Monday, February 10, 2020


Two new laws help retirees.

From NY Teacher:
If you work for a public employer after retirement, there is a limit to how much you can earn during the calendar year. That amount increased to $35,000 for 2020, up from $30,000 last year, due to legislation signed in December.

As for our TDA required minimum distribution age, that increased from 70.5 to 72 years of age.

From NY Teacher:
The age at which required minimum distributions must begin has been changed from 70½ to 72. This change is effective for individuals who reach age 70½ after Dec. 31, 2019, and who have since left active service.

Retirees vote. It matters.


  1. Great news. Thankful that the UFT is looking out for retirees. However, they should be looking out and working just as hard for in service educators. What is wrong with the leadership? Take care of your workers Mulgrew,etal.

  2. I have a para who does absolutely nothing. She plays candy crush on her phone and hides it behind a folder so I don’t “see it” all period. Her students get distracted and talk and do absolutely no work while she sits there playing on her phone. I don’t want to get her in trouble but it’s seriously annoying at this point.

    1. @10:52 pm: What is her response when you ask her to stop?

  3. I was recently assaulted by a student. I was hit and pushed to the ground and I got hurt. Lately, I’ve been having anxiety about it happening again and I work in fear. Can a teacher get a safety transfer? Please help a girl out...5 years in and I am burning quickly... it’s going to be a long 25 more years at this rate.

  4. I am considering taking a leave next year due to health. I am in the system for 13 years and saved at least 70s days. Will I be able to use my cart days? Will I still be able to get the Oct retro payment? Am I able to have keep the insurance during the year leave? Thank you for all your information.

  5. I’m a first year teacher who just cried the entire 50 minute drive is it that I feel this burned out already and I’ve only been teaching for 96 days? The kids are extremely challenging, admin provides zero support and it’s causing me to lose sight of my passion. Is it like this everywhere? Please help a girl out

    1. @10:53pm: I will pray for you. It's a tough time now. Take some solace in knowing that it's the whole lot that is making teaching the experience a sh#t show. The lot includes (imo) some admin, some of your colleagues, some students, some parents, the DOE, the mayor and the UFT. All have converged toward a point of surrender and by surrendering on their respective roles, you are left to fend for yourself. I hope you find a colleague to help you get through the day.

  6. Wow, big deal. Allows us to work harder and hold on to our TDA for another year and a half
    How about a real COLA that doesn’t limit pension increases to a paltry 180 dollars a year poll

  7. Waiting for Support, Totally agree UFT needs to look out for active teachers as well as retirees.

    Try to work it out with the para 10:52.

    10:53, Call UFT Victim support. Keep us updated, particularly if nothing positive comes out of it.

    10:53 two,You can use your CAR days and you would be on payroll when October comes around so you would get the retro.

    10:53 three, The first year is rough for most of us. Hang in there. You can email us at for further support.

    Prehistoric, You have a point but when was the last time the UFT made any gains at the school level for active members?

  8. The only reason the UFT caters to retirees is because they vote and aren’t humiliated daily inside a classroom, and therefor it’s much easier to pacify us. The rank and file need to vote out those in power, but then again there has to be someone outside the legion of lollygagers to vote for. Every time I read the minutes coming out of the inner sanctum I’m reminded of SNL sketches. They could get some great material if they read Arthur’s notes. I’m actually surprised they haven’t stopped him - it’s the only example of transparency to be found in the UFT.

  9. James should like this...The Trump administration wants to cut money for charter school growth

  10. Thank God that bullshit $35,000 cap on working a public sector job after retirement only effects New York jobs. I am retiring at 55 but plan on teaching in another state.

  11. James, I think you are way off base crediting the UFT for these changes. First off, the RMD change what is federal legislation I had nothing to do with UFT. Further, raising the allowable salary while collecting a pension was an easy fix as it did not cost the state one cent. No props to the UFT until there is a decent COLA

  12. 20 years ago, Venezuela was 4th on the world economic freedom index. Today, they are 179th and their citizens are dying of starvation.
    In only 20 years, Venezuela was destroyed by democratic socialism.


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