Sunday, November 11, 2018


Teachers and other city employees are extemely restricted in what we can accept in gifts but not union presidents. Today Sue Edelman NY Post brought to light how UFT President Michael Mulgrew has accepted thousands of dollars in expensive US Open tennis tickets for years. The tickets came from Randi Weingarten's former law firm.

Both Norm Scott and I are quoted being critical of Mulgrew here. Norm has a suggestion on raffling tickets to raise money. NYC employees can accept up to $50 in gifts annually from a firm doing business with the city. The rules for us, of course, do not apply to Mulgrew.

Tennis anyone?

Chaz also posted on this today.


  1. Oh yeah, and keep feeding them $61 per check. Oh yeah, it will only get worse. Oh yeah, we keep getting screwed, having it rubbed in our faces and that is our only option.

  2. Only 90% voted for anothe disgraceful contract this jerk produced. The stupidity of teachers...They dont even read the contract, dont know the rules, all vote yes, and the ones who do understand get shouted down by unity.

  3. Just hang on till 2020, the end of 2020, ya know, so we get every penny we are owed from 11 years ago with no interest.

  4. I wasn't that critical at all. Why wouldn't Strook give Mulgrew tickets in exchange for $15 million? I told Sue the UFT should find a cheaper law firm. And Mulgrew should out the tickets up for auction.
    I didn't figure Mulgrew for a tennis guy.

  5. Mulgrew is a total douce and everybody knows it but nobody cares. NYC teachers are tools.

  6. maybe Mulgrew scalps the US Open tickets.

  7. Who is Mulgrew's daddie?


  8. What is the current union dues for teachers per pay period?

  9. Beware of the NYC Conflicts of Interest Board! It can fine you!

  10. But we should keep paying so money goes to this law firm while we get a zippo raise and get cursed everyday as unity laughs at us.

  11. Mulgrew is a disgrace, and corrupt. It is an useless Union that is looking the other way while many violations of the due process are being done by the DOE.

  12. Why was more than $61 taken out of my lump sum check? Do I get that money back?

  13. Remember who reported this. There is no story here.

    The Union reported the tickets as required each year.
    The law firm is doing business with the union, not the city.
    Businesses that have tickets givethose tickets to the client organizations all the time. That is what keeps stadiums afloat.

    Everyone in the lower bowls of stadium got the tickets from some organization.

    No apologies, no reason to apologize.

    If anyone was taken in here and is gullible it is James and Norm who would allow
    The New York Post to make them part of this story,

    Sue is not a bad person but she works for a bad organization. An organization that would love to strip James and Norm of their pensions.

    Shame on you two for being beguiled by the New York Post.

    1. Yah, and Mulgrew has thrown a lot of good experienced teachers under the bus. And a lot of these teachers have families.

  14. The bigger issue is that HS students can't write a proper sentence yet grad rates are at an all time high.

  15. Thank god for the NY Post highlighting this expose. Who benefitted from these tickets? Were they raffled off? Who did Mulgrew take ? I get the POST delivered everyday. Keep more coming.

  16. Waiting until 2020 to get paid without interest is a joke. If Mulgrew truly understands the daily work of today's teachers he would demand the remaining payments now.

    1. All this was planned on purpose so a lot of teachers wouidn't get it.

  17. Unfortunately the contract has passed, and the same failed policies will remain in place. Our schools have been deteriorating rapidly because they are pushing out experienced teachers which are necessary. High turnover rates, unstable staff, easy credit with no consequences, inflated graduation rate, etc. We should demand this nonsense to stop because it is hurting our students. It is a system that has lost its way. The cat is out of the hat. Thank you Mulgrew for contributing to the destruction of our schools.

  18. Anonymous 2:11 There's a story here. Same old sad story. Mulgrew enjoys a salary higher than top paid NYC teachers. He gets to double dip pension and gets perks like pricey tickets to sporting events that the average UFT member cannot afford. Was the NY Post wrong about the fact Mulgrew gets these perks? No they're not. Their agenda is irrelevant. It's either a fact or it's false. Although it is not unusual for law firms to give multimillion dollar clients tickets, it's telling that Mulgrew sees only himself as the client. Any perks thrown his way should be given to a dues paying member whose dues help pay that law form millions of dollars not to someone whose salary is also paid by those dues. Pick a name out of a hat, Mulgrew and give any perks received to a dues paying member. Your gulps from the trough are enough to fill you without taking more. Roseanne McCosh

    1. What a shame while they are making easy for supervisors to get rid of older teachers.

    2. What about Mulgrew making it easier to terminate ATRs on flyby observations? Was he ever observed in a class he just met? Or out of license? Of course not because it would't make sense.

  19. I told Sue that I had no problem with Mulgrew taking the tickets. I laughed at it. The way business is being done. I told her I prefer they give him super bowl tiks. I did make a suggestion that in the future he raffle off the tickets to raise money. She preferred that quote. It better fit that story. I have no problem working with Sue on a story because she has come through for teachers more than most reporters. And she came through big time in picking up my story on the student walkout last week. Besides, her aunt was my next door neighbor for decades. So yes I have no shame. More interesting is that Strook was paid $15 million over the past 5 years. Jim Callaghan told me how he once went to small claims court to sue Mulgrew and the UFT for not paying him back for taxis he took to cover some stories and they gave the case to Strook who then billed the UFT for 10 times the cost of the taxi.

    1. Mulgrew and Unity are destroying our schools.

  20. Michael Mulgrew loves to work at nothing all day. And he is taking care of business (his own)

  21. Mulgrew is responsible for the decline of our schools that have a Leadership Principal like Dwarka or Cruz.


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