Tuesday, June 04, 2019


Our friend Pat Dobosz sent this out from the New York City Education News group. This is from a contact from California.

Here in San Francisco we just heard about Carranza’s new 8th grade proposal. See below.

He eliminated 8th grade Algebra here in San Francisco only 5 years ago and now he says having it is a must. He said Algebra in 8th was racist and he directly called out the parents as racists who disagreed with him at a board meeting. I was there. So this new proposal must mean Carranza is now a racist, too! And, not to forget, a massive hypocrite.

Calculus enrollment here has dropped by 15%. Apparently, the school children in San Francisco are Carranza’s guinea pigs for NYC.

Don from San Francisco

Equity and Excellence 
Through Algebra for All, by 2022, every student will have access to algebra in eighth grade, complete algebra no later than ninth grade, and there will be academic supports in place in elementary and middle school to help more students become ready for algebra in eighth grade.


  1. See 2 posts below about grade fraud, it is all a scam...The kids can't do any type of work, nor do they want to.

  2. This proves that Carranza is indeed a liar, hypocrite and racial provocateur. He needs to go, ASAP. The denials from the UFT and their blogging dog walking stoogies notwithstanding.

  3. Can you believe, this guy can make openly racist comments, put them in the newspaper, and OUR union will do nothing.

  4. So, does this mean we need to offer the Algebra 1 Regents to our 8th graders next year?

  5. To the person who keeps sending NYPost Editorials and OpEds without any citations, I am not posting them. Hijacking our posts and putting your favorite stories in is why we started moderating. Yeah they are on topic but come on. You don't even give credit. If you want to refer me to something, I have no problem and you can link to pieces too but copying and pasting Editorials and OP-eds without citations is plagiarism.

  6. James, there is an article about Carranza being ant-white everyday. Dont you think this needs more exploring. And where is the uft?

  7. Valid questions however clearly the Post has an agenda. That is where much of this is coming from.

  8. Maybe they do.. But, if you are in these schools everyday, you know the chancellor and mayor do too. And it is clearly anti-white...

  9. $750,000 to a black guy to tell us that we are all bias?

  10. Deception with grades, grad rates and hiring. Need I say more?

  11. Algebra, indeed all math, has inherent within them the prospects of "right answers" and objectivity. These notions are, according to the powerful in NYC and their dominant narrative, toxic and racist. Seething hatred of truth is part of the woke environment the chancellor is creating. Get woke or leave!

  12. I haven't used algebra in 30 years.

  13. Teachers in Nevada to go on strike. Everybody but uft. That says a lot.

  14. I am writing to express my disapproval for equity training and other so-called "social improvement" concepts which are poorly conceived and accomplish nothing. This training assumes that people like me need to be rehabilitated

    I am sick and tired of this. I am a white woman who grew up poor and worked my ass off each grade in school to get a full scholarship to a top college, where I continued to work hard, and now I am a teacher in NYC schools who works works tirelessly each day. I have had zero privilege that I haven't earned through the sweat of my brow and I humbly EARNED what I have accomplished. I am a not racist or biased. I don't need to be trained to feel empathy for people who struggle: I have tasted struggle acutely and I too have experienced biases for things other than the color of my skin as well as for the color of my skin...and did I mention that I am caucasian?

    How about the "equity" exercises today where were asked to go into the schoolyard and reveal answers to very personal questions such as: did your parents loose their job when you were a child. Step backward if you went to bed hungry, were you ashamed of your car...what business is it of the department of education to ask me to reveal the answers to such personal questions to my peers? It was embarrassing and for many people brought up past traumas, no doubt. Are we entering into the realm of a therapy?

    Why doesn't the union speak up about this?

  15. This is Don from San Francisco.I wrote that short comment copied above. A group of parents fought long and hard to convince the SFUSD Board of Education not to deprive students of the chance to take 8th grade Algebra 1. As a result a whole generation of students will undertake the college search without the benefit of Calculus. Truth be told, depending on a number of factors it may or may not be a hindrance, but the point is simply that, burden or not, it is totally unnecessary. African American students have had no measurable improvement in Algebra proficiency since this new policy was first implemented to the present.The data is clear and viewable on the CAASPP website.


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