Saturday, May 30, 2020


Chancellor Richard Carranza's letter to principals is below.

We'll print the entire letter but here is the paragraph that is most relevant:

June 4 will be an instructional day for students, meaning that we still expect all students to be engaged in remote learning even as you and your teachers are engaged in professional development. Teachers are not expected to engage students on June 4; instead, schools should set students up in advance of June 4 with independent work for the day, or provide students with centrally provided materials, which will be made available early next week.

Another UFT victory!  My own kids need the break, not more of these remote assignments. The same procedures will be in effect for the clerical day June 9.

The full letter:

Dear Principals,

I hope that you and your loved ones are safe in this unprecedented time. I know that this has been an exceptional set of circumstances, and I thank you for your commitment and leadership during this time.

The DOE continues to work to support all school leaders to make informed decisions about teaching and learning in a remote environment. With the questions that still exist concerning the 2020-21 school year, we are thoughtfully working to provide resources to inform, guide, and support you, regardless of how schools may open next year, and whatever external challenges may come our way.

To that end, we are pleased to inform you that we have created professional learning opportunities, as well as accompanying resources, for Chancellor’s Day on June 4, 2020. These resources consist of a PowerPoint presentation, facilitator’s guide, and embedded resources that will give school communities the opportunity to reflect, celebrate, and plan for next school year. Please make sure that you are logged in using your DOE account in order to access the information. School staff will have resources to engage in activities that will sharpen their pedagogical and technological skill set in preparing for the fall.

This professional learning opportunity will discuss in greater detail blended learning environments. Blended learning is a thoughtful integration of both online and face-to-face instruction that we believe affords all students the opportunity to accelerate and enrich their educational and social-emotional learning. You all have jumped headfirst into remote instruction during the last several months. Along with robust in-person instruction, continuing to strategically leverage technology will lead us to a new and innovative way of teaching and empowering all students with 21st century skills and knowledge in this unprecedented time and beyond.

I encourage you to review these materials and consider how they might be incorporated into your school-wide schedule for June 4, and the remainder of the school year. As always, we know you will be thoughtful in constructing a day of learning for your faculty and staff that incorporates your staff’s strengths and areas of growth and the resources available from across the DOE.

June 4 will be an instructional day for students, meaning that we still expect all students to be engaged in remote learning even as you and your teachers are engaged in professional development. Teachers are not expected to engage students on June 4; instead, schools should set students up in advance of June 4 with independent work for the day, or provide students with centrally provided materials, which will be made available early next week.

June 9 will also be an instructional day for all students, including students in schools with grade bands K–12, K–5, K–6, K–8, and 6–8, as well as District 75 school programs. Students in these schools are expected to be engaged in remote learning on this day even as principals and teachers are engaged in clerical work. Teachers in these schools with grade bands K–12, K–5, K–6, K–8, and 6–8 are not expected to engage students on June 9; instead, these schools should set students up in advance of June 9 with independent work for the day, or provide students with centrally provided materials, which will be made available early next week.

Please direct families to this page reminding them that June 4 and 9 are now instructional days for students. Next week, you should send out additional communication to your families reminding them that June 4 is an instructional day, and providing instructions for how students should engage in remote learning that day (e.g., by independent learning, following teacher’s instructions, or using centrally-provided resources). We will follow up with additional information on this guidance in Principals Digest on Monday.

Again, thank you for your dedicated leadership during this time. Together we will continue to lead the way in transforming teaching and learning for this new environment.

In unity,


  1. We expect all students to be engaged, but when they arent, pass them anyway.

  2. I think most of us are only posting assignments once or twice a week at this point anyway. Post what you were going to post on Monday and make it due on Wednesday. Problem solved. There are only 2 weeks left for us in the high schools, it's time to ride into the sunset.

    The bigger question is why isn't the DOE using this time to:
    1. Solicit teacher input on how to reopen school buildings
    2. Provide (useful) PD for remote learning if more of it is needed.

    The DOE blew it big time (not that I'm surprised) by doing summer school remotely. Just about every other institution (business, Churches & Synagogues, other gov't agencies) is doing a "staged reopening". We could've seen what and how it works with a smaller amount of teachers and students who are going on their own volition.

  3. I refuse to give busy work. I refuse to give work just for the sake of giving work. "Go back and make up any missing assignments. If you are all caught up, have a wonderful day".

    I'm hosting a Google Meet virtual prom Wednesday night. I already told my 8th graders they were off the next day. I'm not giving them some BS assignment just to say I assigned something.

  4. I dont bother anymore. I did my job, I was met with resistance and told by supervisor that work was too hard. I'm done. Guess what. I will give everyone the grade they received in MP 1 when we were u school. That is the most honest.

  5. @UFT
    President Michael Mulgrew on the new line of duty death benefit: The educators and public servants who died in this pandemic deserve this recognition, and it is fitting that we do all we can to make sure their families are cared for

  6. He helped get them sick so why not applaud this.

    The teachers who can get away with stuff are lucky not to be micromanaged. Some don't have that luxury.

  7. From a parent activist

    This is ridiculous! Just because we are home doesn't mean we don't need a day off! We are stressed out and need a break!

  8. If you are being micromanaged, I think you should call your union and have them handle it.

  9. So... what is the union going to do about it? LOL. Still waiting for the pay for the spring break. Lol. I crack myself up.

  10. We arent getting paid anymore for spring break. James continues to reference strong Chapters, why is that person allowing you to be micromanaged? If not CL, call your DR. That's why you pay dues.

  11. Out your principal and school. James said you need to stand up. I'm listening.

    1. We don't have a strong Chapter 3:42.Maybe next year.

  12. The UFT is the biggest joke. We need to vote out most of the chapter leaders next year.

  13. Forget spring break, we got 4 days, not a chance we are getting more despite Mulgrew promising to negotiate. Maybe he should deal directly with Cuomo, he likes dems, right? "Instead of asking his brother, @NYGovCuomo why he decided to pack COVID patients into nursing homes, killing untold amounts of people, @ChrisCuomo pulled out oversized, prop cotton swabs to mock how big his brother’s nose was. This is the state of ‘journalism’ on @CNN.”

  14. Say something James, the teacher is complaining, saying he is getting abused by admin, says CL is incompetent, saying uft is useless, wont give name of school. What should he do? This what the $62 per check is for.

  15. Email us. We will do what we can to help.

  16. Calendar?
    Open market?
    Spring break comp?

    1. Contact Labor Dept it has been past 30 days. The press maybe friend made 2 Gs working at Key Food those 2wks . 2 thousand dollars stocking shelves , mostly overnight. What are our 7 days worth?

  17. Soon.
    Good luck.

  18. Seruously, we are going back to work in buildings in September. Look at the riots around the country. Nobody stops it, nobody cares, no social distance, nobosy scared. All these govs have told us no, no, no, but riots are ok? No reason to keep teachers home anymore. No phase for tonight.

  19. Still no word on evaluations yet either. Also micromanage is a vague term. An AP can simply deny it saying I'm simply checking on the teacher's work.

  20. Agree with 815. Ny, pa, ca, heavy lockdowns, cant go to work. Not a word the past 2 days about covid safety.

  21. There is a difference between herd mentality and herd immunity.

    As an example of herd mentality: a situation when most people continue to blindly pay UFT dues without any real results.

    As an example of herd immunity: when 60% of UFT members have opted out and Mulgrew's viral betrayal of the rank and file members no longer affects the opt out percentage. The percentage of opted out rank and file members is stable at 60% and the UFT membership percentage is in a state of equilibrium.

    How and what we do will lead to change; the faster we reach herd immunity, the healthier the UFT will become as an organization that represents its membership. The UFT right now is a FAKE UNION!

    1. 60 percent out ain't ever happening an d you know it 9:49.

  22. Still amazed that everyone -- protesters, elected officials, media -- just completely abandoned all concern for pandemic containment measures the *instant* one of their favored political causes emerged

  23. @1:59 PM- Yes, there are many parents that are very stressed. They need a break. These days should be makeup days. No new work. Students should be given the day and not need to check-in.

  24. I’m not posting generic sub plans I never used. One lesson a week. My AP said I was giving too much work. Hey, you want to tell me to do less, so be it.

    I’m not grading anything anymore either. I’m also done responding to the few emails kids are still writing.

    This Monday is June, so the kids will get the hint soon enough.

    Pass them all this year and get some sunshine!

    1. 10:21, we all can't do that. Enjoy your peace of mind.

  25. Had a conversation with another teacher this afternoon. This is the crux of it: Is the DOE now in schools installing Hand Sanitizer outlets? Are they ordering gloves and masks for a possible late summer, early fall opening? Are they ordering fever checkers? It's now late May - this is what they should be planing, correct? Both of our answers when this came up was "No!" Enough said.

  26. I passed 11 people total in the 2nd MP. Admin got mad. Work was too hard. No prob. I too am no longer responding to emails from students and I post 1 assignment per week, due the next monday. I will still fail most, although I will pass mopre than 11.

  27. If admin comes after you, you tell them you want a meetng with them, the supe and the ny pos. open all the books full of fraud and attendance records.

  28. I just emailed my principal. My last day in the doe is 2/28/21. 40 years old. I wish i could say it's been fun. Not worth the money, meedical or any future pension.

  29. 1059,

    Thanks! I’m enjoying my peace of mind very well.

    Most teachers have joined me as well

  30. Even in these times of remote learning, I take my job seriously. Being told by the NYC DOE to throw some junk busy work to the students to keep them busy is incredibly demeaning and insulting.

    I go on live with students everyday. I think providing this opportunity for students is the right thing to do. It is up to the students to join or not. Now, the DOE is telling me that not being live, as students are given work, is just the same. Therefore, you can program a computer to assign work on specific dates all year long and it would be just the same as a human teacher interacting with students.

    This is where the UFT can easily step in and easily tell teachers that being tortured by en entire day, or two, of PD is enough punishment for being a teacher.

    I will not assign anything for these two days.

  31. Ventilation means viral dilution,
    Without major ventilation renovations, the buildings do not meet health and safety standards for viral containment.

    Only in a magical world of DOE doublespeak will ALL buildings be ready for re-opening.

    If the DOE re-opens all buildings , then it signals that the DOE has whitewashed the
    the COVID 19 danger. They will gaslight teachers into submitting to their faux authority on school safety.

    The reopening of schools will become a cautionary tale for future generations, indeed a tale of willful mismanagement and insouciance.

  32. My own kids get multiple assignments on a daily basis.

  33. According to NY1, CDC recommends not taking mass transit and to drive to work. This is scary.

  34. This is how you solve the AP bothering your grades issue. You could even do this anonymously. Email them a copy of the the NY Post article about Councilmember Holden and the FBI investigating grade fraud in the nycdoe. Then, you simply say, if you still want me to particpate in grade fraud we must have a meeting with the teacher, admin, ny post and superintendent present. You want that meeting audio recorded as well. You then mention that you need to bring up students who are passing classes with 10%, 20%, 40% attendance. You then say, if in a HS, you are going to bring samples of student writing, where they can't complete a sentence, yet are all passing English. You then ask how the average SAT score compares to the passing rate, average grades, etc. That will shut your admin up real quickly. All school grading and attendance is available on skedula.

  35. To follow up on 1125am, I am a pe teacher,atr for a long time due to closing school. Every school has students cutting class and going to gym. Check the class grade from the class they are cutting. Say you want an investigation as to how the student is passing that class while cutting it everyday and then say you will file a safety grievance report with the uft and city everyday s student trespasses in gym.

  36. Happy everybody? Uft will fo nothing again. Update – Sunday afternoon the UFT sent out a message to members over Mulgrew’s signature. He couldn’t stop the DoE’s stupid plan, but he took a shot at the Chancellor: “Educators may provide enrichment activities to students, but they should not be asked to give students busy work. Educators’ engagement with students is so much more than that, and those immense contributions should not be devalued.”

  37. Why can't Mulgrew tell us to not post work? We are at PD working, why don't the overpaid central curriculum planners put out something for kids to do and post it on their page? I'm sick of him with his fake outrage and not willing to put any kind of discomfort in the DOE, but I'm the sucker who keeps paying for him.

  38. That is just it. It is fake outrage. HWhere was his outrage on March 17-19? He knows the opt out time is now or never. He won't even bother with the fake outrage after July 1. He is a waste of $300k of union dues. He knows we will continue to do the work, go to work and take whatever is thrown at us...And then claim great contracts and great working conditions.

  39. Have regents days officially been turned into instructional days? (or are they make up the work days ....same difference)

  40. If Mulgrew cannot stop the busy work, who can? It seems that he is toothless. I have been supportive of him until now but I am frustrated that it seems that he is throwing his hands up in the air and saying, oh well. We are supposed to assign but not supposed to interact. Tell that to my self contained student who calls me almost every day. Or a student who is doing something from a different day late and has a question. Am I supposed to simply ignore them?

  41. You all must be insane. Look up the definition of insanity. Mulgrew and unity prove time and time again to be useless then you expect something more from him. It aint changing. Either pay and get nothing or dont pay and get nothing. Up to you. If you accept this representation, you accept it. Just dont expect any change.

  42. Now is the final straw 4:55? Mulgrew let us get sent into buildings that he knew were contaminated with COVID-19 in March. This is minor league giving back.

  43. But keep payin dues...

  44. When I read all these commments everyday and read the messages on the teacher FB page, I truly know that we are the dumbest in NY.

    No idea about the contract
    No idea about the rules
    No idea about the TDA
    The pension
    The CAR
    The retro
    The raises
    I could go on for hours...

  45. If a child cannot read, write cursive, do math, speak properly, and does not understand that skills have to be developed so honest money can be earned, that child will likely become an impoverished adult without much hope.

  46. I thought about posting an assignment today, but nobody did the work I posted on Thursday, so I’m just extending the time for that assignment. It was due today. I extended it until Friday.

    I’m done for the year. I’ll check my doe email for APs and principals writing emails, but it’s over for the year.

    It’s June, bro!

  47. Not all teachers have this option.

  48. 859,

    I know teachers all over the city.

    Most teachers are doing less and less. Administrators are even checking out.

    The kids are done for the year and I can’t blame them.

    In normal years, June is a waste of time, so this is no different.

    Be well!

  49. Many parents do not have the option of checking out either. We want to be responsible and we want our kids to be responsible too.

  50. 928,

    There is responsibility which I am about and wasting my time which I am not about.

    I have been told repeatedly that my work is too hard and I need to give less, so fine. I’ll post 2-3 more assignments that nobody will do.

    The doe is a joke, but to tell the general public that it is working is an even bigger joke.

  51. I had an assignment due today. Easy stuff. Out of all of my classes, maybe a dozen kids handed something in and a few of those had no attachments.

    Some of my colleagues told me I should be thankful I received blank attachments.

    Ah well! My week is done.

    Time to book tee times.


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