Wednesday, May 20, 2020


This post is dedicated to my friend Peter Zucker who wondered about my ability to take a screen shot since I am somewhat challenged when it comes to tech.

This is from Politico. These are results of a Politico-Morning Consult poll.

I am no Joe Biden fan but on public education, he at least supports our continued existence. All I can say about Donald Trump is he doesn't talk much about education so maybe it isn't on his radar but his Education Secretary is openly hostile to public schools.

The poll shows online schooling isn't going badly with the public. By a 59% to 28% margin, the poll says online learning is effective. I am not sure what that means for the future.


  1. Who cares. It has been proven that kids have learned nothing under obama and trump. Will just be more fraud.

  2. Trump seems to neither particularly like nor particularly dislike the state of public education nowadays. Simply not interested. Which is probably a good thing for teachers.

    Biden might stumble his way into some sort of reformy mode so that makes me mistrust him. (This might be off the topic but I saw him sort of mentally/verbally stumble his way into promising to pick a female VP. I could see him doing the same sort of foggy grasping for Bill Gates on education or something/someone along those lines. Female VP is a good idea...Bill Gates not so much.)

  3. Biden-Bernie education task force not horrible in its members as we pointed out last week. However, Ravitch had an activist write a piece critical of who is on.

  4. For fans of both parties:

    If anything good comes out of this tragedy, I hope it’s that more people realize that it gets us nowhere to continue to enthusiastically pretend that a shit sandwich isn’t a shit sandwich just because our preferred political party happens to be the one serving the sandwich. David Sirota

  5. this is elder abuse. shame on those supporting quid pro joe.

  6. A lot more Americans support Biden on education than Trump.

  7. I still think the Dems will pull Biden out for some real or fictitious charge and replace him. Biden can’t win, even with a strong VP. The only way he can win is if there’s a second wave of the virus in the autumn. I believe there are actually those that would like to tank the economy and have a second virus wave, just to ensure the Toddler in Charge is voted out. That’s unimaginably too high a price to pay. The Democratic Party has morphed into something almost as repulsive as the Republican Party. We need a third party.
    On another note, there are many good traumatized students from horrible schools that are flourishing under distance learning. That doesn’t bode well when combined with massive budget cuts and social distancing, in what otherwise would be packed schools. Does anyone believe Mulgrew has the ability and balls to steer the UFT away from the rocks next fall? He sat on his hands March 17, 18 and 19 while the rank and file were sent into schools that were deemed too unsafe for students. That was unimaginably too high a price to pay to ensure the UFT’s precious dues. There are many that still can’t wrap their minds around the fact that the UFT did that. No explanations, no rationalizations from Mulgrew - just carry on the country club as usual, like it never happened.
    Remember to vote and register to vote, while we are still a Democracy. If you don’t the US will turn into a dictatorship along with the existing dictatorship in the UFT.

  8. Where does phony Dr. Jill Biden stand on all this education reform? Don’t you think President Biden would take his cue from his phony doctor wife?

  9. I won't vote for a democrat that supports charter. Get Sanders back in there. Joe is a bozo.

  10. One thing dems and everyone should learn from 2016, POLLS DON'T MEAN SHIT!!!! NOTHING NADA! MAYBE A LITTLE TO GET YOUR POINT ACROSS.


    TRump did not do well picking DEvos and he offered school choice to students. Biden is a nightmare and if you vote for this puppet who has done nothing in his 50 years except lie and make terrible decisions, I shame you!

  11. In a Post article I read online today, it said that in NYC the DOE has been taking steps to make a city-wide G Suite platform. Have you heard anything about this? It could lead to a centralized approach to the online/virtual classes.

  12. Biden, even if he slides toward Bernie is still an establishment Dem who will maintain the system that is eroding public education and weakening teachers and unions.

    But Trump makes Biden the hold your nose and vote guy.

    Trump & Co. are focused on vouchers, private charters, and higher education profits, grabbing money from Veterans on GI Bills and gobbling up financial aid monies for working class students through deregulation. Typical billionaire scams abound, worse than anything Gates has done are the for-profit deregulated colleges, like Trump's own scam school (he settled and paid $25mm to students who sued him in NY), that offer courses that are accredited with no oversight and promise people an education and a career path.

  13. Allegedly these will be the new school rules when we get back...How will this work in a Brooklyn or Bronx HS?

    ◦ Wear masks over the age of 2
    ◦ No sharing of any items or supplies, all belongings in individual cubbies or labeled containers; no sharing electronic devices, toys, games, learning aids
    ◦ Desks 6 feet apart, all facing the same way
    ◦ Distance on school buses- one child per seat, skip rows
    ◦ Install sneeze guards and partitions wherever you cannot space 6ft apart
    ◦ One way routes in hallways; tape on sidewalks and walls to assure kids stay 6ft apart
    ◦ No communal shared spaces - cafeterias, playgrounds
    ◦ Physical barriers or screens between sinks in bathrooms
    ◦ Only pre-packages boxes or bags of food instead of cafeteria food; kids eat in classrooms
    ◦ No field trips, assemblies, or external organizations in the schools. Limit volunteers and visitors.
    ◦ Same children stay with same staff all day, no switching groups or teachers.
    ◦ Stagger arrival and departure times for students to limit exposure to crowds of kids.
    ◦ If possible, daily health and temperature checks.
    ◦ And several rules about cleaning and disinfecting throughout the day and hand washing frequently.

  14. 10:52: Where do you live, Fantasy Island? Little if any of this is practical. How can kids stay in the same classroom all day in a high school?

  15. Government fucked up at Federal, NY state and NYC levels. Will someone ask Mulgrew how many UFTers would have been saved had the UFT not worried about the Taylor Law after March 7?

    NY Times

    Inaction that cost lives
    By the final days of February, many public health experts were sounding the alarm about the coronavirus, and some people were listening.

    In the San Francisco area, major employers began directing their employees to stay home. Washington State declared a state of emergency. South Korea, Vietnam and other countries ordered aggressive measures.

    President Trump did not.

    On Feb. 26, he said — incorrectly — that the number of cases was “going very substantially down, not up.” As late as March 10, he promised: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

    Some local leaders also continued to urge business as usual. In early March, Mayor Bill de Blasio told New Yorkers to “get out on the town despite coronavirus.”

    This kind of advice appears to have cost tens of thousands of American lives, according to a new analysis by researchers at Columbia University.

    If the U.S. had enacted social-distancing measures a week earlier than it did — in early March rather than mid-March — about 36,000 fewer Americans would have died, the study found. That’s more than one third of the current death toll, which is about 100,000.

    If the measures had been in place two weeks earlier, on March 1, the death toll would be 54,000 lower.

  16. I'm not sure if they are so happy with online learning or just willing to compromise and use it in order to keep their kids safe at home.

  17. James, Can you find out about the summer school application? The link Carranza sent us Wednesday night is not working only the link for District 75 students is working. Thank you.

  18. Should be ready in a day according to Mulgrew.

  19. Stacey Abrams wants illegal aliens to be able to vote because it would balance “white people.

    Well, then all white people can just identify as black. Better - all Americans can just identify as illegal and that way they’ll get free healthcare, free education, pay zero federal taxes, commit crimes without punishment, and steal future of actual Americans. Problem solved.

  20. Like Amazon pays zero federal taxes.

  21. I would love to be able to identify as black. I'd have a better chance at getting a teaching job.

  22. Huh? Amazon is a business.

  23. Legal business vs illegal immigrant?

  24. Corporations pay taxes. Not Amazon.

  25. I am touched and honored James. Anytime I can be your muse let me know.

    Oh, @ 5/21/20 8:04 PM, don't be an ass.

  26. @11:30 you must watch Rachael Maddow. Pelosi was urging her constituents to come to china town in late feb! Dems dont really care dont you understand that. Why would Pelosi who is worth 290 million care about illegals and their rights? Its power its for votes for christ sake.

    All dems cared about all january was impeachment all they cared about. The real blame is China and the WHO. Ny has terrible people in charge, I mean for fucks sake you would think emergency plans would be in place after 9/11 almost 20 years ago.

  27. Trump is president, not Pelosi. He had the warnings and did next to nothing. He continues to divide us.


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