Thursday, April 04, 2019


UFT Director of Personnel Mike Sill's email on the 2019 ATR severance package is below. If you are already eligible to retire, consider it. Otherwise, unless you have a job lined up somewhere else, I can't see even thinking about accepting this considering you will lose half of the retro repayments that we are still owed from work we did from 2009-11.

Dear ,

As you have likely heard, the DOE is offering a voluntary severance to all members of the ATR pool and to UFT-represented employees in Title I-funded positions in the nonpublic schools.

In order to be eligible, a person must be a member of the ATR pool (whether in a rotational or provisional assignment) or a UFT-represented DOE employee working in a Title I position in a nonpublic school.

Anyone who agrees to take the severance will receive $50,000 before taxes, on or about Sept. 16, 2019.

Employees who accept the severance offer must agree to either resign or retire (if eligible) no later than Aug. 23, 2019. Please keep in mind that people who resign forfeit their right to the 2019 and 2020 retroactive lump-sum payments from the 2014 DOE-UFT contract. Those who retire will still get those lump-sum payments, assuming they are eligible.

Eligible employees who agree to take the severance must return the Voluntary Severance Agreement and General Release form by May 31, 2019 at 5 p.m. You must submit the form in person to the DOE Division of Human Capital at 65 Court St. You must also bring a copy of your retirement receipt, if retiring.

Nobody should agree to take the severance before speaking to a UFT representative.

On Friday, April 12 at 4 p.m., each of the UFT's borough offices will hold a general information session for any employee of the ATR pool considering resigning or retiring.

At this meeting, pension representatives will provide members with information about retirement and the necessary forms and instructions.

If you are eligible to retire and plan to accept the severance offer, the UFT Pension Department can also print a benefit estimate for you to review at the April 12 meeting. This printout provides you with an estimate of your maximum annual pension calculation along with different amounts for any pension options.

If you request a printout, you must fill out all of the fields in the registration form for the estimate to be accurate. Pension representatives will be in attendance to walk members individually through their pension benefit estimates and answer specific questions.

You can find all of the information requested in your 2018 Annual Benefits Statement (ABS) from TRS. If you do not know how to access your ABS, this video from TRS will demonstrate how to view it.

If you plan to retire and you have a final consultation already scheduled, you do not need a printout for this meeting. If you request a printout, there is no need to schedule a final consultation since we will be giving you all the information and forms you will need.

In order to receive a printout of your pension breakdown at the event, you must RSVP no later than Sunday, April 7.


Michael Sill
UFT Director of Personnel


  1. A-I'm not eligible because I was force placed. Unfair.
    B-I would lose 25K in retro to get $50k.
    C-I would immediately have to pick up my own medical.

  2. You are yet another winner in the UFT's screw the members program.

  3. Another example of the UFT’s complicity in helping rid the system of veteran teachers. ATRs should not be given a buy out - they should be offered a mutually agreed upon position in their licensed area. Perhaps if, and only if, that cannot be agreed upon should a buyout be offered. ATR’s are supposedly teachers, logically, then all teachers should have the opportunity to take part in this buyout. During the last offer of a buy out, I was told that any ATR who did not accept it would be sent into a hell like school that fall, perhaps for the entire year. That was true, for many of us.

    What the UFT should be doing is making sure that veteran teachers are protected. Veteran teachers are at a severe disadvantage based on Fair Student Funding. Bloomberg is long gone and yet his fair student funding scheme remains, agreed upon and unchallenged by the Uft. Now we’re going to hear about how wonderful this buyout opportunity is, and how the UFT works so hard behind the scenes to get it and it is all, of course, a load of horse shit. Thank God I am no longer an ATR, but I do have several friends who are suffering greatly. For many, who are teaching at regular appointed schools, the fate of the ATR may one day be yours. As your salary steadily increases you will become more and more repulsive to the administration of the school you are in. Concocted charges may be leveled in order to facilitate your removal from your school and it’s budget. You will be found not guilty, but will remain an ATR for the rest of your career, thus allowing the monetarily pressed principal to hire several inexperienced teachers under your experienced salary.

    (By the way, Mike Sill is the definition of an outwardly pleasant but distant bureaucrat, that will not return a phone call and will not help you - unless it’s a completely illegitimate ATR placement - like a high school teacher being placed in kindergarten, it’s happened. If you are an ATR send him a message - do not vote for him.)

    1. The UFT is helping the DOE to purge the system of experienced teachers.

  4. What the DOE should do is push Albany to get us 25/50 so folks can retire before they are 55.

  5. I still say 20/55. Cops get out at 20 with no age requirement right? We are under just as much stress and in as much danger they are based on my experiences in schools of the wonderfully crime ridden and down trodden South Bronx. Aren't there some maniacs trying to arm us like the cops?.....

  6. We can't even get c4e funded to lower class sizes as the state agreed to in 2007 but they are going to improve pension benefits? Have you seen tier VI? Get rid of that first. Then we can talk about 20-50.

  7. They are not hiding age discrimination. They are targeting veteran teachers and pushing ecperienced teachers out. A shameful Union.

  8. Agree. Shut up, you are lucky to have a job is not exactly comforting.

  9. I originally planned to stay until Mid-October and then retire on my 55th birthday, but now I'm taking the buyout and resigning in August. Yes, it irks me that I won't be getting the money I WORKED for years ago. But considering the last two retros would be $24K combined (pre-tax), I'll let the DOE pay me double to leave a months early. Plus I'll still have more after taxes. What really pisses me off is that while I and other teachers who have (or will have) to resign, or get fired, or pass away will not get any of the retro owed, there will be administrators who will. Because while the UFT helped the city to shaft teachers and their families out of money that they earned, the CSA stood up for their members who had left the classrooms and were not supposed to be eligible. But the CSA was adamant on this issue, to the point where they were willing to walk away from a new contract unless they did get the retro. That's what a union is supposed to to - look out for the rights of all members, no matter what.

  10. Become disabled so you can retire early.

  11. ATR25/55, if you retire you will still get the retro.

  12. What are the pros/cons for taking the severance package if someone planned to retire in October 2019?

  13. They want fresh out of college teachers.

  14. This is blatantly age discrimination since the average age of an ATR is 53.


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