, I believe the AFT/UFT leadership only slightly more than I believe Donald Trump.

    BTW, nobody came to my school to talk Janus or see how many were sticking w/ the union. CL was under assault from administration, so is otherwise preoccupied. I wonder how many other schools in NYC were skipped in the "I'm Sticking With The Union" party?

  13. I am probably going to stay in the UFT but I want out of the NEA and the AFT. How do I get out of them?

  14. Its a lose-lose. Nothing is changing unless we scare leadership, in my opinion. They are set in their ways, and too confident. I'm pulling out for that reason. Show me better working conditions and a better contract, I will come back. James says it will weaken us. I say, the last 15 years, with 100 percent paying, we have gotten destroyed.

  15. My view of the weakening is based on the history of when states become right to work states. There is plenty of evidence that as people drop out, unions become weaker and working conditions do not improve, they worsen. Please show some evidence to the contrary. We will print it.

    That said, I do get the frustration. It is in this piece for sure.

  16. And as I asked, what do we get with full membership? Your answer is..It could be worse...Typical uft answer.

  17. It could get worse is true. Give me the evidence that it is not. Tell me a different way. I am listening.

  18. But if that is the only uft answer, then they will never improve anything. Im tired of always going backwards. That is accepting the failing system.

  19. 2:17, You are right. We are in an awful bind now. The UFT/NYSUT/AFT leaders are the lesser of the evils when compared to the Koch Brothers. They are the Democratic party's union wing. This weekend proved the union leaders have learned and are learning nothing from the Janus case. They are not changing and will not change.

    If there was a better union alternative, we should organize it. However, I don't see the people who could make the change, ie the members, stepping up. Please prove me wrong. I would gladly help. I have opposed Unity since 1995. I'm still doing my part. Norm Scott and a few others need everyone all in if we are going to change this situation for the better.

  20. So we are stuck...Thats all. I plan to quit soon, and yes, many look at pulling dues as revenge for the torture.

  21. #walkaway2
    Same reasons.

  22. Yeah, cant stand to think all the suffering Ive been through, the abuse, then think about those assholes sitting in uft offices, in air conditioning, not teaching, making 150k-300k per year, and then offering no help, despite having this all important contract, then being told, it could be worse.

  23. I guess im still paying my dues after 20 years.

  24. Dues, not as in union dues, dues as in im still waiting for respect and transfer.

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. 99%? Really? Nobody even knows what's going on yet. The decision came through on the first day of summer vacation. Nobody I know even knows how to pull out, some people think we are all out and have to get back in. He might as well have made that statement on June 27th. Nobody has acted yet. Even if they knew how to do it they'd probably wait until September to feel a little more grounded.

  28. And how many of those 99% even know how to opt out? Another spin job by the UFT.

  29. Pull your dues send Mikey a message.

  30. Thanks 10:42 I just pulled my dues. I'm an ATR. Mike Sill I'll being going to your October meeting. I'll be the one wearing the Fuck You tee shirt.

    1. I just opted out also. I’m not going to the bs meeting. We’re working hard to get you keys to the toilet. Then the usual magic 8-ball answers to ever question.

  31. Sorry to see you go. Organizing to defeat Unity is a much better way to proceed for all of us. Opting out weakens all of us.

  32. Janus decision will lead to more court action

    1) should the UFT reup membership count because they were done before the decision

    2) can someone opt out whenever they want to, or is the city allowing october only as opt out legal.

    3)Can someone opt in whenever they want to. what if someone gets written up and wants to join for representation(similar to a prexisting condition)can they do they get representation

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. Anyone who says they have answers is lying?

  34. Yeah, sorry, been fucked too often. I'm gonna opt out.

  35. Trying to find a real reason to stay in the UFT. We can't grieve letters, the CLs know diddly, the union lawyers are shit and I'm an ATR. Add to that the name calling by the arrogant know it alls, my non-existent fear of the Koch brothers and I just opted out. UFT that 99% is dropping quick. Now give me a reason to opt in.

  36. So let me get this straight, the uft has fucked me over for way too long, and if I opt out I lose a lawyer, the ability to vote, PD, counseling, and discounts? That's it?

  37. I think some of you are missing a really big point:

    When you talk people into staying and why they should, you start to make them more active. Therefore the UFT power players need to work a little harder because now these new active people could vote them out.

    Don’t believe me. Look at the GOP. They created the teabaggers, and then they couldn’t control them and they took over. Now the Trumpettes have taken over.

    Instead of complaining and saying you will not play well with others (not paying in), find people who are like minded and force the UFT to listen. UNITY can’t hand out jobs and favors to everyone, there are masses of newly active people that are ripe for the picking. Janus (and the last election, etc) has unleashed a group of people who want change.

    You want change, here’s your chance.

  38. If you want your work life to improve, we need a union. Individually, workers are powerless. If you don't think the UFT is doing the job, then join together with others to fix it or start a better union. All we have is each other ladies and gentlemen.

  39. If folks want to opt out of the UFT, that is your business. We are sorry to see you leave the union. You can spew your anti-union rhetoric here too so we can refute it. However, we are drawing the line at posting links to anti-union opt out websites. Norm and I texted back and forth and I talked with Camille.

    This blog is not going to be an enabler for anti-union opt out websites. We have removed links to the sites. The Koch brothers have enough money. They can take you there themselves. I would only encourage opting out if you are helping to organize a better union. All we have is each other. It is not everyone for themselves.

  40. I just cant stomach gettibg abused from all angles AND paying my union to watch it happen

  41. I'm not opting out. So you got a bad contract last time? What kind of contract will a fraction of the membership win for all? Its not the Koch bros, but the politician sitting opposite you at the bargaining table that you need to worry about. What politician wouldn't like to win some points with the general public by "saving money" (giving us less)?
    I was under a terrible AP. (G-d help us all, he's now a P). The union leadership needs to address the bad admins, excessive observations, fair student funding... Any leadership that's not taking care of business needs to be voted out.

  42. Right, which isnt happeneing. My point exactly. Not paying over $60 a check for this garbage anymore. They arent making anything better, just telling us it could be worse. What a loser way to run the uft.

  43. I've pretty much given up on organizing people to fight Unity. Let inertia take them down one day. The fact is there will be no one out there to replace them.
    Where are the 12,000 people who voted against Unity in 2016 or the 25,000 people who voted against the 2014 contract? They are the problem in addition to an inept opposition in which I have no faith in its ability to organize these people.

    So people like James and I are frustrated at the lack of action on the part of even a fraction of these people. They seem to be happy to vote against Unity every 3 years and then go away. That's why I am doing everything I can to stop people from running. Let Unity show how "democratic" they are when they have an election that is Putin's dream.

    James' pleas to people on this blog will go nowhere. How can they become active if they won't even use their names? In my district the UFT controlled the political machine and was always on the attack against us - even telling my AP to give me a U rating - which he refused to do, thus destroying his aim to be a principal. So you'll pardon me if I don't have sympathy for all the whining about how bad things are when they won't stand up and fight back. We couldn't get 5 of you to show up at a Del Ass to protest the leadership. I'm there every month waiting for you.
    I'm urging James to join me in hammock sitting and not provide this forum until you all actually do something.
    If you are dropping out from the union then try to organize people into an alternative union to the UFT. ATRs go from school to school and have enormous access to people.
    The fact is some people do stand up, just not enough and they have no sense of organizing people. Basically, the game is over. As the UFT shrinks people like Cuomo will run roughshod over teachers. Maybe you'll get 10 observations a year. Forget about any more raises. Class sizes of 40 will be the norm. In 10 years you will be a version of Wisconsin with no contract at all.
    let us know if you want to do something about it. - we will continue to meet as ICEUFT every month or so to keep ourselves up to date -- these meetings are actually fun - then back to the hammocks.

  44. Opting out is not a wise decision. The union is the reason you are not earning a Kentucky teacher salary.

    Abigail Shure

  45. Norm is telling the truth, but like my mom always says, people hate the truth and those that speak it. The UFT isn't reaching out to the disaffected. Wouldn't it be wise for the caucuses to do so? When and where is the next ICE, More, New Action or Solidarity meeting? Isn't there a general UFT election next spring? If the caucuses want to work to change things, now is the opportune time to get those many disaffected teachers on board before they fill out that opt out form.

  46. 19:29. It is simple notify your human resources or payroll dept that you are revoking consent for the withdrawal of union dues. Do it in writing and copy your Union

  47. There are no viable caucuses other than Unity.
    MORE has been around for 6 years -- and has entered the witness protection program. The incredible shrinking caucus. As a wise man has said - why would I remain in MORE if it acts like Unity? At least Unity has the toys.
    New Action is - well, New Action. Retirees with no one in the schools. But they have good intentions.
    ICE hasn't been a caucus since it merged into MORE and is pretty much all retirees and no interest in organizing people. it meets to talk but if you expect something to be done other than that -- well.
    Solidarity is - well I don't know what it is. But I do know it is not viable as an opposition. But if they can organize something more than they have done so far more power to them. I bear them no ill will. Just don't go telling people you will win this time.
    So Unity is in charge and will be if people run against them or not. So why even bother? (If you don't know why it is not possible to win other than in the high schools and a vague chance in the junior high schools look at the numbers over the past 8 elections. They barely budge so why would they this time?
    Let some of those 12000 people get involved and do something or else stop complaining.
    Hammock swinging is not easy and we have to practice for the worlds championship.

  48. Bronx ATR- you have no idea how much I and James and others have tried to get together the disaffected. In 2009-11 I and a few others busted our gut trying to organize ATRS. I called a meeting and over 40 people came - then they disappeared. Probably my fault as I got frustrated with some of their "leaders" who turned out to be bullshit artists -- one of whom is prominent in MORE and instrumental in throwing people out. There's a besieged ATR for you complaining about due process and lack of union democracy while violating every democratic rule in the book.
    Where is everyone? I actually do get an email once in a while -- the last one was from someone who had an email that disguised his identity. Try organizing people like that.

  49. Norm - A sad state of affairs and frustrating. I understand the anonymity as it all stems from fear. There's no shame in fear as long as you fight it and don't allow it to control you. Anger makes one laugh at fear and you get to the point you ask yourself what else can they do they they already haven't? Turn us into an ATRs? I'll try to come to the next ICE meeting as I was just given a hammock and can't figure out the directions.

  50. I understand the fear. But over the years I've met a lot of people who found ways to resist without putting themselves in danger. Like helping get literature into schools or finding a contact who is a prospective recruit. I think the fear is often an excuse not to act. Working with others conquers the fear. I have seen some remarkable changes in people - one of the good things about MORE is that it did give people who ventured forth a place to go and become active in some way. I don't mean the ideologues who came into teaching as activists but some decade long teachers who had never done much in the union. Schirtzer and Mindy and Julie are examples. I'm proud of the work they have continued to do even if no longer active in MORE.

    My frustrations at MORE has been the absolute inability to build any sort of outreach deep into schools or finding some mechanism to do so and any time I would raise it I would be chastised for being negative and driving people away with my badgering. A lot of flowery rhetoric but little real organizing.

    Just warning you -- in ICE we mostly talk and analyze where things are heading. But don't have any plan for what to do about it. Open and friendly even when we disagree. There aren't a lot of places where people can talk openly about what is happening and at the very least feel better leaving than coming in. I think the rice pudding makes a difference.
    Bring the hammock.


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