Sunday, February 17, 2019


Here's the latest from Sue Edelman in the NY Post on yet another awful NYC principal. This won't be in the UFT's NY Teacher you can bet.

A Brooklyn federal jury has awarded $523,000 to a public-school teacher who charged that her principal took revenge when she rebuffed his sexual demands — and that the city Department of Education turned a blind eye.

The hefty verdict for special-ed teacher Shaunte Penniston includes $98,000 in back pay, $275,000 for pain and suffering, and $150,000 in punitive damages against principal Antonio K’tori and the DOE.

“I was vindicated,” said Penniston, who cried in relief at the jury award. “I got to tell my story to eight strangers who believed me.”

Her ordeal shows how the DOE — which last year tallied 186 sex-harassment complaints — has swept some cases under the rug.

Rather than investigate her complaint, the DOE let K’tori retaliate and District 29 Superintendent Lenon Murray — himself later convicted of forcible touching — terminate Penniston on bogus charges of poor performance, she alleged.

“The DOE allows predators to remain in schools,” Penniston said. “He was given a platform to do this.”

I don't know what else to add other than to say when something similar happened in the 1990s at Jamaica (nobody was fired for rebuffing the principal but they certainly had their lives made miserable), the UFT was at least somewhat on it. When a DOE Superintendent who is now a NYS Regent tried to reassign the principal to another school in the early Joel Klein era, we helped to publicize it almost immediately so the DOE had to rescind their decision.


  1. Thats what our dues get us.
    Get paid, get abused, shut up.

    1. What I don't understand is, why don't you people do something about the UFT? At the very least vote for UFT Solidarity. Try to form a movement to defund the UFT by abolishing compulsory union membership dues and push the idea that the UFT isn't a good union or that you simply don't want them anymore. The UFT has way too much corruption to be saved in my opinion. They're useless at being what you need them to be. Totally disgusting. I hate them. The UFT is a fake union. It's time to fight the UFT just as much as it is time to fight NYDOE.

  2. The UFT has a deal with the CFA to leave their principals (principles?!) alone. Mulgrew admitted it once and then denied it.

  3. I interviewed with that slime ball. It was my first interview after my first excess about ten years and 5 schools ago. He offered me the gig and I ran for the hills. We spoke for a half an hour after he had me waiting for over an hour because he was out to lunch with his secretary or some other office lady and when I left I remember thinking I had never yet met such a low life of a human. He basically told me he was God of the school and did what he wanted. My first look at an evil admin, but certainly not my last......

  4. This guy, who has a huge job for the doe, wont even say the name of the President of America. That is completely inappropriate. Cant combine job and politics, I thought
    PAUL FORBES...Executive Director of Educational Equity, Anti-Bias and Diversity within the Office of Equity & Access (NYC Dept. of Education

    1. If that's not a joke that shows there's just too much deep state in the NYCDOE. It's time to eliminate the DOE. It's a cesspool of corruption.

  5. DOE Chancellor, on Presidents Day, posts pic of Obama instead of current President? That oppressed chancellor makes over $350k per year.

  6. Sexual harassment, intimidation, threats, etc...all welcome at DOE schools. We don't have a union. Only the anti-union NYPost stops it.

    1. That's so ironic because the Post hates teachers. I wonder what's in it for them to report something that teachers can use to point their fingers at the NYCDOE.

  7. EVERYONE STRIKES, EXCEPT US. I GUESS WE ARE HAPPY AND CONTENT. And now West Virginia teachers have announced a statewide strike starting tomorrow to stop a bill in the state legislature making huge education cuts and introducing charter schools, among other things.
    This strike wave is amazing.

  8. As they say in Chicago, when we fight, we win.

  9. When we never fight, we get sexually abused and get no help from our union and have to sue in court. Welcome to NY.

  10. Former students that got worthless diplomas should sue. Those that are hurt by negligence, indifference and political correctness should sue. Every facet of the DOE is tainted. Eventually it will open the door for charters to take everything.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. The problem is the UFT has too much power and it's no longer a real union. The UFT is a fake union. A fake teacher's union that higher-up UFT brass use for their benefit. It's time to end compulsory union membership.

  13. I told them....keep defending you. All praises.

  14. Who can you go to when. the department of equal opportunity EOE, the department of Education and the UFT union has wronged me in the cover up of an investigation?

  15. Press or federal EEOC or state. Email us details.


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