Thursday, April 23, 2020


At the UFT Town Hall with the membership at large this afternoon, much of what was said at yesterday's DA was repeated by President Michael Mulgrew so I'm not going to retype it here.

The only real news was when President Mulgrew today said there were exceptions to the hiring freeze in special ed and certain other shortage areas.

Over 10,000 were on the phone call.

No layoffs and safety were again his two big themes.

Mulgrew repeated that there is no mandate for live teaching.

Two people I know of asked the UFT screener very early about why the UFT didn't pull its members out of schools that Mulgrew admitted in the NY Times were unsafe back in the first two weeks of March.

Mulgrew was also going to be challenged if the UFT would have the courage to pull people out when we return if a school is deemed to be unsafe.

The UFT ducked the questions.

I want to personally thank the questioners who gave an hour and forty-five minutes of their time on hold on the phone just to be ignored. I apologize to both of you for wasting your time. At least at the live DA's, I could shout points of order to get something in. 


  1. The list of recognized schools came out today. Article is in chalkbeat. 267 schools in the city made the list. Guess what school is on the list? Maspeth H.S. I guess if you cheat, threaten teachers to pass kids and lie about grades you make the list.

  2. Not a surprise, is it James? The real surprise is that many teachers seem nonplussed by it. It’s all about money for everyone. Some states that may go into bankruptcy may not be able to make their pension payments. That would be horrible, but an interesting scenario as the UFT is marginally owned stock, lot and barrel by retirees (and not at all by the rank and file) as per Mulgrew’s catering, voting and fawning. The cry will be send everyone back to work now.

  3. The DOE and UFT are going to send you right back into infected schools an most of you will go right back in. Really scary

  4. Should ask why uft only will support every single dem...
    representing Bronx and Queens including some hardest hit neighborhoods in the country from COVID 19 is sole democrat joining 4 GOP members voting against 484 billion$ COVID 19 package as last group heads to floor to vote so far passing w/ far more than the 2/3rds needed

  5. She should be proud to vote against the bailout for the big guys.

  6. They censor you but you pay $62 per check for them to support and represent you? Does that make sense? I didnt think so. Happliy not paying since last July.

  7. If you wanted to get your question through why didn’t you lie about what your question was and then ask the one you wanted to of/when you got to Mulgrew?


  9. It is all part of the cover up.
    What did you expect?

    Einstein's definition of insanity:

    According to Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

  10. Yes, it will never change. That is why i opted out. I knew what was going to continue.

  11. 5:55, it's not going to happen anytime soon anyway, but we and everyone need to go back to work ASAP, with an emphasis on the "P". Everything we've worked for especially our pensions is at stake. If the state goes bankrupt it can't pay.

    With that said our Union has to get working now to make sure safeguards are in place. We don't even have a MOA on remote learning yet. We need one for that AND reopening now not later.

    Masks #1. Half days (morning session and afternoon session) for students. Absolutely no group work or group table arrangements, sharing supplies, etc. Teachers travel between classes (yes it's a pain in the ass but halls crowded with students is a non-starter), students stay put. Go back to the old parking rules and open up more spaces to encourage and support private vehicle usage.

    Now Cuomo is wrong that business and school opening are intertwined, every July and August and the breaks during the year people go to work. Nonetheless there's no reason school can't be open by Memorial Day for extended summer school. You need at least some teachers out spending money. People can apply for it for per session. You don't need to force all teachers or schools to open as the demand won't be there anyway. But you can open for the students and parents who want school and for the teachers who want the per session. If you want your kid to stay home or if you're a teacher who's got a pre-existing condition or is just afraid to go in, you can still do remote learning.

    That gives the DOE and UFT months to hammer out an agreement for what September will look like. There's no reason except for their mutual incompetence that this can't work.

  12. I spent time awaiting to get my question asked both Wednesday and Thursday. I don't know if the "fix" is in though pertaining in picking the questions. First, Dermitt Myrie piped in with this question Wednesday, "Many members have died, safety meetings on hold, how will UFT share info on Covid exposures with members?" Secondly, from what I was told the screeners do not work for the UFT. Mind you, I am not saying there isn't a fix either. At the very least the screeners should be better trained so we don't have a whole bunch of redundant questions.

  13. Peter, they typed the questions in when asked. Dermot's question was not tough although it was important.

    Two Town Halls and one DA:zero questions about UFT accountability for what happened in March.

    Several executive boards too, but they are 100% Unity endorsed.

  14. No group work???? How dare you suggest such a thing! How will students learn? This is a no-no....


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