Thursday, September 20, 2018


We have advance copies of what MORE (Movement of Rank and File Educators) and Another View in the UFT are going to distribute at today's citywide Chapter Leader meeting.

I like what MORE is saying  and this could be a companion piece to our September 1 posting on how low expectations are for the upcoming contract. MORE could also mention that the UFT will be stuck with almost a year without a raise because DC 37's pattern has 8 months of 0% increases and the UFT extended our last contract twice for a total of 3.5 months to pay retirees lump sum payments that the rest of us are not getting in full until 2020 and to pay for paid parental leave.

I have one question for MORE: 
Where are all those teachers going to come from who are ready for militancy? If the teachers are truly up for a fight, sign me up to help.

Now for Another View in the UFT which is Norm Scott and several others. I hope I am not letting out state secrets there.

UFT certainly needs change in how they operate. Will the leadership listen? They have not in the past.


  1. If some of the people who comment here are your typical NYC teachers, forget about fighting for anything. They will do absolutely nothing to form help militant union action. They care about themselves and nothing else.

  2. mil·i·tant
    combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause, and typically favoring extreme, violent, or confrontational methods.
    "a militant nationalist"
    synonyms: aggressive, violent, belligerent, bellicose, vigorous, forceful, active, fierce, combative, pugnacious; More
    a militant person.
    synonyms: activist, extremist, radical, young turk, zealot
    "the demands of the militants"

    4:35 I want to be militant like you to smash shit and tear down the system.
    Can you share what militant actions you have used and would recommend? It sounds like you're a selfless warrior and I hope you can guide me. Were you arrested by the pigs? How much time you do bruh/sis?
    Did you hurt many people in your struggles for justice? Did you send the oppressors to the hospital or the morgue?
    Yours in admiration.

  3. 2: aggressively active (as in a cause)

    Read the second defintion from Webster please copied above. Labor militancy does not mean bombing a plant. It is something like threatening a strike.

  4. My view of the UFT is that it looks like a big, steaming pile of dog shit.

  5. Let's please stick to the topic. Thanks.


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