Tuesday, January 22, 2019


The New York State Assembly and Senate are debating a bill to replace junk science teacher evaluations based on state exams with junk science evaluations for teachers and principals based on either the same junk science exams or an option to use new junk science from student results from a new state designed "supplemental assessment".

This is right from the bill. Scores for the Measures of Student Learning portion of educator ratings will be  "based  on  a  state-created  or administered test,  or  (B)  based  on  a state-designed supplemental assessment."

Should we use new junk sceince or old junk science? 
The choice will be up to our local union and the district.

Now that's progress! Is this why we fought so hard to win the election in November and put the State Senate back into Democratic control?

The State Legislature is in no way discussing getting rid of educator ratings based on student scores on unreliable/invalid assessments.  The only difference from the current rating system is the moratorium on requiring the use of the grades 3-8 state exams to rate teachers is permanent and other state exams won't be mandatory to rate teachers or principals either but all of these exams may still be used to rate us. Who knows what the new "state-designed supplemental assessments" will be?

For those looking for relief from the Danielson framework, forget about it. Danielson observations stay if this UFT and NYSUT endorsed bill is passed.

Are teachers in the schools yearning for better junk science? I didn't think so.

Is this bill really the best we can do with a fully Democratic State Legislature and a Democratic governor?

We have a petition that over 1,300 people have signed to rid the state of junk science evaluations. Sign it and spread it please.

We are also encouraged that there are still people fighting high stakes testing. There is an action campaign to oppose this bill coming from the New York State Allies for Public Education:

From NYSAPE, here is a sample script that teachers can use in some form that I urge all of you to use when you call your Assembly Representative or State Senator.

SCRIPT #2 (For teachers--Note: a lot of the pressure to pass this bill is coming from NYSUT/UFT leadership so it is especially important for elected officials to hear that the leadership doesn’t speak for you in this instance.)

"Hi, my name is ______ and I am a teacher calling to urge the (Senator/Assembly Member) to vote NO on (Senate bill S1262/ Assembly bill A00783). It will do nothing to help me improve in my job, and will likely burden my students with more testing and test prep. I want a bill that de-couples test scores from educator evaluations and school receivership. Thank you and I will be watching to see how the (Senator/Assembly Member) votes.”

NYSAPE's press release on the bill:

More information contact:
Lisa Rudley (917) 414-9190; nys.allies@gmail.com
Jeanette Deutermann (516) 902-9228; nys.allies@gmail.com
NYS Allies for Public Education - NYSAPE

NYSAPE Urges Legislators to Vote NO to APPR Bill that Will Permanently Link High-Stakes Testing to Teacher and Principal Evaluations

This week, the NYS Assembly and Senate are expected to pass a teacher/principal evaluation bill that will amend the way NYS evaluates teachers and principals. Parents and educators who have taken a stand against the damaging effects of high-stakes testing vehemently oppose this legislation. Rather than the minor tweaks proposed in this legislation, we demand an immediate end to the mandated use of student test scores and student performance measures in the evaluation of educators and the closure of schools. Parents and Educators implore lawmakers to slow down and do further research. Please Take Action and write to your legislators in Albany to stop this speeding train!

Contrary to the claims of some supporters of the legislation, a close examination of the bills indicates that they continue to link teacher evaluations to student growth as measured by test scores and give the state education commissioner the power to shut down or take over schools based on state test results.

Reports of “decoupling” test scores from teacher evaluations are misleading and do not tell the whole truth. The proposed legislation does nothing to dismantle the current test-and-punish system. Under the proposed legislation, a district is no longer mandated to use the flawed grades 3-8 state assessments for evaluative purposes. However, districts must still use some type of test to evaluate teachers and principals.

How would this legislation work? School districts would still be required to administer all state assessments, but would have a choice between using the grades 3-8 state assessments for teacher evaluation or a different test altogether. If a district chooses not to use the grades 3-8 state assessments, the district must then select a separate assessment (often in addition to state exams) to be used in their evaluation plan. In addition to doubling down on high-stakes testing, the proposed legislation will logically lead to even MORE testing for students.

Despite the American Statistical Association and the National Science Foundation’s conclusion that evaluating teachers based on their students’ test scores produces statistically invalid results and does not improve learning outcomes, these bills ensure that 50% of teacher and principal evaluations will continue to be based on student assessments. This is hardly a victory. (For more on the 50% issue, see this article.)

Bianca Tanis, special education teacher and public school parent said, “I am disappointed by the misinformation campaign surrounding these bills. They perpetuate the same junk science that forces educators to teach to a test. At the end of the day, there is nothing about this legislation that is pedagogically sound.”

“Many professional organizations representing educators and stakeholders have expressed serious misgivings. The legislators must take the time to do further research and make an informed decision,” said Lisa Rudley, Westchester County public school parent, Ossining School Board member, and founding member of NYSAPE.

“We understand that some support of this legislation focuses on local control and the ability of school districts and local unions to choose their own tests for evaluation plans through collective bargaining. However, these bills put the burden of evaluating a teacher squarely on the backs of children through test performance. An evaluation system that pressures children and ignores research is reckless and morally flawed,” said Jeanette Deutermann, leader of Long Island Opt Out.

“The receivership component of the law means schools can be closed because a handful of students perform poorly on state tests. The stakes attached to these exams have never been higher. In no way does it help teachers become better at their jobs or schools to improve. This legislation does not even come close to decoupling high-stakes testing from the ways we evaluate our teachers and schools,” said Kemala Karmen, co-founder of NYC Opt Out.

Education historian Diane Ravitch points out, “The current teacher evaluation law (APPR) was passed to make New York eligible for federal funding from the Race to the Top program in 2010. Under this law, 97% of teachers in the state were rated either effective or highly effective. The law is ineffective. It should be wholly repealed, rather than amended as proposed. Let the state continue setting high standards for teachers and let local districts design their own evaluation plans, without requiring that they be tied to any sort of student test scores.”

Jamaal Bowman, Bronx middle school principal, said, “It is time to bring together parents, scholars, students, doctors, educators, and all who care about our children to create policy that equitably nurtures the brilliance in every child. Why are we still discussing teachers and standardized tests without discussing the toxic stress that greatly harms our children daily, and the lack of opportunity that exists for so many children across the state?”

“The entire idea of basing teacher evaluations on student growth is not only invalid, it is destructive. It alters the relationship between students and teachers--poorly performing students become a threat to job security. Districts will create new metrics that are just as unreliable and invalid as those based on the grades 3-8 test scores and Regents exams,” said Carol Burris, Executive Director of the Network for Public Education and a former New York State High School Principal of the Year.

“The day has come to call on all legislators to legislate and for all educators to educate. We need our legislators to stay out of the way when it comes to creating educational policy, especially when it has to do with evaluating teachers and principals. We need to bring trust back into the educational space. It all starts with trust, and we must trust the fact that using any test score to evaluate an educator is not only wrong, it’s just bad practice,” said Dr. Michael Hynes, Patchogue Medford School District.

The parents and educators in NYS who voted in this new legislative body are relying on them to slow down and take the necessary time to enact research-based legislation that will protect children, educators, and local control.

Please Take Action and write to your legislators in Albany to stop this speeding train!

NYSAPE is a grassroots coalition with over 50 parent and educator groups across the state.


  1. DISGUSTING! This is the best the democrats can do for us? We voted them in and now they shit on our heads? There is no more Race to the Top. We do not need to have the state dictate our evaluation system. It should be 100% negotiated by local unions and school districts. We need to kill Danielson once and for all and bring back S/U!!!!!

  2. Just have to hang on till that last retro payment.....

  3. Oh it's worse 5:33. We pay dues and COPE to a union that is actively fighting, FIGHTING! to pass this legislation??? WHY??? I just received a robo call telling me to support this bill that then automatically connected me to a NY Senator so I can leave a voicemail in support. Remember all that effort being made to collect everybody's cell numbers because of "Janus," well guess what, the real purpose begins to show it self. What a powerful tool we handed them. I wonder how much it costs to robo call 100,000 people? No problem though, they are flush with cash thanks to double dipping on our dues twice on our arrears payments.

  4. It is beyond a no brainer to see that we need to repeal the current eval law. Why in the hell is NYSUT/UFT not pushing for a repeal? A repeal would not be something that the general public would even give a shit about. In fact, polls show that parents actually support their local teachers and schools in excess of 85%. Can someone please chime in on this insanity?

    1. It is very simple. Michael Mulgrew believes we should be rated based on student growth. He has said it many times.

  5. It's because with this system, less teachers are rated ineffective .. So of course the union doesn't want to change something that works on their favor.... It's that simple

  6. We need to repeal this law! It's unfair to teachers and students!


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