Friday, September 27, 2019


I am often in disbelief about how underutilized the UFT Contract is. It is a worthless document if people don't use it to exercise their rights. One of the easiest and most powerful ways to show solidarity and union strength is through the UFT Consultation Committee. Contract Article 19H3 covers consultation at the school level:

The head of the school and the school chapter committee shall meet once a month during the school year to consult on matters of school policy and on questions relating to the implementation of this Agreement.

Teachers have the right to meet in the school with the Principal regularly. The Chapter Leader can select or have an elected Consultation Committee and the Principal has to meet with them monthly. This is a contractual obligation. In these consultation meetings the Chapter Leader sets the agenda on what school policy matters need to be discussed and what problems there are in implementing the Contract. I would think that from over 1,600 non charter schools in NYC that this would be the simplest way for a UFT Chapter to sit across a table on equal footing with the Principal. However, at the UFT Executive Board the other night we learned from Arthur Goldstein's report that there are only 230 schools that filed over five reports of Consultation Committee meetings with their Principals last year.

Here is exactly how Arthur put it in his minutes of Michael Mulgrew's President's Report:

Report on last year’s consultations—1400 schools filed at least one, 230 over five. Wants at least 7 from all this year.

Let's do some simple math to see how active UFT Chapters are. The Department of Education Website says there are 1,840 schools as of September 2018. Of those 1,840, 235 are charter schools. I think some of those charter schools are UFT and subject to the Contract but for our purposes here, I'm going to exclude all 235 because I don't know who is UFT and who isn't. That leaves 1,605 schools. 230 schools had more than five consultations. 230 divided by 1,605 = .143. If we put that into percentage terms, that means 14.3% of the schools have chapters that are meeting with their principals more than once every two months. That is frightening.

I'm going to assume for our argument that less than 235 are doing monthly consultations with the Principal because Mulgrew stated that 235 did over five and he is known for painting optimistic pictures with numbers. Maybe some schools are meeting but not filing reports but any which way you slice it, this shows that the overwhelming majority of UFT Chapters are inactive at a very basic level. To be fair, Mulgrew boasts that 1,400 did file a report of at least one consultation. That is something but one Consultation Committee meeting a year is inadequate. Mulgrew's figures concede that around 200 don't consult at all or can't be bothered to file one report that the Union asked for.

If I were the President and I had this information, I would call this a school level engagement crisis in need of immediate attention. I would be directing every District Representative and Vice President to make sure their Chapter Leaders were holding monthly Consultation Committee meetings, even if they have good relations with their administrators. I would check on this every month. All of the officers would be showing up at the dead Chapters and forming Consultation Committees. I would run meetings if people were afraid to. I would go so far as to publish the list of  Chapters doing their job and maybe list the Chapters that are not. Union presence at the school level is so important and it seems to be so lacking these days.

This is not exclusively leadership's responsibility. If I was teaching, I would be working with colleagues to find out about Chapter Committee consultations. A group of us would show the Chapter Leader the Contract so nobody has to face a Chapter Leader who might be in bed with management alone. That is called organizing.  I would do that instead of anonymously commenting here. If UFT members get together, they can't all be targeted.

The UFT needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. We now have some evidence from the President to show that there is much work that needs to be done. If you want to know how far we are behind our peers in Chicago in terms of member activism, this week the Chicago teachers in their schools took a strike authorization vote and 94% voted in favor of striking. They did this while they are being offered 16% raises over 5 years.  They are demanding better teaching and learning conditions. Yes it could happen here if we rebuilt a real union from bottom to top


  1. Does this surprise you? Why do you think I complain all the time? Not getting better...Whatever you give back, you never get back, we have dug ourselves too big of a hole and have lost things that will damage us forever, that is why I keep writing about the 8.25%, it has neverending costs.

  2. Consultation meetings? Ha! Our chapter leader holds literally one chapter meeting a year. Teachers are too afraid of payback via Danieslon drive by observations if they ever make a complaint about the contract. Fear still prevails even after the Bloomturd years.

  3. I recently got into a building of newbies who were scared to have a real chapter but me being tenured and confident as hell in my teaching abilities ( highly effective for 5 yarn straight which I know is meaningless but shows I can play their game). I spoke up and had quite a few contract violations eliminated. The ball is now rolling. Those with tenure and confidence need to crank up the heat. It can work.

  4. The UFT is dying slowly and painfully via a 2005 stab in the chest from Randi Weingarten. She left and put Mulgrew in as private duty nurse. The family members are all dying off and the youngsters don’t give a damm. It’s just a matter of time. Things will get worse - the nurse is apt to be sleeping or out to dinner and is protecting the hospital (that runs on a business model) which wants that patient gone.

  5. Need more proof Mulgrew sees our Union as a business? Look at the Chapter Leader commission scheme he unveiled at the last Del Ass. Seriously. Paying CLs for attending meetings? Stop the gimmicks. I attend meetings because they help me do my job, not to meet some quota like a used car salesman. Stop it. That was just insulting. Give us good information and send us on our way. I don’t need a gold star.

  6. Wow- I guess I should be more grateful than I already am for a proactive CL. Our consultation committee meets twice a month- once to discuss the issues and make an agenda, and then we meet with the principal. He faithfully submits the minutes of our meetings each month. Isn't this the way it's supposed to be?

  7. Congratulations to your CL. You are in the 14% of officially active chapters.

  8. Actually what Mulgrew said was that was how many chapters filed reports with UFT. He did not say that those who did not file had no meetings. That's your assumption, based on no evidence at all. Now go ahead and call me a unity hack.

  9. Let's say a hundred more had meetings but did not file reports after the UFT asked for them. That's still a problem. This was a big UFT initiative last year.

    All the chapters basically were able to run the referendum on the contract and send the ballots in. However, only 14% could send in simple reports of over 5 Chapter Committee consultations with principals. There is something wrong here.

  10. To the chapter leaders the reports to the UFT just
    another time wasting bit of paperwork that do nothing to make their chapter more effective or their jobs any easier. An experienced chapter leader would most likely have the meetings and ignore the reporting requirements

  11. Oh my gosh another unity hack with the lies. it's all about the numbers and you can
    't prove there were anymore of them. This is why I don't pay doozie's.

  12. Haha. I wonder why people are so unhappy. A loss at every turn.

  13. The site where we report minutes is clumsy with unhelpful drop-down menus. Very wasteful. After we write up the minutes for members to then be expected to navigate the UFT site for every agenda item is insane. It makes me want to file a paperwork grievance against my own union. I think Mulgrew is slowly going nuts. The minutes debacle mixed with the pay for meeting attendance is just insulting. He’s starting to adopt classic bureaucrat’s mentality of bogging down the grass roots. It’s time for him to move on. We need some fresh leadership.

  14. Hit forward on your Minutes and send them off to the District Rep if the site is a pain to use or just send in something basic each month. We want to show chapters are active. This shouldn't be a burden on Chapter Leaders. The job is tough enough as it is.

    I hope many more Chapters are doing the Consultations monthly and just not reporting because the site is cumbersome. However, that does not make much sense as when there are problems in a school, the first question the UFT officials would ask is: Why didn't you report this in Consultation minutes? Where is the record?

    I want to see a strong UFT.

    I agree we need change at the top but grassroots activism could force change at the top.

  15. Great. So with no idea how many held meetings, you say 14%. Then when shown many more could've had them, it's no good because every CL should've sent them in. And it's easy because you, who don't even have a job, have no issue giving CLs more work. And congrats that only one of your idiot anti-union posters called me a Unity hack so far. All in all a good day at the ICE blog.

  16. If more chapters are holding regular consultation meetings, that is positive. So let's say it is 20% of chapters or even 25%, that is still not nearly enough. I want a strong union. If you are saying we have one, that is hard to accept.

  17. To the non Unity hack above, This blog is the least of the problems in the UFT.

  18. Why can't more retired teachers volunteer their time to help us understand the contract? Obviously, the reps are not doing their jobs. Yes, I want to do this when I retire.

    Can we start by letting go of the reps whose schools have poor or no UFT chapters?

  19. 10:52, We do this here at ICEUFT. Norm Scott will help anyone who asks. I am here also as are others. The UFT as you can see here by some of the comments from the pro-Unity people is way too afraid to let me within a mile of any Chapters as an official union rep. I am too hard to control and not afraid to advocate aggressively on behalf of members. In my experience,sometimes the UFT is doing what they can for members but at other times the advocacy leaves much to be desired.

    Just email us at and we will be happy to help anyone as best as we can.

  20. James, you're out of touch sitting from your high chair telling us what we should be doing. You make sweeping assumptions and conclusions and expect us to follow you like blind mice.

    You're a joke!

  21. The quality and substance of the insults is not exactly improving. However, please don't now accuse me of censorship.

  22. James,

    I appreciate all the information you and others provide in this blog.

    It would be nice to have a union presence in my school. We do have a chapter leader but in name only. My rep makes over $140,000 a year and I have no idea what he does. He does nothing to make the staff feel empowered or protected. Many of us do not trust him because he is quick to "out" anyone who contacts him.

    The Leaders of the UFT are so corrupt and obviously looking out for themselves, I don't know if it is possible to ever regain the trust of the teachers.

  23. @ 9:50 you sound like an administrator or one those union stakeholders commenting as if you were a teacher... A true UFT member knows how UNLEVELED our union is... IF it wasn't for Eterno and his Blog NYC teachers would be AT LOST without ACCURATE representation and INFORMATION. Eterno's EXPERIENCE and ADVICE within this corrupt organization are HIGHLY VALUED AND RESPECTED. It is disgusting how the UFT protects Administration and NOT Teachers. THE ONLY JOKE HERE IS YOUR COMMENT

  24. I'm not paying dues until Mulgrew comes to my house and installs my kitchen cabinets.

  25. Question: Can Assistant principals sit in on a UFT consultation meeting with the principal? It happened this morning at our meeting for the 1st time. The principal claimed that their CSA contract gives them that right. I can not find any information to support that. Thank you

  26. Read Article 19H3 closely. It says the head of the school, not the cabinet, meets with chapter committee. Many chapters agree to allow the principal an AP in to support the principal or just as a witness but that is not what the contract says. It is a courtesy.

    Whether the UFT will enforce this provision is another matter. Please keep us posted.


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