Friday, September 11, 2020


The UFT didn't urge members to walk out of dangerous school buildings in March and sent people into schools for useless staff Development that could have been done at home. Now, it is happening again in September. 

UFTers are truly the guinea pigs, canaries in the coal mine or whatever you want to call it.

Please watch President Michael Mulgrew's Facebook video address. He complains about how some of the schools aren't ready for students because they are in deplorable condition. Some are no better than in March. He then argues that PPE is missing in some schools. He also says the protocols after a positive COVID-19 test aren't being followed. There's not too much contact tracing going on.

His solution for UFT members: Go right back into the same buildings on Monday, under the same guidelines the DOE-City have not been adhering to but keep sending in pictures and reports.

Read the top of the Facebook page for yourself:

It is commendable that Mulgrew is looking out for the children but he is paid quite handsomely to represent UFT members. 

Newsflash Mike: The schools are already open for UFTers.


  1. Anybody could've seen this coming.

  2. How the fuck can he say all that, then say just go back Monday and every other day?

    Kind of like how they fuck us every year and we all keep paying dues.

  3. He should be pushing for full remote instead of this bullshit stating teachers should go back into unsafe buildings. Totally obvious he does not care about union members.

  4. my school said they are not doing temperature checks on teachers until the kids start coming in.

  5. I am in agreement, but I just want to be clear. You say his solution for UFT members is to "Go right back into the same buildings on Monday" and then "Read the top of the Facebook page for yourself". But in the screenshot you provide it doesn't say that. I'm confused.

    1. It says, "If the city can't uphold its end of our agreement, we cannot allow schools to open up for children." They are already open up for staff and will be again on Monday.

  6. Remote only for schools that aren’t safe. Not every school is the same. Going 100% remote until June is a BIG mistake.

    1. No one said till June. We say until ALL buildings are safe. Have to stand together on this!!!!!!!!!

  7. Tottenville hs had a case today. Everyone that was in the same room as the person who tested positive went home today after finding out

  8. A Bronx elementary school had to be shut down after the city Education Department confirmed two people there tested positive for coronavirus.

    The school, PS 811X in Crotona Park, will remain closed for 24 hours under city COVID protocols that dictate closure when two cases are confirmed within seven days of each other in the same location.

    “As we get ready for in-person learning, we’ll stop at nothing to ensure principals, teachers and school staff have the protections they need to stay safe and prepare for the school year,” said Education Department spokeswoman Miranda Barbot. “We are putting people’s health above everything else by quickly identifying and isolating positive cases.”

    The Department of Education also confirmed Friday that a total of 17 other school workers throughout the city have tested positive since returning to work.

    The schools they work in did not however meet the threshold requirements for closure because they were isolated to one worker per individual school.

  9. Math teachers: We have had over 20 Covid_19 outbreaks in schools since Tuesday. That number is probably well short of the actual number of infections. There are roughly 60,000 teachers currently in schools (15,000 are remote from home). Now, in a week, we will add 700,000 students to the mix. So here’s the math question: How fucked are we?

  10. 10:09 - magic 8 ball says: "Totally"

    So glad to see Mulgrew standing in union with our teachers; he's right there with in the buildings facing the dangers we're facing... oh, wait, he's at home. nvm.

  11. My mistake, it initially looked like his home.
    Guess I've been lied to too many times that I'm just expecting it all the time now.

    Please - be very mindful of any symptoms this weekend. Coronavirus on average takes 5 days from exposure for symptoms to manifest. If you have any symptoms, use the health protocol and do not come in. Use Memorandum #2 and the days come from that and not your sickbank.

    Have a safe and healthy weekend everyone.

  12. Whenever I see a pic of Mulgrew certain adjectives jump to mind in this order - bullshit artist, ineffective, liar, immobile, unapproachable, bald, sheltered, indifferent, uncaring, self centered, carefully inarticulate, rich, corrupt and untrustworthy.

  13. Any spread right now falls on the individual teacher who either did not get tested, didn't wait for results, or was negligent in their own life possibly not wearing a mask, going on vacation, or any other at-risk activity. And we don't have an outbreak. we currently have 20 individuals(it will go up obviously) at 20 schools out of 1500. But what if it did spread to other teachers. Were those infected wearing masks, keeping a distance, or washing their hands? What about the others around them.

    If there is an outbreak among the teachers it is the individual teachers causing the outbreak. Not the city, not the chancellor, not even Mulgrew. They happened before arriving at the building. The buildings did not have the virus there waiting for us.

    You are seeing colleges have outbreaks. But again it's not the school causing it. it's the negligence of these students before they get there. A small percentage of of the current education infections happen at the school. And any that do happen because those people are negligent. Simply put, Follow the guidelines.

    I get it that some schools have ventilation problems. Those schools shouldn't open and that should have been taken care of years ago. But if we are honest with ourselves we as teachers have not represented ourselves as a whole that shows we are in any way essential and with talks of strikes, walk-outs and now possibly ignoring coronavirus guidelines we are seen as entitled workers.

    And for the record I agree the schools should be fully remote, but we are not and we need to do better with our responsibility.

  14. 7:57: Partly true. Yes these people had covid before starting work on Tuesday. This is why we should all start remotely, until it is wiped out or until there is a vaccine. Who knows who they spread it to.

    1. What if that takes 2-3 years? No good. There are many viruses that don’t even HAVE vaccines!

    2. teach ny...
      Do you have any concern for the well being of the first responders? They would love to NOT go through this again. They'd like to spend time with their families. Our medical personnel went to battle. I understand that we will probably be living with Covid for the foreseeable future. We all want to hit the bars, work out, party like it's 2019, see the entire face of people--not just their eyes (though I heard the eyes are the window to the soul and boy have i seen some scary eyes). Anyway, do you think we probably should be mindful and considerate of our neighbors and fellow citizens? If the schools are fully remote until November (Trump said he will have a vaccine by then) we can all skip into the schools--maskless. Life will be carefree and joyful. What say you?

  15. 7:57
    First, I agree to a good extent that with the proper protections being adhered to the spread of this virus would be limited. Unfortunately, people can be idiots. I know too many people who still think this is a hoax (unbelievable); or who think masks do nothing or make it worse.

    So even if the adults were perfect, the masks we have been provided with are not. The surgical masks we are provided with are loose fitting, and not 100% effective. "While a surgical mask may be effective in blocking splashes and large-particle droplets, a face mask, by design, does not filter or block very small particles in the air that may be transmitted by coughs, sneezes, or certain medical procedures. Surgical masks also do not provide complete protection from germs and other contaminants because of the loose fit between the surface of the mask and your face." -FDA

    Will anyone wear a mask for the full 6 hours and 50 minutes per day? Or will they take the mask off when "alone" and hence potentially contaminate the rooms?

    The biggest issue: asymptomatic students will be eating without masks in your classroom. I have been adamant in all my meetings since April that students should not eat in the classrooms, yet here we are. If there is already spreading now, just wait until the asymptomatic children who can't follow the rules and who will remove their masks to eat arrive on Sept. 21.

    Unity & Mulgrew should not have bent over on their original condition of 100% testing prior to entering the buildings.

  16. TeachNY: Simply put this virus is different; it shut down the World.

    Right now we are concerned with the next few months. Those few months will give the scientists more time to develop successful treatments and a vaccine.

    There is a risk of going into the buildings.
    Is the risk worth it for the blended learning model; so a student can be in a classroom one or two days a week?
    Will this model result in effective teaching - more effective than 100% remote at this point?

    I answer NO to each of those questions. I see the blended learning model as a complete waste of time for no purpose whatsoever. I feel waiting until we can be 100% onsite with our students is the correct choice here.

    1. Agreed �� we should be fully remote, it is not worth all the sickness and death that will occur not only for staff and students, but their families as well. There will be less learning going on then remote. Teachers and students will be worried about catching covid then actually learning 2 days a week in class. This teach ny guy he can go in if he likes I value my life. FULLY REMOTE UNTIL IT IS SAFE.

  17. 7:57 responding. The virus is a mutating virus. It will always be around in one form or another. A successful vaccine will protect us and give us partial immunity. That's the best we can hope for. Our best defense right now is following all the protocols.

    I say that knowing that school's will cause a spread of the virus. But when schools shut it spread wildly. It spread during the summer. It spread when college kids didn't follow the rules. It spread when people don't wear masks. We can close the schools but don't think that the pandemic will end because we are full remote.

    Now if those teacher's tested negative, then went back and tested positive a second time that's a criticism to our testing efficiency. If they didn't take the necessary pre-cautions before and while at the buildings then that's a criticism of their personal safety considerations. Now, we hope our contract tracing protocols are effective to identify any continuing infections.

    Responding to 1:03. This may be a case of people being idiots. That's why we as adults have to set the example and speak up when the rules aren't being followed.

    And I 100%, totally agree that in class meals has been and will always be the issue. It's a universally agreed mistake and besides not allowing talking during lunch which I am not sure we can that will be the biggest danger to all of us.

  18. The majority of Nyc kids are choosing remote. More will choose to do this and a lot of kids will stop showing up. Is what it is.

    The doe is making this more complex. For kids that want in person learning, require Covid tests on a weekly or monthly basis. The doe can afford this. They spend on de blasio and carranza to hire lackeys as asst superintendents who are paper pushers. They paid millions for sexual harassment law suits from bad principals. Pay for Covid tests and rapid results. End PD.

    For staff that chooses in person, require tests. Limit movement between classes and have these students go in a few days a week.

    For kids remote, have remote teachers prepare busy work.

    Why is this so difficult?

    I understand I’m applying logic to the doe and teaching(logic and teaching don’t mix), but this is not that complex.

    Sadly, our mayor and chancellor have the brain capacity of fruit flies and weingarten answers questions with questions or patting herself on the back.

  19. This video is truly disturbing when you take into account Mulgrew's press conference with medical professionals, then the 360 press conference Mulgrew had with the mayor, chancellor, CSA and DC-37 presidents.

    Mulgrew cannot have it both ways. He is playing games. He's done.

    Rejoin the union for those that pulled dues and vote on the next election. Vote Mulgrew and Unity out.

    Although it is good to express your feelings and thoughts, it will not lead to change. Voting matters.

  20. Reminder to eveyrone about the petition on UFT Solidarity says: Carranza Must Resign as NYC DOE Chancellor

  21. @9:58 pm..nah im good. Now Diblasio petition or Mulgrew petition I will do.


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