Saturday, November 09, 2019


From the Washington Post:
ACT scores for the high school Class of 2019 show that rates of college readiness in English and math have sunk to record lows, testing officials reported Wednesday.

Among nearly 1.8 million in the class who took the college admission test at least once, ACT — the nonprofit group that administers it — reported that 59 percent reached a score indicating readiness in English and 39 percent did so in math. Those results continued a several-year slide. The English readiness rate was the lowest since the readiness measure debuted in 2002, and the math readiness rate equaled a record low set in 2002.

ACT defines its readiness benchmark as a score indicating a student has at least a 50 percent chance of getting a B or higher in a corresponding first-year college course. For English, the ACT benchmark is 18 out of a maximum 36. For math, it is 22.

It's not just New York. It's a national trend downward.

School choice, closing schools, firing/demeaning/pressuring teacher to pass everyone and common core lead to lower test results. Any teacher could have told you this would happen.

Once students know they pass no matter what because teachers and principals fear for their jobs, this is the inevitable result.


  1. Must be because they dont go to school when it is Monday or Friday or raining or too cold...But they pass every class.

  2. College need to reform their pedagogy like that of the K-12 public school. Then we will have more students graduate from college.
    But then we will have to question the worthiness of their degree.

  3. Huge article today about grade fraud. Let's start calling out schools by name.


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