Tuesday, July 14, 2020


From Axios

89% of Black parents and a majority of Republicans agree school reopening is a hazard. These numbers are rather clear even with a 7% margin of error. Reopening schools is risky and it is teachers, other education workers, and the students who are being placed in danger.

Can someone please tell Carranza, De Blasio, Cuomo, Trump, DeVos, and Mulgrew?

Please watch Crystal Ball's radar today to see how teachers are supported. 

I just don't understand why any UFTer at this point is frightened of the Taylor Law, the UFT, or the DOE. When was the last time teachers lost a battle that they actually fought? It's been a while.


  1. From the youtube comments on this video

    Krystal makes a great case for the success of the current system under its true goal: Creating easily manipulated, gullible workers who spend more time hating each other than the system that has put them in these conditions to begin with.

    Read here and you will see the success proven.

  2. We are afraid to strike, we bow down to a lousy uft, we have no say. What we say, nobody listens to...We don't count.

  3. We can pull something off on reopening if enough UFTers speak up. Don't worry about Mulgrew. We collectively are the union. Cliche but true.

  4. UFT?
    So am I to understand this correctly? According to Di Blasio and Carranza, teachers are expected to supervise kids eating lunch in a classroom?!!! A confined space with 9 kids with masks off, droplets everywhere( for how long exactly bc some people are slow eaters). Nine people without masks, droplets flying everywhere...what a danger to kids and teachers!!! Why not grab n go?!! This is the leadership that will be responsible for all our lives in September!!!

  5. Look at this group. Says a lot. randi, barr, harris...about reform???

    Listening to
    @AFTunion townhall on police reform.

  6. @jamal-- with a full school day- elementary kids cannot just grab and go- cause they wount be going home. Besides just eating in the classroom, the ywil lbe making messes, and spilling all over the class- making it that much harder to clean effectively. instead of cleaning one cafeteria- custodians will be cleaning spilled milk from multiple classes that do not have fold up tables, etc on top of the regular deep cleansing they will be doing.

  7. Who is to say lunch can't be the last period? Grab it and go home.

  8. 6:08 You really think that custodians are running to every classroom for spills? Teachers will be cleaning the majority of those messes.

  9. @Crystal Ball: They are winning. Not the right or left but the big bizness i.e. 1%. The teachers, police, firemen, essential workers middle class, poor, black white Hispanic Asian gay straight whaterver are just tools. As long as they can keep us we fighting for them, the easier is their life. This is nonsense and scary. To work or not to work? The government (local state and federal) have our life in their hands. The ultra wealthy are comfortable. 2020 and folks have to sacrifice their health in order to survive economically.

  10. CDC Director Robert Redfield: “I do think the fall and the winter of 2020 and 2021 are going to be the probably one of the most difficult times that we experienced in American public health.”

    Makes sense to send us back to school? Maybe not.

  11. NY Times

    How to Reopen Schools
    New York Confronts Second-Wave Risk: Visitors From Florida and Texas
    Gov. Cuomo is worried about travelers from the Sun Belt who are infected with the virus — and about New Yorkers who might let down their guard.

    New York, once the center of the coronavirus pandemic, has so successfully stemmed the outbreak that its death and hospitalization rates have plummeted and it has among the lowest infection rates in the country.

    But the state and its neighbors are facing a disquieting new threat: Can they keep the virus suppressed when it is raging across the South and West?

    You see no teacher or student is going to come to NYC from any of those areas. Buildings will be completely safe.

  12. Contenders for the greatest gaslighting campaign in history:

    1. Killer Cuomo was a great pandemic leader

    2. Residents of border states are responsible for coronavirus coming over the border our elites refuse to secure

    3. BLM protests were 100% peaceful and caused 0 infections

  13. Wake up, we the sane need to stop confronting the insane. They don't want to wear a mask, good let them catch Covid. We need the numbers to go up. Better them than us. I'm really not trying to be humorous. I'm a Kindergarten teacher, I don't exactly see how the classroom teacher would be asked to supervise lunch. Lunch is usually when we have lunch and specials are when we get our prep. Unless Mulgrew plans to unilaterally sign some agreement altering this, then some other way will need to be figured out. Sadly, I am not going to be liked very much this coming school year. I will not put myself at risk. Let the milk spill I'm not cleaning it. I have a cart I used for special projects. I foresee a lot of use for that cart as a buffer between me and my students. I can place things on it, then they can be called up one at a time to get it. Need a piece of paper. Place on cart move to safe distance, student can come get it. Rinse repeat. I think parents are mis-thinking that school will bring some kind of normalcy, but it's just the opposite. I can be the warmest most giving caring person, but I can also turn that switch off to protect my life and family. Quite frankly my effort would be tenfold if we just stayed remote. I'll work 24-7 like I already did to make remote learning the best I can. It's just in my nature, but my safety is in my nature too, and I will keep myself safe.

  14. The union and members must remain strong and firm. Continue to emphasize the risks.

    The Spanish radio station's (93.1 Amor)topic of discussion yesterday morning was the NYC reopening of schools and how it could impact educators due to asymptomatic students, the impact if an educators is ill and needs to be absent, among other issues.

    This is real. The pressure must continue from educator's side. No one knows the school environment better than educators.

  15. Parents drop off their little ones between 7:30-8.
    Where will they sit before 8 AM?
    Cafeteria? auditorium?
    There's no way that a 2nd grader could and should go from 8AM-2:20 without lunch btw and then grab and go on their way out the door??
    cafeteria are going to open- if for no oter reason then to give teachers their duity free lunch period.
    the people that supervise the cafe-deans school aides sometimes an AP- they are the ones who will enforce the seating plans

  16. The kids would get out an hour earlier if it was grab and go lunch. Give them a snack in class and they could survive without lunch until they get home. Shorter day should be an option.

  17. Don't forget, the kids get breakfast too.

  18. Nobody watches breakfast. They grab at door and eat in classroom. Lunch is biggest problem when kids get bored after eating. Send them home an hour early with lunch.

  19. Fear-mongering works! European nations, which were about a month-month 1/2 ahead of what happened here, have opened schools for the past month. Guess what? No spikes from schools. A detailed study from Germany showed children did not spread the disease to adults, either at schools or homes. Look it up. Yes, keep sick kids & adults (whatever they have) away, but it is safe to allow kids to attend schools in the fall.

  20. Beyond crazy the fear mongering! Sure another virus will happen on an election year for a republican president haha. Does not matter the administration:

    1. parents are doing a horrible job being a parent
    2. Kids care about social media and cell phones not school
    3.Standards are lower than ever
    4. No matter how much money the DOE receives it wont change hard work and students wanting to exceed in school

  21. Fear-monger I think you need to update your data plan: https://www.vox.com/2020/7/15/21324082/coronavirus-school-reopening-trump-children-safety


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