Saturday, November 02, 2019


This is from Chalkbeat:

The total number of suspensions decreased 10.5% in the 2018-19 school year to 32,801, according to data released Friday by the education department.

Principal suspensions, which are handed out for less serious offenses, and are typically under six days, decreased by nearly 10%. Meanwhile, more serious superintendent suspensions — which can range from a few days to an entire school year — decreased by roughly 12%. Still, big disparities remain in terms of which students are punished. Black students and students with disabilities continue to be disproportionately suspended, while white and Asian students are underrepresented. 

Back as recently as 2012 over 68,000 suspensions were documented. Are schools safer today?

I would argue that many principals' office carpets now look like camel humps due to all of the incidents that are swept under the rugs.


  1. That is as fake as the fact that grad rates have never been higher.

  2. I dont know why we even bother. Its the same shit over and over. Its all fake. We all know it. Its really sad.

  3. And I guess I work in a nice, safe, clean neighborhood too...

  4. Just remember, they are all really good kids. Even if they threaten to kill you, tell you they will destroy your car, tell you they can do whatever they want and nobody can stop them, cut class, trespass in the gym and lunchroom all day...And you cant fail them, so lets applaud the hard work and achievement.

  5. Total horse shit. Nobody is reporting all the wild shit that goes down in schools because principals are too afraid to make their schools, "look bad".

  6. Suspensions do nothing and neither does Restorative Justice. The only thing that works is expulsion, which was usually done in NYC via a jail sentence to Pleasure Island (Rikers) - where the miscreants were fully turned into jackasses - now (thankfully) replaced with holding facilities scattered throughout the city. The city needs to address these teens with something other than a blind eye - for the good of everyone.

  7. because of UFTs persistence, we have now gotten the 4th of 5 lump sum payments. LMFAO. Pathetic.

  8. I don't think suspensions were ever meant to do anything to the suspended student; that was up to the parents. Suspensions of dangerous students helps the students who go to school to learn and be safe. Why doesn't anyone care about the students who go to school to learn, are disciplined, and want a future? Why do they have to suffer the wrath of the "troubled" students?

    Is it possible that black students and students with disabilities disproportionately display behaviors that are considered offenses in the NYC DOE Behavior Code?

  9. It is a fact. That is why the mayor wanted it watered down. Now less black kids are getting suspended, which means black kids are doing better. Except none of that is true.

  10. Suspensions were always meant to be a deterrent to aberrant behavior. Suspensions was never intended as a solution for the school in dealing with incorrigibles. Many kids don’t have attentive parents and are much more likely to find themselves in trouble. Many rich kids are also incorrigible for the same reason. Race has nothing to do with anything. A hundred years ago they were saying the same thing you did about your people - unless you’re a WASP, of course.

  11. How can you say race means nothing? Have you looked at crime rate, real grad rate, college success rate, which schools have been closed, etc?

  12. So when you turn on the news and almost every criminal act is by a black male? Must be implicit bias when a black guy sucker punches a 50 year old minding his/her business and records it with a phone purchased with welfare. Or when a gang beats up a single person, like a bunch of street thugs. But I'm racist so all that doesn't matter.

  13. Yeah, all Italians are thieves, the Irish are drunks, Jews cheap, English- if rich - perfect- if poor -toothless and drunk, Poles stupid, Germans cold, French arrogant, and Blacks and Hispanics dumb, poor and violent. Which group are you in?

  14. Thank you Bronx ATR for engaging with this same guy who makes the same comment again and again. I feel sorry for him. I asked him to email me but he refuses to email me but keeps commenting anonymously. I don't know why.

    Please nothing more on race here. Thanks.

  15. Thank you bronx atr for engaging with the guy who makes the same comment? Is his comment off base or correct? Or its just not ok to discuss? You feel bad for him? Which comment is it that you object to? I read all of the stuff on here, which is the issue? Suspensions up or down have biggest consequence on blacks, do they not? Maybe you shgoudl feel bad for him or us because its those kids who abuse us every day and have absolutely no motivation to succeed in luife. Only goals are to get money by stealing, pass classes by threat, and have expensive material items that they dont work for.

  16. I asked for people to email and two did. I will do this off the blog.

  17. For the record I am all for using the student removal process and suspensions for student who impede the learning process for themselves and others and there need to be alternative settings for pupils who cannot possibly succeed in a regular school. That said, we need there to be educational conditions where students believe their education matters.

  18. How come in my school, the 1st MP was 25 days and I saw many with between 10 and 20 absences not only pass but get grades of 80-90. Is that productive? I guess they did ALL their work WHEN they were there. What a joke. What standards?

  19. Huh? Are there any students who belive education matters? or is school just a hangout?

  20. Respect for education starts in the home. Troubled children come from troubled homes.

  21. When you stick kids into dilapidated buildings in oversize classes with special ed students who are not getting their services and hall walkers are out of control, that does not show that education matters.

  22. Another uplifting round of comments. James seems to love waving a red flag giving the racist an opportunity to come out time and again to in essence trash his wife and kids. James' son will be out there very soon when he is 7 years old committing crimes like all black kids.

  23. The DOE is a babysitting service at best. Just glad to make 100k plus to babysit and manage.

    1. 3/4 students can barely write a well prepared essay, let alone proper sentences, or be able to read and comprehend at a high school level. What happens when you have little skill and low self esteem? You act out.
    2. Even middle school suspension centers in Bronx have significant drop with 1-3 kids in the facilities when normally have 10-20
    3. Students come from all over world to our schools and disrespect teachers because they can, when in their home country they would be beaten for the actions they displayed

  24. Enough already. This is clearly divisive. I was wrong it was two people, not one, who emailed me. I responded on email. I might not get anywhere there either so time to move on.

    I gave people an opportunity to voice their opinions and the topic was suspensions so it was opened up but that's enough.

  25. One more point: I checked the State Ed Department's website and put in the names of the two supposed teachers who emailed me off list. Their names were not listed there. They either used pseudonyms or they are not teachers. Take their above comments in that spirit. They may not even be teachers or they are too afraid to tell us who they are. That is sad. You know who Jeff, Norm and my wife and I are.

  26. Unfortunately kids will have to learn the hard way in life, since high schools don't want to let them learn the easy way now.


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