Sunday, January 26, 2020

FBI INVESTIGATING NYC SCHOOLS (Updated on how to protect yourself and your colleagues)

Here is a portion of the latest from Sue Edelman in the NY Post:

The feds have started looking into allegations of widespread academic fraud in New York City schools, a Queens lawmaker says.

City Councilman Robert Holden met this month with officials in the US Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York after his call for a federal probe of “deep-rooted fraud” in the city Department of Education.

“I’m encouraged by my meeting with the US Attorney. His team is taking this seriously,” Holden told The Post.

FBI agents have already contacted several whistle-blowing teachers whose names he provided, Holden added.

I have stated repeatedly here that the UFT should get ahead of this and stop being a cheerleader for Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Those who think that the best course of action to take is to just go along and pass everyone may be in for a letdown as an update on the situation at Maspeth High School shows. It looks like they are attempting to turn a dean into the fall guy here.

From another Sue Edelman piece:

A Maspeth High School math teacher and dean who students say gave them answers on Regents exams and texted with them has been removed, The Post has learned.

Danny Sepulveda was escorted out of the Queens school in late December “due to an ongoing investigation,” the city Department of Education confirmed.

DOE officials said the investigation was “unrelated to academic fraud.”

But Sepulveda, 30, is one of several teachers who gave kids answers during Regents exams, according to statements given to investigators.

DOE officials say this is "unrelated to academic fraud." This may very well be true. It also may be the case that this teacher is a convenient scapegoat for the scandal at this school.

Many schools badly need integrity. I again suggest that every UFT Chapter that needs to should use Article 8B and 24 in the Contract to make sure there is some legitimacy in the grading process. I am copying in full below the piece we wrote in November on using the Contract to protect yourself and your colleagues. This becomes even more relevant now that it looks like the FBI is probing the schools.

I have been attempting for a long time to get the UFT members who read this blog to step up to the plate to take action in defense of teacher rights.  I haven't been overly successful for sure except for inducing comments. Unfortunately, anonymous comments here or comments on Facebook aren't going to do anything more than allow people to vent about horrible working conditions in many schools. For anyone who has a spine or wants to grow one, please don't comment but rather take action. The Contract is generally on our side when it comes to student grades. Let us now examine how to use it.

Article 8D. Students’ Grades
The teacher’s judgment in grading students is to be respected; therefore if the principal changes a student’s grade in any subject for a grading period, the principal shall notify the teacher of the reason for the change in writing.

We as the professionals are contractually entitled to judge students as we see fit (within guidelines) and a principal must inform a teacher of a grade change and put the reason for the change in writing. Administration must go on the written record to challenge a grade a teacher gives. If teachers have a school or departmental grading policy that they are adhering to, those teachers are on very solid ground contractually. It is important to document why any particular student received a certain grade. If someone is worried about being cited for not doing interventions, documenting contacts to guidance or home should be sufficient to have grades respected and it does not have to be multiple home contacts, especially if there are 34 students on a register.

I can already read the anonymous comments. I will save you the trouble.

"Anonymous said: If I assert my rights and give the students the grades they deserve, the principal and the assistant principal and maybe the superintendent will be in my room the next morning and I will be given all 1's on a setup Danielson observation."


"Anonymous said: Are you crazy James? The day I grade honestly is the day I will have corporal punishment or some other charge thrown at me. No, I am going to play the game to survive."


"Anonymous said: The kids don't do any work and don't show up and still pass. They feel entitled to freebies from the liberal government. I can't stop it so I'm opting out of the union instead of fighting for my rights. At least I'll have some extra money that I can put it in my TDA that only gets 7% (not 8.25%) interest because of the UFT."


"Anonymous said: My principal requires us to contact parents every other day if we want to fail a student. It's easier to just pass them all.


"Anonymous said: My chapter leader goes out for drinks every Friday with the principal. He won't do anything if I ask him to. My colleagues won't listen to me so I'm not doing anything."

Please spare me the above nobody will support me comments, thank you. I won't print them!

I agree with you that doing this alone might not be the smartest action if you do not have tenure, your principal is crazy, your chapter leader loves your insane principal, or you are devoid of even the slightest hint of a backbone. On the other hand, if a teacher asserted his/her rights over grades being respected and then received a negative observation, I would advise that teacher to file an APPR Complaint immediately in which I would counsel them to scream retaliation from the highest mountain peak to the chapter leader, the district representative, or if that doesn't get a response to Sue Edelman at the NY Post, to Councilman Robert Holden, and finally to ICEUFT where if you provide us with evidence, we would publish the name of the school and the principal if you are so inclined. I bet Norm (EdNotes) and Chaz would support you too.

I understand this is not easy. If you are reluctant to stand up for yourself by going at it alone as it might just be next to impossible, would you consider collective action? Workers should fight collectively.

If teachers want to fight grade inflation-fraud as a chapter, the Article 19 mandated UFT Consultation Committee meetings with the principal are a great place to raise grade inflation/fraud at the chapter level. Then, there is the often ignored Article 24 process. Again, from the Contract:

The Board and the Union agree that professional involvement of teachers in
educational issues should be encouraged. However, it is recognized that there may be
differences in professional judgment.
A. School Level

1. Where differences related to school-based decisions in one of the following areas
cannot be resolved, a conciliation process will be available to facilitate the resolution of
these differences:
a. Curriculum mandates
b. Textbook selection
c. Program offerings and scheduling
d. Student testing procedures and appraisal methodology
e. Pedagogical and instructional strategy, technique and methodology.

In order to utilize the conciliation process, the 
UFT chapter may request, through the
Union, the service of (a) person(s) identified as expert in conciliation. Selections of such
person(s) will be made by the Board and the Union from a list of conciliators mutually
agreed upon by the Board and the Union.

2. Within five school days, the Board Coordinator will contact the appropriate
superintendent who will promptly advise the Board Coordinator as to whether he/she will
directly address the issue.
a. If the issue is addressed by the superintendent, he/she should resolve it within ten
school days. If not resolved, the Board Coordinator will assign a conciliator at the end of
that period.
b. If the superintendent does not respond to the Board Coordinator or advises that
he/she is not addressing the issue, the Board Coordinator will assign a Conciliator within
five school days.

Notice that one of the issues that has to be addressed if a chapter asks for it is "Student testing procedures and appraisal methodology." Teachers are contractually entitled to a voice on testing and appraisal. If the standards at a school are nonexistent, as people here are constantly writing anonymously, then use the Article 24 process. Get it to the superintendent as fast as possible. Publicize it. I think chapters could very well be successful. Please no comments about the chapter leader sleeping with the principal. Get a group together and light a figurative spark under the chapter leader.

The Contract is there for members to utilize. The UFT should get ahead of the grade inflation/fraud issue instead of making nice-nice with management, particularly if the grade inflation/fraud is as widespread as readers here are leading us to believe.

For those who would rather hide in the corner and just play the game, this issue is not going away. Please read today's NY Post editorial.

The conclusion:
Bottom line: Most city kids aren’t getting the “sound, basic education” that courts have ruled the state Constitution requires. But it’s not, as past lawsuits have suggested, about the money: It’s about the DOE’s top-to-bottom complicity in hiding its failure.

Rather than face the truth, Mayor Bill de Blasio recently suggested, “There’s something wrong” with the National Assessment of Education Progress tests (the gold standard of US exams!) because they show no progress in city schools. In other words, he’d rather the fraud continue, so he can claim success.

Federal prosecutors spent years getting the goods on the city Housing Authority’s systematic coverup of its failures. Holden’s entirely right to ask for a similar exposé of the school system.

The forces that hate public schools like the NY Post Editorial Board are going to use grade inflation-fraud as another excuse to privatize the schools. We can and should get ahead of them by blaming the city and central Department of Education for the lack of integrity in certain schools as this is a top-down dictatorial type school system. We should be demanding that grade inflation is stopped and that integrity is restored to the schools. Empowering teachers is the way to accomplish this as it was done before former Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his Chancellor Joel Klein basically destroyed teacher voice at the school level. UFT chapters were a very good check on the system before Bloomberg-Klein.

There is one major caveat here. I am asking for reasonable standards and responsible grading. I was often considered a rather easy grader but now my standards would be considered rigorous. I am definitely not condoning teachers who demand graduate school level work in a high school course and find every student lacking. We can start to restore some sanity by pushing for an easily enforceable seat time requirement for a student to receive credit. Joel Klein took the 90% attendance requirement to be promoted out of the Chancellor's Regulations. Let's insist that it be placed back in.

For those who think this can't be done legally, I submit a part of State Education Regulation 104.1:

(3) ensure sufficient pupil attendance at all scheduled periods of actual instruction or supervised study activities to permit such pupils to succeed at meeting the State learning standards.

And further down:
(v) a description of the school district, BOCES, charter school, county vocational education and extension board or nonpublic school policy regarding pupil attendance and a pupil's ability to receive course credit. Any board of education, board of cooperative educational services, charter school board or county vocational education and extension board that adopts a policy establishing a minimum standard of attendance in order for a pupil to be eligible for course credit shall have the authority to determine that a properly excused pupil absence, for which the pupil has performed any assigned make up work, shall not be counted as an absence for the purpose of determining the pupil's eligibility for course credit under such policy. In the event a board of education, board of cooperative educational services, charter school board or county vocational education and extension board adopts a minimum attendance standard as a component of its policy, such policy shall include a description of the notice to a pupil's parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation as well as the specific intervention strategies to be employed prior to the denial of course credit to the pupil for insufficient attendance.

Positive change can occur but more people have to step up and demand it.


  1. The question now is who squeals first: the teachers or the administrators? This is about to spiral out of control.

  2. is there a way to foil what schools get investigated??

  3. If something comes out of all this, which I doubt, the enduring saga will be fairly predictable.
    The UFT’s loyalty lies with the Mayor, not with its members. As APs and teachers run to their phones, like it is an Olympic event, the finger pointing will ensue. The teachers will blame the admins, the admins will blame the principal, the principals will blame the superintendents and the superintendents will blame the Chancellor. Then Big Bill will have to make a real decision. Keeping Carranza, he’ll lose mayoral control of the schools. DeBlasio will then throw Carranza under the bus, claiming he was well intentioned but ultimately disappointing - the exact same thing which will be parroted Mulgrew.

  4. I was sent offsite during Regents.
    My hands are still shaking from the experiences.
    One teacher was contacted by their principal and told to change student grades from failing to passing based on their having passed their Regents in the subject classes. Showed me the email citing the "agreement" and "previous discussions."
    Teacher started crying--hadn't even seen many of these students in the subject classes taught; said they earned 0s but had been forced to give 60s or some shit...
    Then the offsite supervisor wouldn't let the teacher leave to go to a computer to commit the grade fraud (change the grades).
    Later, discussing this with other teachers/strangers, all agreed that this policy was good and that they do the same thing--all willingly and for the kid's benefit.
    Is this the Stockholm Syndrome?
    I've heard stories like this on this blog but never credited how common this practice is. Room full of teachers looked at me like I'm crazy not to pass kids I've never met if they pass the Regents. I've only been in system a few years but maybe my school is some exception...
    What a racket.
    Oh and then there were those who said since these kids were underprivileged and subjects to systemic slavery this passing policy was only a little step on the road to social justice...
    And stuff....

  5. Huh? Free stuff? Ever see the clip of the father ask Warren about being given retro student loan reimbursement? His friend spent $ on cars while he scrimped and saved for his daughter to go to school.
    Who believes in more free stuff even than Warren?
    Feel the Bern?

  6. But you believe in giving free stuff to Jamie Dimon and the other too big to fail billionaires.

  7. Socialize the risk and privatize the profits after you buy off the government. That is our system but we can all blame each other.

  8. The TDS is strong here.

  9. Republicans are always full of shit.

    Famous blogger Reality Based Educator

  10. Dem platform: convince poor people that rich people are bad so they should vote for other rich people like neverhadarealjob Bernie.
    Some rich people become politicians.
    Some politicians become rich people.
    Big difference that some won't see.
    Cultural Marxist indoctrination is very real.

  11. Better to keep getting screwed by the rich. Vote Trump and watch your taxes go up by limiting SALT deduction so rich assholes can have more money.

  12. Spring Creek Community School in East New York had a 100% passing rate for their first graduating class in 2018-2019. Any school with a hundred percent passing rate should be investigated. The early morning credit recovery classes and Admin pressure is why they got their 100% passing rate. These graduates cannot read or even write a coherent paragraph. The valedictorian of that class has already dropped out of college. I'll name the school but not myself because targeting will happen James. C'mon everyone spill the beans on your school and lets see if the FBI shows up.

  13. I failed the most in my school and will continue to do so, based on merit. I wish there was a more unified front, and wish there was a specific attendance and grading poilciy, but that wont happen.

  14. There’s also another point that should be kept in mind, early in the investigation. If teachers don’t unite, at least at the schools under investigation, they will be targeted as individuals. (They may be anyway - saying you committed a crime because you were just following orders, hasn’t worked since the fall of Nazi Germany.) The admins and principals will say they gave no such orders to anyone. The onus will be on that teacher to prove that they didn’t engage in grade fraud or if they there were mitigating circumstances - they did it at the direction of their admins. Once it’s clear that grade fraud did indeed happen, the questions will be why? Why would teachers, admins, principals, superintendents and the chancellor commit or encourage fraud? Who is it benefiting? Big Bill. If mayoral control is lifted it should be done permanently.

  15. If ever there was a need to come together as unified union chapter, it is now if your school is investigated.

  16. I plan on calling every discontinued newbie that I know and telling them about this investigation. I know at least 4 that were let go because they refused to change grades. The grades were changed anyway and the untenured newbies were ultimately discontinued. The UFT knows about all these cases and did nothing to intervene, claiming there was nothing they could do. The FBI could contact the UFT to obtain all the complaints that have been flooding them for years.

  17. Maybe the Feds finally bring down the UFT for playing a part in all of this fraud. Wouldn't that be cool? Get information to Holden good people.

  18. It's about time the #*&! hit the fan! You can only play the smoke and mirrors game for so long. I say Kudos to Sue Edelman and Selim for bringing all this to light. People will say exposure of this only gives more reason for more charter schools, but I'm sure there's fraud with them too. The feds need to investigate my school, Flushing High School, which is engaging in so much grade fraud that it's becoming embarrassing working for them now. Our graduation rate went up 9 points in one year and that's only because the principal hired 1/2 a new staff that was untenured and have no integrity. Also we have the 55 rule where we can give no student lower than 55 on an assignment even if the student did not do it or plagiarized it. Also APs are giving extra credit packets that need only to be half ass done. Now the principal is changing back grades of students from 9th or 10th grade because they passed the Regents. Also, there were rooms where the ELA Regents was given that had outlines and templates posted along with examples of central ideas. If the feds want to work, send them to my school.

  19. All this fraud to boost minority graduation rate.

  20. Been complaining for years, I hope the whole system collapses. It isn't worth anything anyway.

  21. I hope this profession crumbles. The fraud uft and does deserve it, as do the teachers who pass everybody.

  22. Mulgrew noticeably silent.

  23. Of course mulgrew is silent. Typical uft. What are we paying them to do exactly? So the FBI is investigating teacher grades, and the president of the teachers says nothing.

  24. Yes. All to raise minority scores. Yes. Doe and uft need to be shut down.

  25. Maspeth HS is not a minority school. That theory dies.

  26. Not really. They just put out the greatest grad rates ever. Blacks and Hispanics were last.

    1. Undercuts your argument that the goal is to raise minority graduation rates if it is still lower.

  27. Haha. You know damn well de blasio is doing anything and everything to get "equity" by any means necessary. How many times have we heard that suspensions are racist and we need more black teachers...

  28. So glad they made me take implicit bias training. Well, I didnt learn anything but at least I made $255.

  29. Every principal will want better or perfect numbers...However, this admin has made it clear they think minorities have been left behind, and the numbers say the same across the board...So they are trying to do whatever possible to get them to graduate, even though they clearly dont deserve it. Enter no attendance policy, packets, makeup work, etc.

  30. No attendance policy, packets, makeup work go back to Bloomberg and Klein. De Blasio just continued it with his two chancellors.

  31. Based on the numbers, the biggest jump has been minorities. This is what de blasio and carranza have forced upon us...The graduation rate was 88.2 percent for Asian students in 2019, a 0.1 point increase from 2018 and a 5.6 point increase from 2014.
    The graduation rate was 73.7 percent for Black students in 2019, a 1.6 point increase from 2018 and a 9.9 point increase from 2014.
    The graduation rate was 72.0 percent for Hispanic students in 2019, a 2.1 point increase from 2018 and a 10.6 point increase from 2014.
    The graduation rate was 85.0 percent for White students in 2019, a 0.8 point increase from 2018 and a 4.4 point increase from 2014.

  32. The whites and Asians were starting from a higher number so they went up less but everyone improved. No standards applies to all equitably. What a wonderful world.

  33. Yeah, that really is the point, they can now claim everyone is learning and achieving. The most fudging is clearly coming in the places that had the worst numbers. The "achievement" there has gone up, by far, the most. Good job mayor and chancellor and uft. I wonder how many if those who magically got smarter will be on minimum wage and welfare forever.

  34. Your the guy here who always comments on race. I notice you were silent on the MS 158 incident with the white girl beating up the other girl. It didn't fit your racial views.

  35. The white kids get away with everything too.

  36. The white kids should be expelled, no question about it if they are fighting or causing chaos.

  37. Point, I think, is that minorities have been helped more by fraud. That is clearly true. Why is it that their bachelors degree numbers are also lower?

    1. @9:29pm...and you have benefitted from the "benefit of the doubt" since George Washington was president. I have ONLY worked in Manhattan schools and the incompetence I have witnessed by some administrators has led be to believe that they achieved their position by this "benefit of the doubt" and not by their competence. I can spend hours talking about "fraud", lying, incompetence, and laziness but why bother.

  38. Everything, and I mean everything, that deBlasio is doing was perfected by Bloomy and his troll Klein. One had good intentions and the other bad. Two sides of the same coin. Mayoral control must end and a system of checks and balances put in place.

  39. PART 1/3

    I am so glad I left teaching. I had to resign mid-year because I was being threatened by the students and was being abused verbally and physically (students throwing stuff in the room, stealing my stuff, trashing my room). Talked to my chapter leader who offered that stickers is the way to go. So rewarding them for common sense behaviors is going to solve the problem? I tried it, it didn't work. They started stealing each others stickers, yelling at me to give them stickers. I told my chapter leader either give me real advice that will work or that I am leaving because my health is deteriorating. Ended up resigning. Left December and have been subbing since. Yeah, as a sub I still encounter the same behaviors, but at least I don't get blamed for it by the other teachers or admin who say "They are still babies. Kids will be kids." To what extent should we even be using the lame excuse of kids being kids? How long are they kids for? Why are we still using that excuse for high school seniors.

    I was a 21 year old first year teacher. It wasn't the logistics of the job that made me run away. It was the students that drove me away from the career. I knew during student teaching this wasn't the right career because of the lack of accountability students have. However, I thought I should heed the advice of giving it time and giving my own classroom a chance. Nope. And, on top of that, being a mathematics teacher who has the responsibility of raising standardized scores 65%, even though the kids do no work and screamed and abused me to pass them because that is what other teachers they have do.

    So, I am subbing for now as I apply for other jobs. I am applying to go back to school and get a post-bacc that will build on my math background and mathematics degree and learn some new skills to go into a new field. Honestly, the job isn't what it used to be. School is not what it used to be. It's a total shit-show.

    My family was suffering and my mother's health was getting worse because mine was. I was literally dying a little bit everyday that I went to work. I was getting sick. It doesn't get better if you can't bring it in yourself to tolerate the nonsense these kids do. The worst is that my career depended on them. It doesn't matter the effort I put into lessons and work, if the students act like shit during my observation, I am the one who suffers and hears about it. Students are never at fault for anything, it is always the teachers who are wrong. I take pride in my work and want to be recognized for the work I create. In teaching, I was only being recognized for how students acted in my class, not for the work that I created for them (lessons, activities, etc.)

  40. Part 2/3

    While on paper this job sounds great, it isn't. Yeah there is vacation and benefits and a pension. But, what is the point of vacation if you resent every minute of being at work? Honestly, I never even got into teaching for the vacation. I became a teacher to help students take advantage of their education and help them lead a successful life. I grew up in a low income home. My dad worked two jobs. Teachers inspired me to love learning and inspired me to take advantage of the opportunities that education will provide. I wanted to do the same. But these kids don't give a shit about their education. These kids are so clueless and ungrateful about how lucky they are to have free public education. In India, education is being privatized and public schools are dying. If you are poor, your chances of getting any education is slim to none.

    Benefits like health insurance are important. But, even though as a sub I don't get health benefits, it isn't too expensive for me to pay out of pocket for my medical insurance. It does the job and it is good for the price I pay. As for pension, I am 21. Even though saving for retirement earlier is better, I still have time. For now, I save a little every month and am researching alternate plans such as Roth IRAs and so on. So, don't let the fear of leaving hold you back. If you love the kids, then maybe it does get better. But I don't anymore. I can't put up with it because it is hurting me. I don't get joy. It is killing my relationships and it is killing me.

    Thank God I don't have any debt and have money saved to get a post-bacc in something related to my math degree. Otherwise, I would have hated myself forever for the stupid mistake I made of becoming a teacher.

  41. Part 3/3

    I am not affiliated with any political party. I always grew up as a Democrat because that is what my parents were. I always considered myself as someone who holds progressive values. However, what I see is that this generation is a generation that has no character, no respect for elders, no respect for authority, no respect for those around them. Instead it is a generation that wants others to work for them. I've had students yell at me as to why am I not doing their work for them. These kids are the same that will probably blame society for not providing for them. This is a generation where people don't like to work, don't value hard work, and want every single thing handed to them. This is a godless society.

    I am not some crazy religious fanatic, but I do believe that the decline in values, culture, and religion have really impacted how these kids are growing up. Yes, I know - being low income and homeless are big issues in our school. I have faced these issues growing up (not homelessness, but we were on the verge a few times). However, my parents always raised us with values, respect for hard work, respect for elders, and manners. We grew up going to temple every week. We grew up learning that being kind and respectful is what the world needs. That belief in God is important because when things go bad, we shouldn't react stupidly, but should work hard and pray for the best. So, I see that these kids are growing up without any values or culture. They have no concept of such things. And we see how this is playing out in New York City with what happened at MS158. We see it in how kids talk vulgarity in the buses and trains.

    Blame the parents for not raising their kids right. Blame the schools for not reinforcing accountability, thus reinforcing that the parents are not doing anything wrong. Blame politicians for pushing this SJW agenda where these young folks actions of pushing nonsense ideologies are encouraged.

    Bear in mind that I am not a boomer, but am a 21 year old who is sick of seeing society go backwards instead of forward. We are not progressing, we are regressing.

  42. All kids are really keep denying...

  43. It will be funny and sad when a bunch of suits walk in and start pulling teachers out...Blame the principal, see where tha gets you. I'm happy with my 50% pass rate.

  44. The reason federal officials have finally taken note is because courageous teachers have spoken up. Among other cases, the US Attorney's office is also aware of the fraud that occurred at Dewey HS and how the DOE and state held no one accountable. In case you missed it, here is an excellent summary written by a former Dewey teacher who witnessed it.

  45. You teachers are as guilty as your bosses and the NYC DOE leadership ilk. You all belong in jail if in fact you have fixed grades even if told to do so by someone else.

    1. @12:21pm...i agree. If you knowingly do something guilty, your azz should go to the pokey.

  46. A teacher told me today that a student can show up once every 2 weeks, get a packet and still pass because they did the work. Sounds like fraud to me. that would be 10% attendance. Doesnt danielson require studnets be part of high level conversation and questioning IN CLASS?

  47. The jails are going to be awfully crowded then if everyone who changed a grade is thrown in jail.

  48. Danielson rates teacher, not students.

  49. Duh. If it is expected of us, how can they do it if they are never there, then pass?

  50. It is our fault too if the kids don't show up. Whole system is a mess.

  51. My principal told us that the DOE policy is that a student cannot fail due to seat time alone. Meaning, if the student literally comes to class 0 times but does work at home or online and perform as well, the fact that they never showed up cannot be used against them and they should pass. I have some students who are very bright and could definitely perform well without going to class, but I also feel like the DOE is gonna see a 0 for attendance and come after me. What do you guys think?

  52. "If they dont show up and do crappy packets i only give them a 65." HAHA. That is all they want. How did they pass?

  53. Student can fail for missing classwork and homework that are part of grade. One purpose of school is socializing students. We send a terrible message when we pass them when they don't show up.

  54. The UFT, with its silent acquiescence, has put its members in the crosshairs for termination, fines or even jail time. If I was an SOB, like we know our Governor is, I would coordinate all investigations with the FBI to finish towards the end of the school year and then terminate entire school staffs, principals, APs and teachers. I would then hand those schools over to Eva. Then I would have deBlasio and his minions indicted. If Andy really has a hard on, he could go after Mulgrew as well.
    Stuff Andy’s wet dreams are made of.

  55. Besides the hate from my sjw comrade teachers, the systemic grade inflation (ironically leading to the oft-cited systemic slavery) will lead to the destruction of the public school system. I'm out after only 14 years; I just can't be part of this anymore.

  56. In my heart, I agree with your sentiment and love your posts.

    However, I know teachers and I know how APs and principals work. You have to have them on your side or your life will be an uphill battle.

    I am 20 years in and just go along to get along. My health is better and my stress is less.

    Yes. I am a yes man. But so what? We all pass people we shouldn’t. You have to. In this system, you can’t have everyone fail.

    Who wants the aggravation of being under the bright lights of your supervisors? I have been there. It’s not fun.

  57. Unfortunately State Ed removed seat time in academic policy. Students just need to show "mastery" in the class. So yes, the DOE is correct in saying you cannot fail a student due to seat time, as it is nys policy.

  58. From the posting:

    In the event a board of education, board of cooperative educational services, charter school board or county vocational education and extension board adopts a minimum attendance standard as a component of its policy, such policy shall include a description of the notice to a pupil's parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation as well as the specific intervention strategies to be employed prior to the denial of course credit to the pupil for insufficient attendance.

  59. Reno-
    Teaching is a hard job- class room management is very hard too. As a sub you will get lots of on the job training. Good for you that you are subbing and making plans to go back to school. Don't forget, if you stay with the city you can use you time (even sub time) towards your retirement.

    Many years ago, when I was in religious school, the kids could be out of control. John Adams (2nd president of the US) was a teacher for a short while and had a hard time with the students. Kids are kids and they have always been kids, so I don't think that they are really so "bad" today.

    Good luck to you in the future!

  60. 455,

    Kids are kids, but kids in the cell phone age are dangerous.

    They record and lie. Two things that if a principal wants to get you in trouble on, he can.

    That is why we need to pass everyone.

    In this job, all that matters is principals liking you.

  61. Yes, I do believe that behavior issues have always existed.

    The difference is that years ago (before Bloomberg and NCLB and other political policies), the teachers who had the unruly children were appreciated and supported. These teachers were seen as heroes. I was grateful to have teachers in my schools who wanted to work with these students. They knew they were not going to get through a lot of academics, but I considered them part-time social workers and they worked a lot on the social aspects of life.

    The teachers were not blamed for the children's misbehavior or lack of study and it would have been considered criminal to pass a student who did not attend school, show up to class, abuse teachers, abuse other students, etc.

    The public schools are a mess and will continue to be so until everyone is held accountable to do their part. As long as the teachers are held responsible for teaching, student learning and student behavior, passing everyone, the schools are doomed to fail.

  62. @4:55 PM January 28

    Thank you for your reply. I understand kids will be kids, but I do believe that their is a lot of autonomy given to them for their behavior and there are not any consequences for that negative behavior.

    Personally, I do think for me cultural issues is a big barrier. Even though I was born here in the US, I was raised as they are in the old country.

    I cannot imagine putting up with this behavior for another 42 years. I am 21 now, so changing fields is definitely easier now than if I were to have time vested in the system.

    I will definitely keep teaching an option. But something definitely has to change in the schools. Where I was full time teaching, the students were throwing chairs at me, at the principal, screaming suck my d*ck to the principal. Pushing pregnant teachers. And admin. still had the audacity to take their side and blame me for management issues. Even though I did phone calls home, lunch detentions, restorative practices I researched on my own.

    Sorry. I can't leave the fate of my career in the hands of students who are actively trying to ruin it with a purposeful intent.

    But thank you for your response. It is much appreciated.

  63. There not their*
    I think for me I just realized that I don't enjoy working with kids. And if that is the case, then I ought to leave.

  64. My admin told me to recreate a gradebook to pass students. I refused and blew the whistle. Next year I was harassed brutally by new admin. Fought back. Investigated them and they didn't like it. Last year they backed off. Retired in July.

    I'm still reading and lurking the blogs.

    Glad fbi is investigating.
    I hope they turn the doe and admins inside out.

    Fuck them all
    Carranza is a short timer. An asshole from California

    Good luck teachers. You'll need it.

  65. Reno Snow,

    I want to leave, too. I really do.

    However, at age 40 and making over 100 k I really can’t.

    I have to try to think of the positives. I’m an ATR who gets a few coverages a day. I show up so the bosses like me. I’ll be a yes man.

    Then, at 2:25, I go home and don’t think about work until the alarm goes off.

    My first five to seven years were miserable. My health was bad and I had high blood pressure and was never hitting the gym.

    Now, I’m working out from 430-545 every night and I don’t raise my voice.

    Don’t get me wrong. If my kid wants to go to school for teaching, she knows I won’t pay for it. This is not a career. This is a year to year job.

  66. @Mike Glad your health and attitude is improving. I totally hear you about not being able to change careers though.

    My mother warned me about becoming a teacher, but I didn't listen. At least I have money saved up to change fields. Thankfully, I also have a degree in Mathematics, not just Mathematics Education, so I don't need to take too many classes to gain the knowledge needed to transition fields.

    I really wish the schools were safer, though. It is still a noble career, but there just aren't enough consequences, discipline, or safety present to actually get to TEACH. A lot of the job feels like damage control more often than not.

    At 21 years old, I feel it is better to change careers now rather than try to stick it out and miss the opportunity. I can always go back to the classroom if I don't enjoy other fields or careers. However, I can't say the same if I were to give teaching 5 or 6 years to grow on me - it would be much harder to transition out of the classroom or education field if one has half a decade in or more.

    Listen to your parents young ones. If you still want to teacher, shadow teachers in all different schools so you can vet the environment and conditions.

  67. UFT United we failed to defend senior teachers against a corrupt system of lawyers working for a corrupt system.


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