Monday, September 24, 2018


I find it difficult to accept that even though teaching and learning conditions in NYC schools for UFT members are less than close to ideal, but we are in intense negotiations with the city-Department of Education and may soon have an early contract. We are negotiating without any kind of public union campaign to win a good contract which is very hard to believe.

We have proof in Arthur Goldstein's report from the September 24, 2018 Executive Board meeting that  contract negotiations are serious even though the current contract does not expire until February 2019.

From Arthur:

Michael Mulgrew—At this point, we’ll get all numbers, but the one we have to watch is new members. Should be part of a standard report. We need to reach all our new hires. So far everything seems to be going well. Little bogged down in negotiations. Going back upstairs to continue.

Further down from Mulgrew's report:

Most of our work now about contract, Biggest issues are ones we’re getting to now. Thanks people who worked weekend to prepare. 

Your guess is as good as mine as to what these "biggest issues" are but we may soon find out.

We are negotiating in a climate where there is a substandard pattern for contract raises for muncipal unions set by DC 37 of 7.25% salary increases over 44 months (47.5 months for UFTers because of two extensions to the current agreement) that will be partially funded through healthcare givebacks, including forcing new employees into managed care for their first year on the job.

If the UFT has to accept these paltry raises that don't keep up with the inflation rate, then we are hopeful that there can be real gains made in non-economic parts of the contract. For example, adhering the state law of two observations per year as opposed to four (six if you include the non-evaluative observations) that NYC currently has.

An early contract without any fight should only be up for discussion if it is very favorable.


  1. 2 QUESTIONS: If we get an "early contract" it would not go into effect until Feb, correct? If there is a change to allow 2 observations that would not go into effect until Sept of next year, correct? Thanks for info on these 2 questions!

  2. They could make the new observation rules go into effect for this year. Why not?

  3. Come on, what do you really expect? It will be the same garbage...How about the rest of the retro upfront? The 8.25% TDA. Nothing important will come from the next deal.

  4. Mulgrew should go to the Union Rubber Room for stabbing us in the back contract after contract.

  5. Do we know more in regard to work rules in the DC37 contract? Did the City make concessions on that front?

    1. No work rule givebacks for DC 37. Just the healthcare concessions. I have not seen any gains on work rules either for DC 37.

  6. I emailed the whole uft exec board, the response was, whats your new union id card number...Maybe they want to see if im one of the 5 who opted out. Or maybe they want to retaliate? or do nothing.

  7. James, I think you are wrong in assuming that if we get our new contract by Feb and it has 2 observations that they could take effect this year. Most teachers have already had their initial principal conferences and decided on how many/what type of observations they wanted. I do not see how they could change that mid year. Thoughts?

    1. The DOE gave principals total control of the hiring process as a result of the 2005 contract so they "hired the cheapest and not the best teachers" for their school. The Fair Student Funding adpoted by the DOE in 2007 is also discriminatory against senior teachers but the UFT agreed to it. That is another reason that they are targeting experienced teachers with 16 years or more of experience so they can be replaced by a newbie or made an ATR. Then the Field Supervisors come in to continue with the agenda to get rid of ATRs through harassment. Then they do press releases saying ATRs are bad teachers, and they are costing too much money, etc. It is hypocritical and wrong. These policies are hurting our schools, and the reputations of many good experienced teachers. Ultimately they are hurting our students the most by depriving them of an experienced teacher. Reserarch shows that students with an experienced teacher do better in tests. The Union has a new slogan for newbies we want you, and another for ATRs you still have a job even if you are abused.

    2. As long as they are adhering to the law, they can do whatever they like with evaluation system. State will take a rating with two observations. They certainly can say that is fine for effective teachers for 2018-19. Special rules for this year are fine as I see it.

  8. 7:35, The UFT gets dues from the ATR and the newbie. They win with the current system.

  9. James, once again, I do not see how your plan cold work if 2 observations are part of the new contract for this school year. Example: Lets say that that the new contract has 2 observations and like you mentioned, the state could use 2 observations as per NYS law. However, what if a teacher has already had 3 observations by the time Feb comes around. Which of those observations would count? I do not see how this could work for this year. Correct me if I am missing something here.

  10. I have a question that does not relate to the next contract, but relates to the contract in a way.
    We had an SBO to combine the Parent Teacher conferences for elementary schools into one day recently. Our principal says that the parents also have to vote in order for the SBO to move forward and having the PTC into one day, rather than the original two days. Is this true? I thought SBO votes were between the Union and Principal and parents do not have a say in this matter? Or do they regarding Parent Teacher Conferences?

  11. Hey anno 11:00pm, your principal is a liar and full of shit. Our elementary school has held teacher SBO's to have parent teacher night on one day for the past 15 years. (We always vote to have it on one day) You chapter leader should contact the UFT to go after your principal on this. SBO's are literally one of the last few "rights" we as teachers have.

  12. The UFT by not enforcing the contract is allowing abuses in the evaluation system. It is shameful.

  13. Anonymous 9:11 PM

    Principal is a liar and is probably scared of the parents. SBO process is between the staff, led by the CL and the administration. Both parties must agree or no SBO. If the principal says no, then there is no SBO. Parents and/or PA are not involved in process. They are involved in the SLT,which has different decision making powers.

  14. Fair student funding is responsible for age discrimination , including but not limited to : negative observation ratings, being told harassing lies during your post-ob , being over-scrutinized on a daily basis as administrators look for anything they can call a problem even when it isn't a problem, being treated differently than younger teachers and told you didn't do enough of something during the lesson, false accusations, principals having derogatory conversations about you with parents in an effort to gang up against you, closing schools and dismissing only older teachers who have to go on interviews that they will never win, being unfairly targeted for termination charges, being ATRed and therefore sent like a bag lady or man from school to school. And the list goes on. And this is ALL the result of Fair Student Funding

    1. Being rated in another system it is also discriminatory. And not having assigned classes is discriminatory while they hire new teachers. Having our Union negotiate secret deals without voting on it is discriminatory. Being rated by someone we never met is outrageous. The whole ATR Pool is discriminatory. Etc....
      Shameful and ridiculous. The Union is to be blamed for the harassment that we put up with, and the abuse.

  15. I expect the city to pay the last 2 payments of retro money once contract is ratified, to make people vote for the deal.


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