Sunday, October 07, 2018


Go to the the DOE Payroll Portal to see what your 25% of the money the city owes us from 2009-2011 amounts to for October 15, 2018.

UFT dues, which are normally $60.36 per pay period, more than doubled to $143.67 for one teacher for this pay period.

The generic term for the extra $83.31 the UFT is taking is thievery since we paid union dues on this money when we were paid for these pay periods years ago.

As I say every year when the city repays us back part of the very large interest free loan we made to the city, the UFT before Michael Mulgrew never took union dues from retroactive money that was owed to us because we already paid union dues on the paychecks that this money is based on.

This should be a campaign issue in the upcoming 2019 union election.


  1. The UFT took doubled dues again! I’m sorry, it’s enough! I’m not going to be paying dues as of June 2019!

    We are forced to wait a decade to get our money and then the UFT takes double! It’s sick! Mulgrew tells us to think of this money like a “savings account,” but really it’s an interest free loan you gave the city; if you die, leave, etc. you lose your money! Inflation has already eaten up 30% of our money and if you invested it in the market it would be up nearly 200%.

    The UFT won’t actually stop taking your dues until June 2019, but they better start preparing now! How long can they screw us and face no consequences?!?!?

  2. Sent uft exec board. Can you explain why, on the next check, the one you worked so hard to get us, we are paying triple dues? This is not a raise. I thought the calculation is based on a specific salary. No salary went up. Maybe Ms. Edelman can investigate further. How many millions of dollars extra are you extorting from naive members?

  3. The uft, by illegal means, takes extra dues from us, because nobody does anything? How can we send a mass complaint and if we must, file suit>

  4. 2009 to 2018...Dow Jones goes up 400%. Uft Retro, 0%. Add inflation, retro down 30%. Great job, thanks for workibg so hard for us. Cost of livibg, 3% yearly. Uft raises, 1.3% yearly.

  5. Dont forget, raised medical payments, ridiculous evaluation system, everybody kept 8.25 TDA EXCEPT UFT, ignored discipline system, restorative justice, principals ignoring contract...

  6. Oh well, get used to it. Scare them with with stopping dues.

  7. Remember that the target was moving with additional funds being added until this past June. The original 12.5... 12.5... 25...25...25 isn't 100% what was the final resolution? As I recall, it was another blogger who discussed with UFT.

  8. The final payment will be whatever is remaining, will be higher than the 18 and 19 payments.

  9. Thanks Mikey Mulgrew for screwing hard working teachers with this contract.

  10. I need a restorative justice circle to recoup the costs of inflation, compounded.

  11. Election issue: No double dues on 2019 and 2020 lump sum payments and we will refund the 2015, 2017 and 2018 double dues too. Stop voting Unity.

  12. Come on James...I didnt, and it didnt help much...

    1. Get to work and help spread the word. Only about one in four UFT members voted in 2016. Almost 40% voted in Queens High School where some of us busted our butts to get out the vote.

  13. Are they putting it in their "Piggy Bank?"

  14. Only naive and stupid people would believe it is a bank account, the uft did a good job, and it makes no difference when we get it. Lucky for the uft, many teachers are fucking dumb.

  15. Never heard of forced, for 11 years, with zero interest.

  16. Teachers are so fuckin stupid, they went on for weeks asking andal asking how you use tda for this check...Then they bitch about too much deductions.

  17. I was personally insulted with the piggy bank explanation. I'm not in pre-k. I understand finance and know how screwed we are.

  18. Any money that doesnt grow over time is you losing money. Money being held that long with no appreciation is the largest level if disrespect.

  19. We paid dues in 2009 and 2010. Retirees received their entire retro at that time, they did not have to pay extra dues! This is really quite obnoxious and ridiculous of our union to double dip here!

    1. UFT members that retired after 6/30/14 didn't receive all their retro. They are getting it the way working members are. When I getmy retro on 10/20/18 the UFT will take double the dues from retirees also.

  20. CUNY employees have had the option of having the TIAA retirement plan or the Teacher's Retirement System pension plan. Those CUNY employees who opted for the TRS pension plan and contribute to the fixed TDA account are guaranteed 8.25% interest. NYC Teachers are losing upwards of $6,000-$7,000 per year due to the UFT agreeing 10 years ago to reducing our interest rate to 7%.

  21. Hey everybody! Spread the word about this blog at your schools. The vast majority of our peers do not even suspect that they are being hoodwinked by our union and the city. I also chazz school daze and nyceducator. Signed, a very tired, very stressed out, and very fed-up NYCDOE educator who is wondering when the hell we will get a real union to fight for us!!!

  22. This is why I'm not paying dues anymore. They all suck. I'm glad I can come here and learn about exactly why.

  23. Just differentiate with your high school students who cant read.

  24. Vote Mulgrew/Unity out. This could be a big campaign issue. No union dues on lump sum in 2019 and 2020.

    Refund the double dues stolen from UFT members in 2015, 2017 and 2018.

  25. My dues were $153. Im opting out next june. Enough is enough.

  26. Anonymous 6:10- stupid is an understatement. One of my co-workers thought the retro was "about a thousand".

    If a so called educated professional knows that little about their own salary, is it any wonder the union is laughing at us?

  27. Check the facebook pages, all day, needs to be explained over and over...

  28. $154.78 was taken out of my check for union dues. This is not a surprise based on what happened the first two lump sum payments. However the next delegate assembly will be tigthy controlled to prevent obvious dissent from members.

  29. I have spoken to my chapter, we will all be opting out in the spring unless something changes bigtime.

  30. So the UFT is once again fucking us all over? Not a surprise at all. I hope Mikey get thrown out of office and gets sent back to the wood shop again.

  31. I hope more and more people opt out like me.

  32. The uft did it to us and themselves. If we werent treated so badly, we wouldnt complain as much.

  33. My entire chapter is opting out after Spring Break if nothing improves based on the new contract.

  34. This is a pro-union blog. Opting out makes us all weak as does blaming the leadership exclusively for how teachers are treated in NYC. 75% of teachers voted for this contract and over 70% who voted in 2016 voted for Mulgrew-Unity. Around 3/4 didn't bother to vote in the 2016 election.

    A smaller, weaker union will have no leverage with the city.

    Opting out now is even dumber as dues will still be taken until next school year. You still pay dues. Why give up right to vote?

  35. My chapter VERY upset about extra dues taken out. Especially since it's not deserved.

  36. Ok, so they get one more chance, the contract which should have been Nov 30,now Feb 14.

  37. We already have no leverage, proven over the last 10 years.

  38. Is there a way for retirees to see what their payment will be?

    1. Retirees will be able to see what they are getting on the DOE Retiree Retro Portal, but not until a day or two before they get their reto on 10/20/18 - a Saturday. Most retirees won't have their money until 10/22/18.

  39. I want to sincerely thank this blog owner for helping to advance our agenda of crushing union. The comments in this blog are just great! Keep 'em coming!

  40. I need to thank the uft for making me sure, after almost 2 decades, that I have chosen the wrong career. I must, because it is that bad, give up my job, my medical, my retirement, my everything, and quit.

  41. Hey Trump, We should just keep getting ripped off by our union leaders and not say a thing.

  42. I'm a UFT retiree and I am sick and tired of what the UFT is doing. Taking double dues has to stop. I work one day a week and the UFT takes dues out of my TRS pension and out of my DOE paycheck. The UFT used to refund the double dues taken from retirees but they stopped. They need the money because of Janus. That's the reason they give retirees who complain. Unless a retiree ends up paying more dues than a full-time UFT member, the retiree isn't entitled to a refund anymore. Retirees have to pay for prescription coverage monthly out of their pension. It's over 125.00 per month for a single person. The only thing that the UFT does that is good - they refund half of what a retiree pays for prescription coverage. Retirees got their retro what en working members got it in 2015, but not in 2017. There was a delay by a couple of days. The same thing will happen to retirees again this year so to all working members - the UFT treats retirees just as bad as working members.

  43. A reminder to please stay on topic. I have been trying to monitor it closely. This post is on the lump sum payments and the union taking out double union dues. Please stay there and leave the kids out of this. Thank you.

  44. Yeah, "pro-union" blog. I like that. You're my kind of people. So I'm "pro-union too.

    Keep up the good work!

  45. Not funny and you don't sound anything like Trump. You sound like a Unity troll who will do anything to defend your corrupt shit no matter what.

  46. Troll alert, troll alert.

  47. How dare you call out Mulgrew for taking your money twice? He needs it to pay for those UFT parties. How ingrateful can you people be? You must all be Trump supporters.

  48. In light of all this, the double dipping, it is pretty clear we are being played for suckers, our benefits are diminishing. our working conditions deteriorating, and, against inflation, we are actually losing money every time we get a raise, even after waiting forever for that raise. As far as dues go, im out in June.

  49. But James, who would be voting for as an alternative to Unity and Mulgrew? From what I see the alternatives are not any better.

  50. Join the opposition. There are 4 groups. ICEUFT, New Action, MORE or Solidarity. ICEUFT has not run since 2010 but has supported More 2013 and 2016 and and MORE NAC 2016. Start your own group and cut out the middleman if you don't like what is out there.

  51. Although Portellos is a controversial dude, his militance speaks to me. Is he running again?

  52. Does it matter? We gave up everything it took decades to gain. Whatever you give back you never get back.

  53. I disagree Jeff. If you fight back, you can get what you gave up back. It takes a strong effort of a United rank and file but it is possible. It certainly would help to have better leadership but there is nothing better than an activist rank and file fighting for what they believe in.

  54. when is the next election? I think these other groups need to get the word out. Nobody has heard of them if you are not looking hard ....

  55. 2019 in the spring is the election. We need to reach out to the schools.

  56. My dues for the 10/15 check are $178.76. Yes, I am on maximum (this is my 32nd and last year...retiring in June 2019).

    Why are my dues higher than anyone? How do we find out what formula the DOE used to determine dues for the UFT? Is this legal? I asked my chapter leader but he is so deeply involved with Unity that I got a lecture about how lucky I am to have gotten my retro pay and to stop complaining about the amount of dues taken out of my check...

  57. I think the UFT decides the dues and just tells the DOE but I am not sure. This is a question for our High School Executive Board reps to ask.


  59. its no longer loading forever. Its officially down since 1pm yesterday.

    Last year it crashed and was fixed by night time, guess they taking their time this year

  60. And direct deposit hasn't opened yet for the year (portal to change or add)

  61. Situation normal all fucked up.

  62. Payroll back up but will be closed during morning hours and only available in afternoons until further update hahahaha

  63. I am a recent retiree. I received my lump-sum payment on 10/20/18, five days after active employees. I found out that active employees received their per session lump-sum payments on 11/02/18. I have been checking the portal for over two weeks, and have received nothing. Does anyone know when retirees will receive their per session lump-sum payment?

  64. Hey Anonymous, stop your griping. You sound like you're getting paid to try and break the union. You know damn well we need a strong union, and need to pay our dues. I'm sorry that adversely affects you as a retiree, but you have benefitted from union action your whole career. In this Trump era, we need unions more than ever. Complain to the right people. Stop trying to rally people behind you to stop paying dues.


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