Monday, August 10, 2020


 From AOC's Twitter:

Okay MAGAs, tell us how she is crazy again on this and other k-12 education issues?

Then tell us how Betsy DeVos and Trump are friends of public education because Trump really doesn't care about the issue. In real life, he is very willing to send us into infected buildings just like deBlasio and Cuomo are and Mulgrew didn't urge us to walk out of in March.


  1. I agree with her on this and only this...

  2. But half-assed NYCDOE plans are cool, I guess?
    Quote Tweet

    Jon Campbell
    · 1m
    New: Cuomo says 107 school districts still have not submitted reopening plans. If they don't submit by Friday, they will not be permitted to open in the fall.

  3. "Mayor Bill de Blasio has offered an inept plan that relies on staff and equipment that don’t exist and that the city has no plans to pay for, all to give children in-person instruction only one to three days a week." - UFT President Michael Mulgrew

  4. Can uft fact check the de blasio lies?

    The new rationale per @NYCMayor, who counted parents who didn't fill out remote/hybrid survey as his preference - hybrid.

  5. anybody have the solidarity zoom link?

  6. how come every, of the top 10 school districts, are remote, except for ny?

    1. Very low COVID19 test positive rate.

      below 1 percent in NYC I think.

  7. A reminder why in-person instruction CANNOT happen in September.(see link to article below)
    A reasonable compromise would be to do RL until January to see how things play out in flu season.
    During that time a wide-spread, mandatory testing campaign should be conducted throughout the city.

  8. rbe
    in effect counted no response on the DOE remote/hybrid survey as a "yes" to hybrid.

  9. The schools aren’t reopening. What concerns me is what the UFT’s very dull game is doing to the mental health of many teachers. It’s unnecessary. Mulgrew, the ball less wonder, needs to throw down the gauntlet and end this nonsense. It’s affecting many teachers in the worst possible ways.

  10. Mulgrew asnwer?

    How does
    's rhetoric of "some classrooms" fit with the reality that over 1/3 of
    buildings were found to have ventilation deficiencies in the last available (2019) report?

    Eliza Shapiro
    · 1h
    De Blasio on ventilation: if a classroom does not have adequate air circulation, it won't open. Seems very likely that a number of classrooms won't open in Sept, but that doesn't mean entire school buildings won't open.

  11. Simple. On thursday at town hall, will mulgrew simply say..."We are not walking into any building on September 8, 9, 10, etc...We are not walking in during the fall term."

  12. Mulgrew, I deserve an answer.

    Every teacher in NYC deserves a straight answer to this question: If it's too dangerous for indoor dining, why isn't it too dangerous for school? (Note this question is NOT about the importance of school. Teachers know it's important better than anyone.)


  13. UFT essentially sent us an email with possible contract-breaking changes that membership DID NOT vote for.

    Hell, we’ve yet to get SURVEYED about how we about reopening.

  14. So... Did
    Mulgrew say anywhere in that sentence to stop this unsafe school building reopening plan? No.

    WE'RE NOT GOING BACK. #RefuseToReturn #OnlyWhenItsSafe #DemandSafeSchools #WeWontDieForDOE

  15. It's shameful that
    is claiming 75% of
    parents want to be back in-person now: when only about 300K out of 1.1 mil families submitted their preference by Thursday & at least 2/3rds of those families chose to go fully remote. None of this is equitable or just.

  16. City Hall still hasn’t figured out how to deliver diplomas to high school seniors who graduated in June, but we’re supposed to believe they’ll deliver adequate cleaning supplies and PPE for every school?

  17. At least there is one politician with a brain out there. I said the same thing. Another issue is that we are assuming the kids are going to go in the 1 to 3 days a week they are supposed to. I know high school kids are just not going to go, saying, why should I bother going in for 1 day? Then they will fall more behind. Whatever they do it's going to be a disaster of epic proportions and disaster is a euphemism for this situation.

  18. Even a broken clock is accurate twice per day. My take on AOC. Devos is a moron. Still voting for Trump. Some of us just reject the democrats. Reasons have been stated. No need to repeat.

  19. Even that moron gets it.

  20. Just because you support a particular side doesn't mean everything about the other side doesn't make sense at times. Still voting Trump and so are many others I know.

  21. Trump won't do anything for state and local governments. Those are our jobs. Be prepared to battle for them. We need to mobilize.

  22. Are there any measures that would make this group "feel safe"? We are an essential service to children and communities. We live with inherent risk everyday. This is a new risk in life. TBH I wonder how many teachers posting this stuff go to parties, grocery stores, restaurants, etc. and then feel they don't have to go to their job like so many other essential workers do every day. I hate to say it but it borders on a sense of entitlement.

  23. Some things we should all voice (because just a handful of people saying it and sending emails is not enough) 1. How is it that there is no dine-in in the city but children can eat in a classroom? 2. Temperature checks are done daily for essential workers even restaurants on Long Island are doing daily Temperature checks but we will NOT have that? 3. Sports are being canceled (not to mention the safety measures for athletes) but we don't get those safety measures? 4. Carts are getting cleaned before people take them, you can't sit a any table in a restaurant until it is fully cleaned but there won't be any cleaning between classes? (Specifically for middle/high school where students are moving from classroom to classroom). 5 How is it that anywhere you go now, store, museum, doctors office, restaurant, CVS unless you wear a mask you are NOT ALLOWED IN, but we can't enforce that for students? (Perhaps a way to go about it is if a student suffers from something that prevents them from wearing a mask all day they should be put in a separate class along with other students like that). Why do staff have to be exposed to that or other students??? Its not right. There are many more questions that should be brought up to have some sort of safety measures in the buildings. Let's all work together

  24. AOC told a funny...about the soap.

    I know of some parents who did not fill out the form for remote learning. They are still undecided. They still have another 4 weeks to make a decision. I know the numbers that the Mayor is throwing out there are not correct.

    Finally, I am voting for Trump because Biden and his VP-future President, are even a bigger joke.

  25. Trump is the new Herbert Hoover.

    This is the website that shows positivity rate by zip code in NYC. Scroll down a bit.

  26. I just listened to the mayor and chancellor news conference recording. I think the air quality in hall ways and stair wells are a huge problem bit being addressed. The halls in my building only have 1 window in each. The hallways have terrible air quality you must travel to get to classrooms. The stairwells don't have windows that open. It's going to be a germ fest.

  27. The fact that we have to beg mulgrew to do something, anything, says it all.

  28. This is my question...If today was September 7, and everything was the same, what would you be doing tomorrow?

  29. If COVID-19 becomes a twin risk during flu season, the health care system will struggle to fight both at once. Limiting the virus' impact requires us to rethink how we confront respiratory pathogens in the winter

  30. I would not go in to any building

  31. Thank you AOC! Finally a politician with common sense!

  32. And a teacher death...TEACHER DIES FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL: Nacoma James, 42, beloved middle school teacher from Lafayette County Mississippi coached student football workout days before school started, got sick/quarantined, passed away Thursday.

  33. I try to see the best in people. AOC has a lot of potential, I really like her and recently sent her a check. I’m not a fan of her squad though. That said, I believe many should try to relook at Trump, objectively. I don’t think many will be able to do so - I found it very difficult. That virus was sent here purposely to stop Trump from being re- elected. (China is buying up all the world’s natural resources and we will have a war with them, sooner rather than later.) Trump is trying to help Hong Kong and he’s trying to help the unemployed. He’s also pro-life and anti-Planned Parenthood - the biggest racist eugenics program in the country - their founders statute was removed, but her (Sanger’s) policies remain. I promised my ultra-conservative friend that if Trump helped Hong Kong, he’d get my vote. If Trump could just keep his big mouth shut and show some empathy, he would win by a landslide. His buffoonery repulses everyone, especially me. But then there’s the Dems. Biden and the Democrats are turning everyone completely off - no White folks are going out of their way to vote for Biden, especially if he makes race a prerequisite for his VP. Pick the best candidate regardless of race. Biden is the racist. As for public school funding - it’s completely f—ked, regardless of which party wins. NYC is doomed unless deBlasio is pulled out before the next wave, but Cuomo will fiddle while enjoying the show.

  34. But open schools? Uft?

    Air flow is a constant concern.

    This is why we’ve been much more forthright in reopening outdoor activities.

    Allowing diners to sit maskless for an extended period of time in a restaurant where the AC could silently spread coronavirus is a risk we cannot yet take.

  35. New Zealand has now gone 101 days without any community transmission of the coronavirus, and life in the country has largely returned to normal – an experience far different from the havoc that the virus is causing elsewhere in the world.

    "Achieving 100 days without community transmission is a significant milestone, however, as we all know, we can't afford to be complacent," Dr. Ashley Bloomfield, New Zealand's director-general of health, said in a statement Sunday.

    "We have seen overseas how quickly the virus can re-emerge and spread in places where it was previously under control, and we need to be prepared to quickly stamp out any future cases in New Zealand," he continued. "Every person in the team of 5 million has a role to play in this."

    On Monday, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, called New Zealand "a global exemplar."

    How has New Zealand been so successful? Experts point to its quick work in isolating any cases that emerged.

    "We got on top of the clusters and isolated them before there were too many of them," epidemiologist Brian Cox at the University of Otago in Dunedin told NPR. "Once we realized it was a cluster epidemic, we worked really hard to isolate people that were infected and quarantine the rest of the people in that person's network. And we managed to achieve that for all the clusters that had developed."

  36. We are doing just the opposite of New Zealand here.

  37. "Every person in the TEAM of 5 million has a role to play in this". This my friends is an example of great. Less talking and more Action.

  38. I don't understand why no one is calling out the mayor and chancellor with the BS numbers they are putting out. He's saying 76% are going back, basing his numbers on people that did not respond yet. Teachers 85% are going back but said 26% applied for accommodations. Someone needs to set the record straight and the media is reporting this???

  39. To 5:35:00 PM (and other Trump supporters in the comments)

    You sent AOC a check and yet you want to reelect Trump? And you think that China invented a virus that disabled their own economy, and most of the world's economy, for the express purpose of getting rid of Trump? I am someone who almost never posts on the Internet but I think your worldview is unreasonable and self-contradictory.

    The truth, born by history, is that only the Democratic party (and definitely not all of it) supports teacher's unions (and unions in general, and the ability of workers to organize). You can't pretend the decision here doesn't matter. One side wants to privatize the schools, the other, mostly, doesn't.

    And Trump's Coronavirus response has been horrible. NYC's reaction was atrocious, but we were caught "by surprise". The US ranks #10 in deaths per capita, but it is the only country in the top 10 where 1000+ people STILL DIE, on average, EVERY DAY, and where testing STILL CAN TAKE MORE THAN A WEEK. That is an epic failure of national leadership, pure and simple.

  40. @ 6:52,
    Please don’t classify me according to your preconceived ideas or those developed by the media and/or our two-party system The Republicans and Democrats are exactly the same, so I have to look at people on an individual level, whether that be AOC or Trump. As bad is Trump is, he is nowhere as bad as having somebody who is either severely brain-damaged or a puppet for someone else. Don’t think China would wreck their own economy to rid itself of a strong American leader? Have you been following what they have been doing to their own people which include citizens of Hong Kong, Muslims, Christians and ethnic minorities? Need an organ transplant? And let’s no forget about Tibet or Kashmir.
    Democrats were once the friends of teachers and the middle class. That’s party is dead. The Democrats party is now totally exclusive, like the UFTs Unity Party, and do not allow for any variation in their populist beliefs - whether that be abortion or race baiting. Is Cuomo better than Trump? He directly caused thousands of deaths in nursing homes and blamed it on Trump. He will purposely close public schools and give those buildings and students to Eva. I think you’re going to be very surprised again at the results of the next election. A vote for Trump is a vote for Winston Churchill during World War II . Cheers.😘

  41. And the selfish continue to disregard the actions of some of our selfless Americans: our hospital staff. But hey, your taxes are lower.

  42. New Zealand is one country, The US is more like 50 independent states that can do what they want. If every state was doing what NY did, we'd be in a different place right now.


  43. Mayor of Greenwich, MA
    · 2h
    BREAKING: Cherokee Cty. GA Over 16 schools: 484 students & 21 school staff now test positive for COVID-19.

  44. @7:18:
    > "Please don’t classify me according to your preconceived ideas"
    My mistake. Next time, I will make sure I don't have any ideas before I reply.

    > "Don’t think China would wreck their own economy to rid itself of a strong American leader?"
    A stunning geopolitical strategy.

    >"He will purposely close public schools"
    I was concerned he would accidentally close them.

    "A vote for Trump is a vote for Winston Churchill during World War II"
    Churchill was appointed, not elected, Prime Minister.

  45. does this violate article 10.e of our contract that guarantees “appropriate recognized standards of workplace sanitation, cleanliness, adequate heating and ventilation”? We all agree Nurses are capable of identifying such “standards” so let’s listen to them and stop

    Grieve? We cant, uft dropped the. Pay dues...?

  46. We can't file grievances, uft dropped them for months. We have no rights. That is the new uft contract. Wanna walk out? Wanna opt out? Wanna die from covid? Want mulgrew negotiating for you? Time is running out.

  47. @7:18,
    Well, at least you didn’t base your whole attack on grammar and spelling. Semantics or slightly better. So Biden is better than Trump. Biden is better than Cuomo. China respects its people and us. The virus magically appeared and the deaths are all Trump’s fault. The Democrats will save us all and our public schools. And let’s not forget, the decisions we make matter, so ignore the electoral college and the UFT. (Oh yes, and Winnie was appointed and not elected - not sure what would have been his landslide victory wouldn’t have mattered. Perhaps, Trump will discuss it on Nov.5th when the UK awards him another bust of their most beloved leader, ever..) Enjoy the first day of school, that our Democratic Governor has green lighted, our Democratic Mayor deBlasio’s wonderfully clean and safe free mass transit and the our nations safest streets. Cheers.

  48. You want to engage in name calling? ok. I'll join the playpen. If you vote for Biden you must be a pedophile and rapist of adult women. I'm just following your logic. Sniff or touch any kids lately? You are who you support. You Bidn voters must also looooove Antifa. You just love the brick throwing cop hating mob. You love the idea of black people being shot on a regular in dem run cities. In fact I think you all secretly want black people dead.

  49. Anybody see the looting in chicago? See 1 white person? Nah. Remember , the dems said those were starving people looking for bread.

  50. Back to AOC's tweet, it's based on a false premise. Indoor dining is perfectly safe especially when the protocols (space between tables and occupancy limits) are followed.

  51. Then why don't we have indoor dining in NYC? Because people who are mostly adults won't follow rules. Our kids in schools? Need I say more? Totally unsafe and will start a second wave of infections if schools reopen.

  52. Coming from this looney toon who shut down amazon which would have created billions. She tweeted that she wants businesses to stay closed regardless of the people it may affect to basically hurt the chances of Trump being re-elected. This tweet was nothing to jump for joy about it just fit her bartender narrative. You put republicans in all spots democrats are here and there is noooooooooooo chance in this galaxy they do worse than what we are experiencing. Good luck trying to sell me otherwise!

    1. I don't think they have done better. The United States is no longer united. The leader is out to lunch. Where's the national plan to beat covid? But hey taxes are lower and you can grab a beer without social distancing or wearing a mask. Ahhh we sure are great

  53. oh boy at @6:52 stay hidden watching MSDNC and crazy Maddow. Trump has been on this since January when DEms were on their third round of fake impeachments. Know who was late?? hmmmm Pelosi in feb-march begging people to shop in china town, dibalsio/cuomo here. How many thousands did Cuomo kill in nursing homes including my 94 yr old holocaust surviving great uncle.

    Pelosi admitted China wants Biden, of course they do the bumbling moron is old and weak! His son Hunter let's not forget got millions from China (imagine if Trumps sons or daughters did that!) There is no president who is going to look after public schools, I need a president looking for law and order and safety of our kids. BLM, the dem party (aoc, omar, talib, etc) want to dismantle this country with 6 trillion green new deal and defunding police hows that working in chicago, portland, seattle. Wake up republicans are far from perfect but at our current state republicans worst day is the democrats best!

  54. Please check the death totals for the USA and compare to other countries. Friends landed at JFK in the middle of March and faced no extra scrutiny coming into USA. Thank you Trump. Try as you may to blame Pelosi, Trump runs the federal bureaucracy including the Department of lHomeland Security. I can't stand Maddow and MSNBC.

  55. Lawyers for Innocence Project condemn democrat Kamala Harris' unethical and disgusting behavior as prosecutor. She knowingly prosecuted innocent black men. Republican Trump gets the First Step Act passed....ya know freeing black guys that Biden's crime bill and Harris put in prison. It's not just about lower taxes. Some of us have become woke to the evil ways of democrats. AOC like the rest of today's left is anti free speech. Let's cancel everyone we disagree with..... or accept the fact that free speech means hearing shit we don't like. I can't ignore the fact that democrats Obama, Cuomo, and progressive dems Deblasio, Carranza not only never supported unionized teachers but actively put policies in place to hurt us. Whatever lists are made of bad things politicians do I guarantee there's no problem with filling those lists with names of republicans and democrats alike. We teachers have pretty much picked our presidential candidate. No one is changing their mind. So now let's focus on fighting democrats Mulgrew, DeBlasio and Cuomo since that's who is working against us right now. The next NYC mayor will probably be another Rudy or Bloomy thanks to DeBozo's mess. Then we can even the score by fighting with republicans. Teachers have no friends in politics. They all want to take from us. Red or blue doesn't matter who. We are alone and fighting amongst ourselves over 2 douchebags named Biden and Trump. Are we really going to continue fighting over who is the biggest douchebag?

  56. Churchill did indeed win massive popular support, his appointment is a moot point and indeed tantamount to semantics. Amazingly, they’re are many real comparisons between him and Trump - I however believe Trump is a much leader than Churchill (slimmer too, without the alcoholism as well) and Trump will be remembered as such. This war is much more subtle and was an military action of aggression by the Chinese. A full blown open war with China is a real possibilities. The Chinese deserve no less. Biden, the Dems and the UFT are weak, fawning and useless - in the same vein as Chamberlain. I agree with 10:27’s point basic points on the weakness of classification and identity politics. If you have someone who refuses to be classified, they are labeled self contradictory. Don’t wait for a savior from the Dems or the Republicans; it’s not happening.

    1. Churchill's Conservative Party lost the 1945 and 1950 election and they barely won in 1951. (Where's Chuchill loathing Bronx ATR?)

      Churchill (even Bronx ATR may concede) united the British people during the worst part of WWII. Trump has managed to divide the US during this big crisis.

  57. OMG! How are we not in agreement that both republicans and democrats failed us on coronavirus? Neither side wanted to stop all flights to the US when this started. Trump shuts off China too late and democrats go nuts and scream racism. Cuomo complains about Europe months later as if he gets all his info from the president and had no idea the virus was in Europe until NY was knee deep in it. Inept and corrupt. 2 adjectives that describe both parties,

    1. Yes @10:46 am. Unfortunately we have to pick one. I just pray that whoever wins will focus on unifying this country. It's a steaming pot of chit right now.

  58. In a world gone helter-skelter,
    Trolls assert that Trump is svelter

    On this question they're mistaken.
    Churchill had to ration bacon.

  59. Hi James,
    Lol. Love this! You must have a lot of new, different and high quality readers lol. Would make a fascinating paper - Compare and Contrast Trump and Churchill. I have to gather my thoughts. I’ll get back to you.

  60. We don't choose who we want to be president, we choose who we don't want to be president.

  61. JAMES please already the MEDIA has divided this country more than ever now. Trump is imperfect, when you have 8 major news stations spewing 98% hate and negative news of course that's going to divide further. That also fits perfectly in the left divide and conquer, fear mongering, pandering to black vote. This country has always been divided, when have 1/2 black president and a complicit 8 year media it seems better than it is.

  62. Q.what do i call Trump's message of alarming his constituents about dooms day if he's not re-elected?
    A. Pandering to white the white vote.
    Pot meet keetle. Yes. The country has always been divided. It has been known by many people for centuries. However these people were yelled at, denounced as un-American and angry,etc. Im curious. What's united about the united states of america? Or better yet. When was america great (Trump's phrase)?

  63. So leave the country. Why don't the rioters leave? The world is a big place.

  64. @9:41pm...maybe folks would prefer to stay and fix it. Running away isn't the only option. The world is huge.

  65. W4S...America was great when blue collar workers were paid a decent wage and had good benefits. When a defined pension benefit wasn't extinct in the private sector. When one parent working could support a family. When the idea of a father being in the house wasn't 50/50. Or how about more recently in NYC when it used to be relatively safe playing handball in broad daylight or pushing your baby in a stroller. Or when snowflakes were just a form of precipitation. Keep focusing on taxes and ignoring Trump's first step act that freed black men....ignoring Biden's racist comments and Harris' history of putting black men in jail for marijuana and keeping them in jail for the free labor. Ignore that a women of color (Tulsi) exposed Harris for the hypocrite she is. Ignore that another woman of color (Harris) pointed out Biden's racist tendencies even though she claimed he's not a racist. You're not a racist tried to stop poor little girl me from getting on that bus to a white school.... and other acts that MSM would call racist if it came from a conservative. If calling out the dem's support of mob ruled snowflake cancel culture, violent criminals owning the streets and American blue collar jobs going to other countries is pandering to the whites, what does that say about your view about non whites. And what about Asians? Where do they fit in to this narrative? Are they on the white side? Are they being pandered to? I doubt you've met many black suburbanites. To use Biden terminology, they ain't on board with the chaos and bible burning and Jesus trashing. But then again they ain't really black according to joe if they don't vote for him. But look on the bright side if Biden wins your taxes will be higher. Free reign in white antifa crime, nonviolent black men still imprisoned for marijuana, violent black (and white) rioters roaming free, no free speech and higher taxes. Where do I sign up? The fact is America is about to reject the lefty craziness enabled by the democratic establishment's silence and re elect Trump. How do I know? The philly suburbs are running scared. Gun stores can't keep up with the demand in Michigan and PA and the democrats keep telling them everything is fine. Sorry W4S but you're going to have to learn to live with 4 more years of lower taxes.

  66. @5:58...Trump panders to the fears of his base yet he demands that public school teachers--like yourself--return to a petri dish. He fans the flames of division instead of unification. Science means nothing to him. He surrounds himself with idiots, warmongers, and cheats (his words not mine) and believes antifa are good people. He's ill prepared to lead. He couldn't care less about working class folks. He understands the fear of some whites and acts on their fears. As we near election day he will ratchet up this fear mongering. If he's reelected so be it. I have a vote. You have a vote. See ya on election day. USA. USA. USA.

  67. Schools are not supposed to open if they are not safe. And that includes the deadly seasonal flu which the New York Times has warned us about again today in an ominous article regarding the looming 'twindemic'. So even if the numbers for Covid in NY are way way down (and they are), upcoming flu season (starting in December) will be worse than the current situation.

    If Covid right now in NYC is too dangerous to teach, flu season alone is too dangerous to teach (seasonal flu in NYC is much less severe than Covid at its peak in NYC, but obviously much more severe than our current NYC Covid situation). Adding them together ('twindemic') does not equal safe to teach.

    No way I'm teaching during a 'twindemic'. It is not safe.


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