Thursday, November 08, 2018


Nobody is holding the UFT accountable for the contract referendum vote totals since Norm Scott didn't spend his entire weekend watching the vote count. I am usually not a conspiracy theorist but it does not take six days to count roughly 90,000 votes, separate them into each distinct bargaining unit (teachers, guidance counselors, secretaries, paraprofessionals, etc.) and then release the results.

Since Norm Scott has a bit of a life and didn't want to stay overnight on Friday at the American Arbitration Association to observe the contract vote count, there was nobody but Unity (Michael Mulgrew's faction that controls the UFT) representatives watching or reporting on the numbers. All that they released was an overall 87% yes vote and that close to 90,000 voted. As stated, I'm not a conspiracy theory kind of guy and I really have a hard time believing that there is something funny going on with the UFT count. If there was something nefarious going on, the UFT would more than likely not have announced that the nurses-therapists voted their contract down.

However, why are the UFT/American Arbitration Association not releasing the individual bargaining unit results? They released them in the past. A look at the 2014 numbers shows that the count was done on June 3 and the results were in the June 5 NY Teacher. What has changed in four years? The vote count was on November 1 and today is November 7.

The longer they take, the less we can trust this process. I'm discouraged that nobody asked about this at the Delegate Assembly yesterday. Does everyone just accept the UFT at their word?


  1. Screw them. Stop union dues. Thank goodness we have you to tell us what's going on. Except how to we opt out?

  2. Here's how I'm dealing with it. I'm using Unity's playbook. Only 53% of teachers voted for this piece of crap contract. That's what I'm telling everyone who asks. If Mulgrew wants to prove me wrong, he should release his numbers. My numbers add up to 53%. Roseanne McCosh

  3. How do you come up with 53% number Roseanne?

  4. James...that's the number I'm sticking with unless someone presents evidence to the contrary. If our union won't release the numbers then I must be right. That's how I'm handling this. I'm done getting aggravated. Instead I will simply present my version.... Unless of course, Mulgrew can prove me wrong. Roseanne

  5. Raw score = 53%

    Scaled score = 87%

    If the NY Regents can fudge, why not the U.F.T.?

  6. Pogue and Roseaane, You both have valid points.

  7. The UFT is up to no good as usual. It's taking them some time to fix the numbers. If nurses and therapists voted "No" then there might be others that voted no. It usually takes 2 to 3 days and the percentages are usually out. Meathead Mike is at it again.

  8. What is left of the so-called opposition was barely a ghost at the first post-contract DA. At least New Action was consistent with a leaflet. There was a time when there would have been people out to push back. MORE supposedly led a vote no campaign - they had nothing.


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