Wednesday, June 26, 2019


This is from Mike Sill to ATRs.

Dear _________,

Last week, I emailed you about the way members of the ATR pool are rated and observed. I am pleased to tell you that the DOE's guidance to principals, which appeared in the March 26 issue of the Principals' Weekly, matches our own:

You are not covered by Advance unless:

You are a full-time K-12 classroom teacher of record who maintains active status for at least six cumulative calendar months during the current school year; and

You teach 40 percent or more of a full-time position.

If you have been covering classes without your own program, you will be rated Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory at the end of the school year. Additionally, you should not be observed according to the Danielson Rubric. You should be observed on an S/U basis.

Read the DOE's guidance to principals »

This should clear up the confusion many of you have been dealing with over the last few weeks. Feel free to share this DOE document with the principal of your assigned school if there is any confusion about observations or evaluations.


Michael Sill
UFT Director of Personnel


  1. How does the UFT or AFT, for that matter, decide who to endorse? It seems like Randi chooses, then tells Mulgrew - and if there’s any screaming from the rank and file, Randi pulls a make believe survey out of her posterior. So it went with Hillary and Bernie, and so many others that would have won if they got the endorsement of the UFT when needed - Thompson over Bloomberg, Teachout over Cuomo. Caban is the better candidate. I guess they’ll be endorsing DeBlasio next - no way will they endorse Bernie.

  2. Hey Mike Sill,
    What’s the UFT doing to stop FSF, which would stop the ATR pool? I know - the UFT has nothing to do with how schools are funded. But if that’s true, why was the UFT asked by Klein and FSF agreed to when it was presented? It was asked because it would have a devastating impact on teachers and still does. It was agreed to because veteran due paying teachers would be replaced with due paying newbies - double dues for the same position. Time for the UFT to speak out against it and meaningless facade that accompanies it - Open Market and ATR pool. There are still a lot of teachers suffering unnecessarily.


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