Saturday, September 05, 2020


 Thanks to a reader for sending this information our way. 

The 2020-2021 NYC school calendar is finally out. Our unofficial one was pretty good except no staff development on Election Day. It's now a regular fully remote instructional day but school will end on June 25, not June 28 for students. Still not totally sure about last teacher day.


  1. Are parent/teacher conferences going to be virtual or in person? Calendar wasn’t clear....

  2. There is a staff calendar that says last teacher day is also Friday, June 25.
    How do you think we won a day back? Is it part of spring break compensation from last year? Or is the DOE so stupid they just didn't notice that we're supposed to work that day?

    Here's an argument for the DOE just being stupid: they put the wrong date for Brooklyn/Queens day (NY law says that Brooklyn/Queens day can never be the same week as Memorial Day). Google has actually always had the wrong day, so maybe some dumbass at Tweed just Googled the holidays.

  3. Are you kidding me?! You really are clueless. I think you might just like getting a rise out of people. I can’t imagine someone being this oblivious.

    1. Hey, with the DOE anything is possible. I’m assuming we are in the building IN PERSON conduction p/t on the computer or making phone calls. Rude response.

  4. Comment 2:12pm is for TeachNY.

  5. What's going to happen when 1 in school teacher calls in absent? There's no more putting a sign on the door "report to the gym". Classes cannot be combined unless the total of the absent and teacher and the covering teacher is less than 12. Substitutes probably won't be available and who knows if the school has the budget to hire a sub or even pay for coverages. I've worked in plenty of schools where nearly half the staff was absent on any given day for all kinds of reasons. Most teachers are going to have their lunch third or fourth period meaning they will not be available to do coverages even if they could be paid. It's no state secret that teachers are absent at an alarming rate. No one is trying to save their sick bank days anymore they burn hrough their ten days every year. This will ultimately be the reason schools will have to go remote.

  6. In response to Anonymous 3:38:
    Teachers don't even need to do much sick banking this year. The DOE absence guidelines that James posted recently give teachers who have a fever or other COVID-like symptoms up to two weeks of absence at full pay without having to use CAR days.

    Oh, and on those random testing days each month, any teacher who comes up asymptomatic positive is on leave with full pay until they get clearance to return.

    Did I mention that we're already at major staff shortage even before any of these things happen?

  7. Under the circumstances, can they force a teacher to do coverages? Poster 3:38 is correct - there are sure to be a lot of absences. Under normal circumstance they will put pressure on teachers to do the coverages but I don't want to assume any more risk than I have to just because I am working in-person.

    1. With per session so curtailed there should be plenty of volunteers to do coverages. Still, everyone does 1 free per term and then "forced" coverages are rotated on reverse seniority basis.


  9. They took away all of our snow days. Says we're teaching remote when there is inclement weather.

  10. It's a travesty that election day is a remote instructional day during a presidential year.

    1. Why were you planning to vote in person at the polls on election day?

    2. Why wouldn't I or anyone vote at the polling place? If we are remote too that day it will make it easier to vote. And, anything beats PD.

  11. There are no snow dates built into the calendar this school year.

  12. 10:00: The doe said any snow dates will be done remotely.


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