Saturday, August 31, 2019


Sue Edelman, this time joined by Mary Kay Ling, wrote another piece exposing an out of control salary at the Department of Education.

From the NY Post article:
A little-known bureaucrat on the Department of Education payroll will make more money than Mayor de Blasio this fall after receiving a raise so “off the reservation” that it’s sparked a city investigation, The Post has learned.

Daniel Miller is the deputy director of the Board of Education Retirement System (BERS), the smallest of the city’s five pension plans with only 53,000 members, including aides, cafeteria workers, nurses, central DOE staffers, and crossing guards.

He is currently the highest-paid DOE employee after schools Chancellor Richard Carranza, who pulls down $352,763.

Last November, Miller, 38, received a 17 percent raise, boosting his salary from $217,125 to $255,000.

Miller now makes $26,000 more than his boss, BERS Executive Director Sanford Rich, and tens of thousands of dollars more than the heads of the four other city pension systems for cops, firefighters and other civil servants.

He takes home $67,000 more a year than his counterpart in the NYC Fire Department Pension Fund.

Even more jaw-dropping, Miller collects more than the heads of city agencies, including Police Commissioner James O’Neill and Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro, who get $236,000 a year.

“That’s crazy,” said John Murphy, former executive director of the 360,000-member New York City Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS), the largest pension system.

“This guy getting this kind of money has ramifications citywide. It’s going to create tremendous problems,” Murphy said, explaining it will generate a ripple effect of salary demands in other departments.

Rich gave Miller his latest pay hike in November, sources said. One insider said Rich gave the fat raise after Miller received a “lucrative offer” in Ohio.

Is anyone even remotely surprised?

Here is my favorite part?

Murphy said that Rich’s decision was “way off the reservation.”

“If he didn’t go to the trustees for this, he’s crazy,” Murphy said. “And if he didn’t clear this with the mayor’s office, he’s out of his mind.”

Welcome to our DOE world Mr. Murphy. It's anything goes for those that are part of the in crowd. Sanity is not a job requirement. Being out of your mind or crazy is not seen as a negative as long as you have the right friends. That is until Sue Edelman discovers what's going on.


  1. Typical doe scam. Why would this surprise you?

  2. Another person who spends no time getting abused by students, getting the most money. Like Mulgrew, Sill, etc.

  3. I just learned I got an ineffective on my MOSL , effective on MOTP. So, for the first time in 12 years I have a developing rating. My students were 1's an 2's and only 3 of the 25 who took the geometry regents passed.
    How is the rating for MOSL determined? I'm in a failing school in the Bronx.

  4. My MOTP was effective. My MOSL was linked to an exam in a subject that I do not teach instead of my own subject area exam, and that brought down my rating. My exams scores were great and I left the end of the year feeling great, now I feel like garbage. This is outrageously unfair and I feel demoralized. This is no way to start the school year. What is my recourse? Can a data correction be done?

  5. I made the mistake of checking my DOE email today since I saw everyone posting about their ratings. My MOTP scores are always very solid; I just nearly missed being Highly Effective this year. And then I saw my MOSL and was completely shocked: Ineffective. As a result, my overall rating is developing and I will have a TIP. I am floored. I cannot find where in the Advance rating guide the overall MOSL point valuation/how it is finalized. This is a snapshot of what I received: apparently the NYSESLAT scores were overall terrible which tanked me. This feels very unfair; some of these students were not in the country for the entire year and others I did not teach for the entire year. It is also a mix of two different grades; some students were in an elective course and others are SPELs 😞 There are other students who I taught that took the NYSESLAT that were not included in this data. Is there any way to appeal this?

    1. 1:01, Go to the UFT and demand a Panel Appeal. This can be done for an overall Developing Rating. Ask principal to help with data correction.

  6. Just got an email from my principal. She’ll be coming into my room on Thursday during 5th period to observe how I distribute my syllabus, review the main ideas and themes for the year, and organize students into their seating assignments.

    1. You need to fight principal coming in day one collectively as a chapter to be effective 1:02 am.

  7. I just received a developing. They used the science test scores which I wasn't certified to teach for my advance rating. Now an ATR.Got an email about TIP.Will I need to write or be meeting an administrator as an ATR?

  8. All of these corrupt people, from the mayor on down, do not care about anyone but themselves. I do not see this changing anytime soon.

    Unfortunately, when there is so much money involved and no accountability, corruption in inevitable. The swamp needs to be cleaned out. If the majority of the people in the administrative positions in the DOE were dismissed, it would not change my students or my teaching for the worse. In fact, I think the schools would improve. I am not sure how these people sleep at night knowing that they contribute to the failure of the NYC public schools and get paid handsomely for their failure.

    Are there any decent, moral people in positions of authority at the DOE?

  9. This is another example of the corrupt head of the doe and the mayor. It also shows how corrupt our union is because they always sell us on 2% raises while these corrupt people get huge raises and don't deals with the students. I would LOVE to see all these people LEAD BY EXAMPLE and spend a month teaching and prepping like we do.

  10. I like and respect Sue Edelman, but these daily articles appear to be a concerted effort on the part of the Post to discredit deBlasio, Carranza, the DOE and everyone connected to them - including teachers and the UFT. Why (and why now), is what people should be asking. I believe it’s all about getting the public riled up to demand charter schools. (Look for the politicians to start screaming soon.) With stories like these it may be a good plan.

  11. Sue is exposing the truth. The DOE is quite corrupt so there is much crap to uncover and Sue is skilled at finding it. Sue was writing these articles on the DOEin the Bloomberg years too.

    That said, I agree with you Bronx ATR on the Post's agenda to privatize education. We supporters of public schools must make sure this is not the future. UFT should be telling the truth too and not engaging in happy talk. The system needs repair. Let's be up front about that.

  12. Sign the petition to get rid of Danielsonand the MOSL instead of complaining here about your rating and send it to others.

  13. @BronxATR, if the public thinks these salaries are outrageous, they should examine what Charter Admins get paid. Eva Moskowitz gets paid more than the Chancellor for “managing” only a dozen schools. She is, in fact, the highest paid executive of a “non-profit” in the entire country. She gets paid more than the CEO of the Red Cross, which manages $ billions in charitable projects. Her platoon of sycophants and goo-gaws at her new executive office in the luxury Westside Yards development take home equally lavish salaries. What qualified Ms. Moskowitz for this position? As far as I can tel, she was just in the right place at the right time. She happened to be City Council Speaker when Bloomberg needed her vote to overturn the voter referendum on term limits. She delivered for him, and he set her up with at one of his charitable orgs with big money. What a public servant!

  14. After 6-8 years garbage men make 85-90,000 a year. I am almost 18 years in 2 masters so getting to the money stages, should NOT have to wait this long to make 100k plus a year. We should have all the contacts for all of the chapter leaders In the city help organize so we can set up a big email chain or something where we can thoroughly discuss the main issues we are facing and go to UFT.

  15. @2:48,
    I agree 100%. The thing is these stories are used to stoke anger against the DOE, just like yesterday’s NY Post’s opinion piece by Kyle Smith was used to stoke anger against everyone involved with the NYC Public School system - especially teachers. As for Mr. Miller above, you are correct, why would this upset anyone? Eva and her minions are making tons of tax payer money and getting their rents paid by us. To add insult to injury, we are forced to share our limited space with these leeches - especially egregious in oversized schools. Mr. Miller deserves his raise and so does every teacher. Mulgrew should fight for a 17% increase for teachers.

  16. My bad. Moskowitz was not actually Speaker, just a council member. For the record, her exact compensation was about 783,000 in 2016. Wow.

  17. If you teach in NYC, you know the government system here; if you send your kids to that system, you're just trying to save a buck, don't care about their safety and education, or just couldn't get them in a good private or charter.

  18. So we parents who teach who send our kids to our public schools don't care about their safety. My kids have been in NYC schools for five years and they are as safe as in any other school. I think we care.


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