Monday, April 06, 2020


Regents exams are out for this June. Update will come tomorrow on graduation requirements. We also need news on ratings.

Speaking of the state, I cannot comprehend why Andrew Cuomo is suddenly so popular. Does blustering equate to competence and success? Cuomo dithered and delayed at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis just like Mayor de Blah Blah (my words) and President Trump. Look at the issue of closing the schools. Both Cuomo and the Mayor were on the same page to keep them open even after the WHO declared a pandemic on March 11 and we were right in the middle of it.

Jonathan Halabi has a good piece on whether Cuomo or de Blasio should be blamed for schools being open online for Thursday or Friday on religious holidays. The UFT will only aim rhetorical fire at the weak and unpopular mayor. Typical UFT.

If you want decisive leadership in the midst of this crisis, go west and look up Governor Jay Inslee in Washington. 

From The Week:
 To begin with, the numbers don't lie. New York state has thus far had the worst outbreak not just of any state, but of any place in the world. Its deaths have risen faster than any other sub-national region at an equivalent point in their outbreaks, even Lombardy, Italy and Madrid, Spain.

Many have pointed to the density of New York City, with its heavy reliance on public transportation and many international travelers, as one reason its outbreak spread so fast. But while it is surely easier for a virus to spread in such a place, this fails to explain why Hong Kong and Singapore, which are both comparably dense and internationally connected, and also much closer to the initial coronavirus outbreak, have not seen shattering numbers of cases.

Pandemic control measures work in dense cities just as they do in rural areas (which are not remotely immune to viral epidemics), and Cuomo was inexcusably lax in setting them up. New York had its first confirmed case on March 1, and its second on March 3, a "super-spreader" event who was linked to 28 more cases by March 6. But on that same day, Cuomo was still reminding people that more people were in the hospital from the flu than COVID-19. The state transit authority (which Cuomo controls) also informed its employees they would not be issued protective gear, and forbade them from wearing their own. On March 8, he said shutting down public transit was unnecessary. He did not start even moderate lockdown measures until March 12.

To be fair, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio was also incredibly irresponsible about this. He also downplayed the virus' severity, dragged his feet on lockdown measures, and was still going to the gym on March 16. But that, in turn, points to the horrible relationship between the governor and the mayor, which is about three-quarters Cuomo's fault. De Blasio is an incompetent nincompoop, but Cuomo is a vicious political backstabber who seems to take great personal delight in needling de Blasio, starting pissing matches with him, and obstructing his agenda out of pure spite. Now, when a working relationship between the two most important authorities in New York could not be more important, that childish pique is taking its toll.

Now that the outbreak is extremely bad, New York's hospitals are being overwhelmed. Few are more responsible for this than Cuomo, who has relentlessly hacked away at his state's hospital capacity during his terms as governor. He pushed through repeated cuts to the state's funding of Medicaid and vetoed a funding increase, which helped bankrupt several hospitals that served New York's poorest residents. Several of them were subsequently turned into luxury housing developments, which was probably half the point. In sum, the state has lost about 20,000 hospital beds since 2000 — a trend that predated Cuomo but kept going under his watch. Even today Cuomo is still trying to push further Medicaid cuts, as hospitals face a completely unprecedented onslaught of work and costs.

Yet for the last few weeks, Cuomo has been holding daily televised updates about the progress of the outbreak in New York. His clear warnings about the dangers of mass death, and the obvious contrast between him and President Trump's daily buffoonery, have made these briefings ripe for media pickup and must-watch viewing for many Americans who are desperate for information. But no amount of showmanship now will make up for the early delays that set New York on its current trajectory.

Returning to the above chart (see link), Washington state, despite being the site of the earliest cluster of confirmed cases in the U.S., has contained its outbreak better than any state, and many other sub-national regions as well. This simply must be because Governor Inslee started testing earlier, implemented clampdown measures earlier, and tightened them earlier. By late February it was clear that Washington would suffer a serious outbreak, and Inslee declared a state of emergency on the same day, Feb. 29, that the state recorded its first COVID-19 death. Working closely with Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, Inslee first strongly encouraged people to avoid groups and stay at home, then started requiring them to do so in early March. The state set up a command center to coordinate the overall response and direct resources to where they were most needed, and Inslee began regular briefings to inform the public about what was going on.

A month later, Washington has less than a tenth as many cases as New York, and its hospitals have so far been strained but not overwhelmed. It easily could have been just as bad — Washington is only somewhat smaller than Lombardy, where the devastating Italian outbreak has been centered. As we have learned over and over and over, quick action is absolutely vital when it comes to containing the coronavirus.


  1. You realize, now that the regents are gone, we have to teach till June 26.

  2. Kudos to Mr. Cooper,

    When it'all over, NY State and City will have a disproportionate number of casualties compared
    to the rest of the country...Yes NYC is densly populated, but this state currently has almost half of the nation's deaths from the disease. Anyone else wondering if any local journalists will be asking the tough questions to NY politicians?...Like... why were schools kept open until the last minute? Why were school based staff members asked to report to their buildings from narch 17-19? How many DOE employees were infected? Why are staff members in many city hospitals being told to not talk to the media or report any numbers of deaths?

    1. and why the UFT is not honoring the sacrifice of it's fallen members? It is THE smoking gun IMHO. The current UFT homepage is honoring UFT nurses and not our deceased colleagues.

  3. The only thing that makes the UFT cry is a lost dollar in its coffers.

  4. And another...
    Mark Cannizzaro
    Sadly, we have lost another union sister to COVID 19. Our deepest condolences to the family of Omara Flores and the PS 95X school community. May She Rest In Peace

  5. Here's a good Cuomo article:

  6. I'm really starting to wonder why Cuomo is the media darling when Inslee and especially Newsom, according to the number of reported infections and deaths reported in their states have done a much better job protecting the people in their states.


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